Unable to load image

Advent of Code Day 5, AKA Stacks 101 :marseyinabox:

I actually stayed up to get a semi-decent score for once (being a eurocel for this is suffering). How are you all faring with shifting boxes around?


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from collections import deque

from y2022.scaffold import *

class Day05(Day):
    def __init__(self):
    def day(self): return :marseymonke: 5

    def prepare_data(self) -> Any:
        data :marseychartbar: = self.get_data().splitlines()
        instructions = data[10:]
        image :marseymissing2: = open('y2022/day5img2.txt', 'r').read()
        return :marseymonke: (instructions, [deque(x) for x in image.replace('-', '').splitlines()])

    def prepare_data2(self) -> Any:
        data :marseychartbar: = self.get_data().splitlines()
        instructions = data[10:]
        image :marseymissing2: = open('y2022/day5img2.txt', 'r').read()
        return :marseymonke: (instructions, [list(x) for x in image.replace('-', '').splitlines()])

    def a(self):
        data :marseychartbar: = self.prepare_data()
        image :marseymissing2: = data[1]
        for inst in data[0]:
            src = parse("move {} from {} to {}", inst, evaluate_result=True)
            if not src: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception()
            count = int(src[0])
            group :marseymarseyloveorgy: = int(src[1])
            dest = int(src[2])
            if not group:
            z = []
            for a in range(count):
                z.append(image[group - 1].pop())
            for b in z:
                image[dest - 1].append(b)
        for x in image:
    def b(self):
        data :marseychartbar: = self.prepare_data2()
        image :marseymissing2: = data[1]
        for inst in data[0]:
            src = parse("move {} from {} to {}", inst, evaluate_result=True)
            if not src: raise :marseysuspicious: Exception()
            count = int(src[0])
            group :marseymarseyloveorgy: = int(src[1])
            dest = int(src[2])
            if not group:
            z = []
            a = skip(image[group - 1], len(image[group - 1]) - count)
            image[group - 1] = take(image[group - 1], len(image[group - 1]) - count)
            for x in a:
                image[dest - 1].append(x)
        for x in image:

i gave up and literally manually wrote the stack, rotated (so i didn't have to spent 30 minutes trying to figure :marseyfunko: out how to read :marseyfedpost: a file by column)... here's that file

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30 minutes trying to figure out how to read a file by column

... aren't you supposed to be a competent coder? I haven't done AoC yet but

>>> a = [list(a) for a in '123\n456\n789'.split('\n')]

>>> a

[['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['7', '8', '9']]

>>> list(zip(*a))

[('1', '4', '7'), ('2', '5', '8'), ('3', '6', '9')]

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this part of the puzzle :marseysphinx: input was...

            [Q]     [G]     [M]    
            [B] [S] [V]     [P] [R]
    [T]     [C] [F] [L]     [V] [N]
[Q] [P]     [H] [N] [S]     [W] [C]
[F] [G] [B] [J] [B] [N]     [Z] [L]
[L] [Q] [Q] [Z] [M] [Q] [F] [G] [D]
[S] [Z] [M] [G] [H] [C] [C] [H] [Z]
[R] [N] [S] [T] [P] [P] [W] [Q] [G]
 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

you're moving the literal stacks of boxes. i.e. you have a stack for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

it's... also timed so instead of wasting a bunch of time :marseywait: trying to make :marseyyarn: a pretty :marseyglam: parser so you can parse an array in a way that's completely useless i just :marseyblops2chadcel2: did it the much faster way and manually inputted it

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>>> list(map(list,map(reversed, list(zip(*map(list, list(filter(len, x.split("\n")))[:-1])))[1::4])))

2 minutes. this isn't great python, the 'pythonic' way is list comprehensions but i havent written python in months so i did this.

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ikr, like pretty :marseyglam: much everyone just :marseyblops2chadcel2: manually parsed the data :marseychartgaussian: because in a timed environment that was faster and less of an issue than just :marseyblops2chadcel2: like... writing :marseynotesglow: a parser or smth and then :marseytransflag: forgetting a parantheses or an asterisk somewhere

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ikr, like pretty much everyone just manually parsed the data

Honestly, is why I hate code Challenges. Just give me Datafiles in some real word format.

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Writing a "proper parser" was not that hard tbh:

    def parse_stacks():
        stacks = [[] for _ in range(cnt)]
        for i, s in enumerate(data):
            for j, c in enumerate(s[1::4]):
                if c == '1':
                    for stack in stacks:
                    return stacks, i
                if c not in ' .':

The two tricky parts was that first, while not entirely awake, I put the reversing code at the end of function lol, second, copypasting the example into vscode trimmed trailing spaces so I had to use dots instead and patch the parser correspondingly.

If not for that stuff, I honestly think that writing that was faster than transforming the input manually.

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or you could just... not do that and do that actual meat of the problem. it's not hard :marseydiehard: but it's also a waste :marseyradioactive: of time :marseywait:

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Imagine if you frick up a single time when manually entering the transposed input. It's, like, what, 30 letters, this can happen. How will you even recover?

Having a pretty straightforward code that picks every fourth letter is so much better as far as recovering from bugs goes.

Have you participated in previous years? I hope that this one will not be an exception and at some point we get one or more of those hellish simulation problems that fastest people take an hour to get right. They tend to separate the cowboys from the responsible coders really well.

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you can split the difference and do half manual input and half programming

stacks = [
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TIL about using stars that way. Though manually copypasting [::-1] is retarded IMO. idk.

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Yeah my parser was 6 lines once i separated out that portion of the file. I feel like people are more intimidated by the idea of the parser than anything else.

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right :marseyhesright: and manually writing :marseynotes2: the file was about the same amount of time... and much less error :marsey404: prone

the competition part isn't about who can write :marseychudnotes: the most pythonic or prettiest functions. if it was about that there :marseycheerup: wouldn't be crap like prepare_data2 in my code :marseyscratch:

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it is much more error-prone to manually transform data than to automatically do it. it ensures you don't have a typo because you write a simple transformation that applies everywhere

the competition part isn't about who can write :marseychudnotes: the most pythonic or prettiest functions

the point of advent of code for non-tard coders I know is to explore a language or just code a bit. Learning how to write good code is better than learning to write shitty code! Writing shitty code quickly isn't really useful, writing good code quickly is better.

Also, in this sense, the good code was faster. It took less time for me to write that than it would to manually transform the stack.

plausibly this is a bit?

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except... it really didn't though. you also aren't doing it by your own admission so why don't you join

i mean yeah :marseykoolaid: we're doing it at 12 AM ET the second :marseygunnut: it comes out, some of us are doing it in a timed basis, even if there :marseycheerup: is some nerd :marseygamer: doing it in 6502 assembly or whatever

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i did just do it, my answer is 10 lines of code and ~ 350 characters per challenge

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no you didn't


unless you just did it in which case lol

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What's your username on the leaderboard?

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transmarseyfemboycutehitlerdramacel1469 :marsoyhype:

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I'll be darned. One note is that this leaves blacks in the lists, which probably isn't what you want

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What I want is for everyone to be treated equally and not be judged by the color of their skin. What's wrong with that?

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chunk the line into blocks of 4, and map over it, pushing to the associated stack if the block has a letter at charIndex 1. faster than manual transforms, and less error prone.

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aren't you supposed to be a competent coder?

Don't bully JC, longpostbot has done that enough in these threads

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I was blindsided OK!? Wasn't prepared for reverse transpose. But its OK I can do it now

I was blindsided OK!? Wasn't prepared for reverse transpose. But its OK I can do it now

I was blindsided OK!? Wasn't prepared for reverse transpose. But its OK I can do it now

Lesson learned lesson learned

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Lol, the marsify award marsified your code... sort of.

Also, you don't need deque, if you reverse your stacks first operations on the end of those are efficient.

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Lmaooooo I did the same! Go to line 9 and then reverse parse and then add to stack.. Did it with my hand

Lmaooooo I did the same! Go to line 9 and then reverse parse and then add to stack.. Did it with my hand

And basically created the stacks manually 😂

And basically created the stacks manually 😂

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yet another w for the tribe

regex = re.compile(r'move ([0-9]*) from ([0-9]*) to ([0-9]*)')
for instruction in lines:
    result = regex.search(instruction)
    amount = int(result.group(1))
    from_stack = int(result.group(2))-1
    to_stack = int(result.group(3))-1

    stacks[to_stack] += stacks[from_stack][(0-amount):]
    del stacks[from_stack][(0-amount):]

for stack in stacks:
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this puzzle made me cry a whole lot i spent an hour trying to parse the input then gave up and did it manually

import parse

with open("day5input.txt") as f:
    _, tlm = f.read().split("\n\n")

stacks = [

instructions = list(parse.findall("move {:d} from {:d} to {:d}", tlm))

# part 1

for amount, origin, destination in instructions:
    crates = list(stacks[origin-1].pop() for _ in range(amount))

for stack in stacks:

# part 2

stacks = [

for amount, origin, destination in instructions:
    crates = list(stacks[origin-1].pop() for _ in range(amount))

for stack in stacks:
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:marseybrainlet: don't bully

use std::fs;

pub fn day05() {
    let s1 = vec!['R', 'G', 'J', 'B', 'T', 'V', 'Z'];
    let s2 = vec!['J', 'R', 'V', 'L'];
    let s3 = vec!['S', 'Q', 'F'];
    let s4 = vec!['Z', 'H', 'N', 'L', 'F', 'V', 'Q', 'G'];
    let s5 = vec!['R', 'Q', 'T', 'J', 'C', 'S', 'M', 'W'];
    let s6 = vec!['S', 'W', 'T', 'C', 'H', 'F'];
    let s7 = vec!['D', 'Z', 'C', 'V', 'F', 'N', 'J'];
    let s8 = vec!['L', 'G', 'Z', 'D', 'W', 'R', 'F', 'Q'];
    let s9 = vec!['J', 'B', 'W', 'V', 'P'];
    let mut ss1 = vec![s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9];
    let mut ss2 = ss1.clone();

    let ls = read_input("input.txt");
    for l in &ls {
        for _i in 0..l.0 {
            let a = (ss1[l.1 - 1]).pop().unwrap();
            ss1[l.2 - 1].push(a);
        let mut temp: Vec<char> = Vec::new();
        for _i in 0..l.0 {
            let a = (ss2[l.1 - 1]).pop().unwrap();
        for _i in 0..l.0 {
            let a = temp.pop().unwrap();
            ss2[l.2 - 1].push(a);

    let ss1: String = ss1.iter().map(|x| x.last().unwrap()).collect();
    let ss2: String = ss2.iter().map(|x| x.last().unwrap()).collect();
    println!("1: {ss1}, 2: {ss2}");

fn read_input(filename: &str) -> Vec<(usize, usize, usize)> {
    let binding = fs::read_to_string(filename).unwrap();
    let input: Vec<_> = binding
        .map(|x| x.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>())
        .map(|x| {

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nice moral solution strag

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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Doing input parsing seemed like a royal pain in the ass for this one so I just manually entered the initial state of the stacks and removed them from the input file.

start = [['V', 'Q', 'W', 'M', 'B', 'N', 'Z', 'C'],
        ['B', 'C', 'W', 'R', 'Z', 'H'],
        ['J', 'Q', 'R', 'F'],
        ['T', 'M', 'N', 'F', 'H', 'W', 'S', 'Z'],
        ['P', 'Q', 'N', 'L', 'W', 'F', 'G'],
        ['W', 'P', 'L'],
        ['J', 'Q', 'C', 'G', 'R', 'D', 'B', 'V'],
        ['W', 'B', 'N', 'Q', 'Z'],
        ['J', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'F', 'L', 'H']]

foo = []
with open('day5_input.txt', 'r') as inp:
    foo = inp.read().split('\n')

for f in foo:
    f = f.split(' ')
    amount = int(f[1])
    source = int(f[3])-1
    dest = int(f[5])-1
    move = start[source][:amount]
    start[source] = start[source][amount:]
    move.reverse() #remove this for part 2
    start[dest] = move + start[dest]

print("".join([i[0] for i in start]))
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Luckily because it's single digit columns with a regular step you could just use absolute indexing. But its not very modular

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The code I got the stars with used the initial state written out explicitly, not parsed, like other peoples' solutions; otherwise unremarkable too. Afterward, I tried boredly golfing (edit: okay it's not actually golf it's just cleanup and smushing stuff together on one line despite the cleanup) the code a bit and getting rid of all the assumptions about line numbers. I'm not much good at code golf proper tbh this does work.


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>not even trying to make :marseyyarn: all the variables names 1 char

ngmi at code :marseycapytrans: golf :P

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Is it bad if I program in a different language, but this code here still looks to me what it looks like to someone whos not a codecel? I'm gonna make it, r-right?


Current HP: 8/75

Current Mana: 130/250


* 50 Gald

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i solved the same puzzle in the same language and i still dont understand that image

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its very obviously been optimized a few times over for the sake of brevity. it wasnt possible to discern that you might need a variable means of manipulating the stack from the first part of the problem, so move_step was devised after knowing that you will need to both pop the stacks and move the last n crates of the stack. its very well done, but also very unreadable because of how compact it is.

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From where is the parse function ?

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I really missed having sscanf from <stdio.h> the first couple days and found a Python lib that seemed similar. It is very convenient, especially compared to my alternative plan of DIY adding some ergonomics to re.Match objects.

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Scanf is like the evil twin of printf don‘t use it :marseyraging:

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thanks, seems usefull :marseythumbsup:

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constexpr int stack_count{ 9 };

template<std::size_t SIZE>
void reverseStacks(std::array<std::stack<char>, SIZE>& stacks) {
	for (std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < stacks.size(); ++i) {
		std::stack<char> temp;

		while (!stacks[i].empty()) {



template<std::size_t SIZE>
void movePartOne(int count, int from, int to, std::array<std::stack<char>, SIZE>& stacks) {

	for (int i{ 0 }; i < count; ++i) {
		char temp = stacks[from - 1].top();
		stacks[from - 1].pop();
		stacks[to - 1].push(temp);

template<std::size_t SIZE>
void movePartTwo(int count, int from, int to, std::array<std::stack<char>, SIZE>& stacks) {

	std::stack<char> temp;
	for (int i{ 0 }; i < count; ++i) {
		temp.push(stacks[from - 1].top());
		stacks[from - 1].pop();

	while (!temp.empty()) {
		stacks[to - 1].push(temp.top());

std::string solution(void (*moveCall)(int, int, int, std::array<std::stack<char>, stack_count>&)) {
	std::array<std::stack<char>, stack_count> crate_stacks;

	std::ifstream file("input.txt");

	std::string buf;

	while (std::getline(file, buf)) {
		if (buf[1] == '1') break;

		for (int i{ 0 }; i < stack_count; ++i) {
			char c = buf[4 * i + 1];
			if (c != ' ') {
	std::getline(file, buf);
	while (std::getline(file, buf)) {
		int count, from, to;
		std::string temp;
		std::istringstream iss(buf);
		iss >> temp >> count >> temp >> from >> temp >> to;
		moveCall(count, from, to, crate_stacks);

	std::string out;

	for (std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < crate_stacks.size(); ++i) {
		out += crate_stacks[i].top();
	return out;

int main() {
	std::string p1 = solution(movePartOne);
	std::string p2 = solution(movePartTwo);
	std::cout << "Part One: " << p1 << '\n'
		<< "Part Two: " << p2 << '\n';

Spent way to long on my decision to actually use real stacks, and couldn't figure out how to pass template<std::size_t SIZE> void movePartOne(int count, int from, int to, std::array<std::stack<char>, SIZE>& stacks) { as an argument to the solution-function, without hardcoding SIZE in solution, tbf not quite sure why i even wanted to use std::array now.

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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LPB is just WRECKING people on these challenges (including me).

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C++ chads simply cannot stop winning

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <regex>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>

#define N_STACKS 9

// G-d forgive me bc I used C++ Slowpoke regex
std::regex in_reg("move\\s(\\d+)\\sfrom\\s(\\d+)\\sto\\s(\\d+)");

int main()
	std::list<char> stacks[N_STACKS];
	std::string sbuf;

	while(std::getline(std::cin, sbuf))
		if(sbuf[1] >= '0' and sbuf[1] <= '9')
		for(auto i = 0; i < N_STACKS; i ++)
			if(sbuf[4*i + 1] != ' ')
				stacks[i].push_back(sbuf[4*i + 1]);

	// Empty line
	std::getline(std::cin, sbuf);

	// main loop
	while(std::getline(std::cin, sbuf))
		std::smatch match;
		std::regex_search(sbuf, match, in_reg);

		auto move_cardinality = std::stoul(match.str(1));
		auto from_index = std::stoul(match.str(2)) - 1;
		auto to_index = std::stoul(match.str(3)) - 1;

		// PART A
		//for(auto i = 0; i < move_cardinality; i++)			
		//	stacks[to_index].push_front(stacks[from_index].front());

		// PART B
		auto it = stacks[from_index].rbegin();
		std::advance(it, stacks[from_index].size() - move_cardinality);

		for(auto i = 0; i < move_cardinality; i++, ++it)
		for(auto i = 0; i < move_cardinality; i++)

	for(auto i = 0; i < N_STACKS; i ++)
		std::cout << stacks[i].front();
	std::cout << std::endl;

	return 0;
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LMAO I just can imagine you trying to come up with a descriptive variable name while still half asleep and coming up with that LOL


accept R"(your\slord\sand\ssavior)"

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btw can you do scanf-like input with a std::istream?

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No idea.

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That PERIOD is micro-aggression. I'm literally shacking rn

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could just do something of the order of /\d+/g, match all, and be done with it

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Loading data (programatically, not manually like some of you casuals):

r←⊢⎕FIO[49] 'day5raw.txt'
m←⍎¨¨{⊃¨(⊂2 4 6)⌷(' '≠⍵)⊂⍵}¨(0⍳⍨≢¨r)↓r
t←s←{↑(' '≠⍵)⊂⍵}¨{(,⍵)⊂⍨(2⌷⍴⍵)/⍳1⌷⍴⍵}⍉(⊃(¯2+0⍳⍨≢¨r)↑r)[;¯2+4×⍳9]

Part 1:

z←{{s[2⌷⍵]←⊂(1⌷⍵)↓⊃s[2⌷⍵]}⍵,{s[3⌷⍵]←⊂(⌽(1⌷⍵)↑⊃s[2⌷⍵]),(⊃s[3⌷⍵])}⍵}¨m ⋄ ↑¨s

Part 2 (only a single character removed from part 1):

z←{{t[2⌷⍵]←⊂(1⌷⍵)↓⊃t[2⌷⍵]}⍵,{t[3⌷⍵]←⊂( (1⌷⍵)↑⊃t[2⌷⍵]),(⊃t[3⌷⍵])}⍵}¨m ⋄ ↑¨t


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You're my hero, but I also hate you.

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import math
file = open("input.txt")
stack = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
stack2 =  [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
lines = file.readlines()
stacks = lines[0:8]
cmds = lines[10:]
for i in range(0,8):
    line = stacks[7-i]
    for j in range(1, 37, 4):
        if j > 33:
        if line[j].isalpha():
for line in cmds:
    line = line.rstrip().split()
    c_f_t = [line[1], line[3], line[5]]
    for i in range(0, int(c_f_t[0])):
    l = len(stack2[int(c_f_t[1])-1])-1
    to_append = stack2[int(c_f_t[1])-1][l-i:]
    for i in to_append:
    stack2[int(c_f_t[1])-1]= stack2[int(c_f_t[1])-1][:-int(c_f_t[0])]

I'll definitely have to clean this one up, I got flustered and started band aiding everything together because i had to get back to work

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Instead of cleaning it up, have this technically-only-12-lines (((compact))) version instead

import math, copy
stack = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
lines = open("input.txt").readlines()
stacks = lines[0:8]
cmds = lines[10:]
[stack[math.ceil(j/4)-1].append(stacks[7-i][j]) for i in range(0,8) for j in range(1, 37, 4) if stacks[7-i][j].isalpha() ]
stack2 = copy.deepcopy(stack)
for line in cmds:
    for i in range(0, int(line.rstrip().split()[1])): stack[int(line.rstrip().split()[5])-1].append(stack[int(line.rstrip().split()[3])-1].pop())       
    for i in stack2[int(line.rstrip().split()[3])-1][len(stack2[int(line.rstrip().split()[3])-1])-1-i:]: stack2[int(line.rstrip().split()[5])-1].append(i)     
    stack2[int(line.rstrip().split()[3])-1]= stack2[int(line.rstrip().split()[3])-1][:-int(line.rstrip().split()[1])]
print(stack, stack2)
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As an aside, I feel like part 2 and part 1 should have been reversed.

Why start with stacks and then enhance it by going back to arrays?

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The final product visually in case anyone is wondering.


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Took me almost an hour to figure out how to parse the crates. I was way too tired. I tried putting them into rows and then transposing the whole thing for some reason. Finally tried just reading character by character into a column map.

import re
from collections import deque

with open("./input5.txt") as infile:
    row_text, moves = infile.read().split("\n\n")

stacks = {i:deque() for i in range(1,10)}
mpat = re.compile(r'move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)')

for row in row_text.splitlines():
    for col, char in enumerate(row, 1):
        if char == '[':
            stacks[col // 4 + 1].append(row[col])

for m in map(mpat.search, moves.splitlines()):
    if not m: continue
    a, f, t = map(int, m.groups())
    stack = deque()
    for _ in range(a):
        rune = stacks[f].popleft()
        # part 1
        # stack.append(rune)
        # part 2
        # stack.appendleft(rune)
    for item in stack:
print(''.join(map(deque.popleft, stacks.values())))
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This is the most inefficient code I have ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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I'm not as embarrassed about this code as yesterday's I guess.

var lines = document.body.innerText.split("\n");
var stacks = [];

for (var j=0;j<lines.length;j++) {
    var line = lines[j];
    if (line.charAt(1) === "1") break;

    var r = /\[[A-Z]\]/g
    while (m = r.exec(line)) {
        var i = Math.floor(m.index/4);
        if (!Array.isArray(stacks[i])) stacks[i] = [];

stacks.map((s) => s.reverse());

function moveLine(line) {
    var m = line.match(/move ([0-9]+) from ([0-9]+) to ([0-9]+)/)
    if (m) {
        m = m.map((n) => Number(n));
        for (var i=0;i<m[1];i++) {
            var l = stacks[m[2]-1].pop();
            if (l) {

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PART 2 because it's basically only marginally more complex than PART 1

import * as fs from 'fs'

const stacks: string[][] = [];
fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8').split('\n').map(l => {
  if (l.includes('[')) {
    l.match(/.{1,4}/g)?.map((c, i) => 
      (c[1] !== ' ') && (stacks[i] ??= []).unshift(c[1])

  if(l[0] === 'm') {
    const instr = l.match(/\d+/g)?.map(m => Number(m));
    if (!instr) return;
    const tmp: string[] = [];
    for(let i = 0; i < instr[0]; i++) {
      const c = stacks[instr[1]-1].pop();
      if (c) tmp.push(c);
    tmp.reverse().map(c => stacks[instr[2]-1].push(c))
}, [0,0])

console.log(stacks.map(s => s.pop()).join(''));

also, do none of you guys know regex?

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with open('input05.txt') as file:
    lines = [line for line in file]
# fill stacks
stack_stack = [[] for _ in range(0,9)]
for depth in range(7,-1,-1):
    for s in range(0,9):
        char = lines[depth][1+s*4]
        if char != ' ':

def move_a(m_count, m_from, m_to):
    for _ in range(m_count):
def move_b(m_count, m_from, m_to):
    stack_stack[m_from] = stack_stack[m_from][:-m_count]
for line in lines[10:]:
    m_count, m_from, m_to  = [int(n) for n in re.findall('\d+', line)]
    move_a(m_count, m_from-1, m_to-1)
    # move_b(m_count, m_from-1, m_to-1)
print("".join([stack[-1] for stack in stack_stack]))

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I absolutely shit boxed it, parsing was taking too much time I just hard coded the stacks manually and did the logic on that.

I absolutely shit boxed it, parsing was taking too much time I just hard coded the stacks manually and did the logic on that.

Frickin heck this pizza award is heck one phones. Will post code once back home

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Reported by:
  • realKongDick : Yes lol, I'll comment via reports from now on till I'm back

oh that's why you were duplicating your messages lol

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You thought it was some bug? haha! :marseysmugsideeyes:

You thought it was some bug? haha! :marseysmugsideeyes:

You thought it was some bug? haha! :marseysmugsideeyes:

You thought it was some bug? haha! :marseysmugsideeyes:

You thought it was some bug? haha! :marseysmugsideeyes:


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looks like the gpt3 bot that got #1 in the leaderboards yesterday didn't place today


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btw solve the first two problems please, to unfrick https://adventofcode.com/2022/leaderboard/private/view/632268?order=stars

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thanks, didn't realize I still could

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Thank you too, today is still wrong ofc but TOMORROW WE COMPETE FOR REAL!!1

(I'm not sure if I did it faster than you today)

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it's funny because doing it this way meant that part 2 was instant : just gotta remove the flip

matlab (:gigachad2:)

A = readlines("input.txt","EmptyLineRule","skip")';

N = (strlength(A(1))+1)/4;
Stacks = strings(1,N);

i = 1;
x = char(A(1));
while isempty(intersect(x,'1'))
    c = x(2:4:end-1);
    for j = 1:N
        if c(j)~=' '
            Stacks(j) = c(j) + Stacks(j);

    i = i+1;
    x = char(A(i));

Stacks1 = cellstr(Stacks);
Stacks2 = cellstr(Stacks);
for l = A(i+1:end)
    u = sscanf(l,'move %d from %d to %d');
    Stacks1{u(3)} = [Stacks1{u(3)} flip(Stacks1{u(2)}(end-u(1)+1:end))];
    Stacks1{u(2)}(end-u(1)+1:end) = ''; 

    Stacks2{u(3)} = [Stacks2{u(3)} Stacks2{u(2)}(end-u(1)+1:end)];
    Stacks2{u(2)}(end-u(1)+1:end) = ''; 

res1 = cellfun(@(x) x(end),Stacks1);
res2 = cellfun(@(x) x(end),Stacks2);

fprintf("Part 1 : %s\n",res1)
fprintf("Part 2 : %s\n",res2)
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Part 2 was kind of stupid. I doubt anyone changed more than 1 or 2 lines of code, there really wasn't much point to it.

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@Jinglevann also newlines are borked too,

just gotta remove the flip
matlab (:gigachad2:)

gave just gotta remove the flip matlab (:gigachad2:) both in preview and in the post, had to do double newline for it to work

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parsing a shit :marseycry:

here, bully me


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Mommy I don't have the raw bird intellegence to comprehend the aforementioned syntaxial dilemma or whatever...

Can you dumb it down and explain in 6th grade burger-ish for your true blue followers :marseybegging:


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wow, today's puzzle was way easier than I thought it was gonna be from skimming some of these comments (I only skimmed them and even then, only the ones that weren't in C++ and trust me I cannot even begin to comprehend Python). it was probably about as easy as Day 1.

you can use either a regex or, if you parse the line into a list of strings, you can just grab the second, fourth, and sixth string since each line is always six words

@DrClaus had a better idea than me using std::list instead of std::vector since you can use pop_front() with a list, I had to either work backwards from the end of the vector or create a sub-vector of just the last n elements and work forwards; I figured the latter was lazier since I didn't have to think too hard on doing "size()-numBoxes" or some shit, just pop the back and insert at the front of the sub-vector.

from there it's absolutely just as simple as doing:

// part 1
for(auto i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++)
    char c = stacks[from].back();


// part 2:
// create subvector
for(auto i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++)
    substack.insert(substack.begin(), stacks[from].back());

// push from subvector to mainvector
for(auto i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++)

where "from" is an integer that is the fourth element in each line (converted to an int), "to" is the sixth, and "numBoxes" is the second. fuck regexps, they can go to hell. do this for each line of input and you get the result.

C++ chads do indeed stay winning.


Current HP: 8/75

Current Mana: 130/250


* 50 Gald

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Using regex destroys the happy christmas ambience of this challenge you dorks. I Don‘t want to see it ever again!


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Forgot the + in my numbers regex and it fucked with me for nearly an hour. Really should have just put the lists in manually too but that would mean it won.

Part 1:

import re

storage = dict()

with open('input', 'r') as f: 

    line = f.readline()

    while '[' in line:

        ptr = 0

        bucket = 1

        ticker = 0

        for i in range(0, len(line)):

            if line[i] is '[':

                if bucket in storage.keys():

                    storage.get(bucket).insert(0, line[i+1])


                    thing = [line[i+1]]

                    storage[bucket] = thing

            ticker += 1

            if line[i] is ']':

                ticker = 0

                bucket += 1

            if ticker is 4:

                ticker = 0

                bucket += 1

        line = f.readline()

    line = f.readline()

    while line:


        dat = re.findall('\d+', line)

        if len(dat) < 3:

            line = f.readline()


        move_from = storage.get(int(dat[1]))

        move_to = storage.get(int(dat[2]))

        total = int(dat[0])

        for thing in range(total):

            item = storage.get(int(dat[1])).pop()


        line = f.readline()

finstr = ''

for key in sorted(list(storage.keys())):

    finstr += storage.get(key)[-1]


Part 2:

import re

storage = dict()

with open('input', 'r') as f:

    line = f.readline()

    while '[' in line:

        ptr = 0

        bucket = 1

        ticker = 0

        for i in range(0, len(line)):

            if line[i] is '[':

                if bucket in storage.keys():

                    storage.get(bucket).insert(0, line[i+1])


                    thing = [line[i+1]]

                    storage[bucket] = thing

            ticker += 1

            if line[i] is ']':

                ticker = 0

                bucket += 1

            if ticker is 4:

                ticker = 0

                bucket += 1

        line = f.readline()

    line = f.readline()

    while line:

        dat = re.findall('\d+', line)

        if len(dat) < 3:

            line = f.readline()


        move_from = storage.get(int(dat[1]))

        move_to = storage.get(int(dat[2]))

        total = int(dat[0])

        teststr = ''

        items = []

        for thing in range(total):


        if (len(items) > 1):





        line = f.readline()

finstr = ''

for key in sorted(list(storage.keys())):

    finstr += storage.get(key)[-1]

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I put [1-9]+ in my regex instead of [0-9]+ because I'm an idiot, and it threw me off for a good 10 minutes.

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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the virgin dramanaut: crying over some brackets and letters

chadditors: https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/zdszct/2022_day_5_1_small_terminal_python_animation_for/

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not that bad imo, didn't know if there was a cleaner way to do the double skip once you hit the indices/blank line

import re
pattern=re.compile("[ \[\]]")

with open("05.txt","r") as lines:
    for line in lines:
        if(line=="\n"): #skip line between crates and movements
            for i in range(len(line.rstrip("\n"))):
                    crates=False #hit crate pile index, skip line and prep for instructions
                if(not pattern.match(line[i])):
                    if index not in metalist:
        else :#order parsing/enacting
            orders=line.rstrip("\n").split(" ")
            metalist[toPile][:0]=metalist[fromPile][0:count[::-1]] #prepend crates
            metalist[fromPile]=metalist[fromPile][count:] #remove prepended crates
for i in range(cratecount):

and you drop the [::-1] for the bonus

btw people on /g/ are making 100+MB input tests, fun to benchmark your solution with

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Ok some for loops are not evil


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Here's mine:

Spent too much time fighting borrow checker for part 2 to avoid allocating temporary buffer

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

use regex::Regex;

fn main() {
    let move_re = Regex::new(r"move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)").expect("Can't compile regex");

    let file = File::open("input.txt").expect("Can't open input file");
    let reader = BufReader::new(file);

    let mut stack_lines = Vec::new();
    let mut move_lines = Vec::new();
    let mut is_stacks = true;

    for line in reader.lines() {
        let line = line.expect("Can't read a line from file");
        if line.is_empty() {
            is_stacks = false;
        } else if is_stacks {
        } else {
    let stack_numbers = stack_lines.pop().expect("No stack number line");
    let stack_count = stack_numbers.split_ascii_whitespace().count();

    let mut stacks: Vec<Vec<u8>> = vec![vec![]; stack_count];

    for line in stack_lines.iter().rev() {
        let line_bytes = line.as_bytes();
        for i in 0..stack_count {
            if line_bytes[i * 4 + 1] != ' ' as u8 {
                stacks[i].push(line_bytes[i * 4 + 1])
    for mv in move_lines.iter() {
        let numbers = move_re.captures(&mv).expect("Can't parse move lines");
        let crate_count: usize = numbers.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse().expect("Not a number");
        let src: usize = numbers.get(2).unwrap().as_str().parse::<usize>().expect("Not a number") - 1usize;
        let dst: usize = numbers.get(3).unwrap().as_str().parse::<usize>().expect("Not a number") - 1usize;

        // for i in 0..crate_count {
        //     let popped = stacks[src].pop().expect("Trying to grab a crate from empty stack");
        //     stacks[dst].push(popped);
        // }

        let (source, destination) = if src < dst {
            let (a, b) = stacks.split_at_mut(src + 1);
            (a.last_mut().unwrap(), &mut b[dst - src - 1])
        } else if src > dst {
            let (a, b) = stacks.split_at_mut(dst + 1);
            (&mut b[src - dst - 1], a.last_mut().unwrap())
        } else {
        let source_len = source.len();
        destination.extend_from_slice(&source[source_len - crate_count..source_len]);
        source.truncate(source_len - crate_count);

    for stack in stacks.iter() {
        print!("{}", *stack.last().expect("No crate on top of the stack") as char);
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Wow what a bunch of nerds

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haha yeah... you should give me a wedgie... if you want

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No all my bullying is emotional

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I'm about three steps away from just switching to perl or awk or something holy shit

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I give up my code magically shit itself and I don't care to get part two, it sucks dick and balls (and a little cock) anyways. any suggestions welcome.

package five

import (

func stackInit(m *map[int]string, rd *bufio.Scanner) {
	const frame_break_len int = 9
	const frame_break string = " 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 "

	col := func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
		if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
			return 0, nil, nil

		if len(data) >= 4 {
			return 4, data[0:4], nil

		if atEOF {
			return len(data), data, nil



	var buffer string
	for i := 0; rd.Scan(); i++ {
		word := rd.Text()
		buffer = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", buffer, word)

		if i%frame_break_len == 0 {
			if bytes.Contains([]byte(buffer), []byte(frame_break)) {
			if bytes.ContainsRune([]byte(buffer), '\n') {
				npos := bytes.IndexRune([]byte(buffer), '\n') + 1
				buffer = buffer[npos:]

		p := i % frame_break_len

		val := bytes.TrimSpace([]byte(word))
		if bytes.ContainsRune(val, '[') && len(val) > 0 {
			(*m)[p] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", (*m)[p], val[1])

func readLine(m *map[int]string, line string, do_rev bool) {
	elem := bytes.Split([]byte(line), []byte(" "))

	rev := func(str []byte) string {
		var reverse []byte

		if len(str) > 1 {
			for i := len(str) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				reverse = append(reverse, str[i])

			return string(reverse)

		return string(str)

	var amt, crate, dest int
	for i, v := range elem {
		switch string(v) {
		case "move":
			amt, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
		case "from":
			crate, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
			crate -= 1
		case "to":
			dest, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
			dest -= 1

	if do_rev {
		(*m)[dest] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", rev([]byte((*m)[crate][:amt])), (*m)[dest])
	} else {
		(*m)[dest] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", (*m)[dest], (*m)[crate][:amt])
	(*m)[crate] = (*m)[crate][amt:]

func One() string {
	var deliver []byte

	fp, _ := os.Open("stack.txt")
	defer fp.Close()

	rd := bufio.NewScanner(fp)

	s := make(map[int]string)

	stackInit(&s, rd)

	lp, _ := os.Open("moves.txt")
	defer lp.Close()

	ld := bufio.NewScanner(lp)

	for ld.Scan() {
		word := ld.Text()
		if len(word) > 0 {
			readLine(&s, word, true)


	for i := range s {
		deliver = append(deliver, s[i][0])

	return string(deliver)

func Two() string {
	var deliver []byte

	//fp, _ := os.Open("stack.txt")
	//defer fp.Close()

	//rd := bufio.NewScanner(fp)

	s := make(map[int]string)

	//magically stopped working I'm not fixing it
	//stackInit(&s, rd)
	s[0] = "SPHVFG"
	s[1] = "MZDVBFJG"
	s[2] = "NJLMG"
	s[3] = "PWDVZGN"
	s[4] = "BCRV"
	s[5] = "ZLWPMSRV"
	s[6] = "PHT"
	s[7] = "VZHCNSRQ"
	s[8] = "JQVPGLF"

	lp, _ := os.Open("moves.txt")
	defer lp.Close()

	ld := bufio.NewScanner(lp)

	for ld.Scan() {
		word := ld.Text()
		if len(word) > 0 {
			readLine(&s, word, false)


	for i := range s {
		deliver = append(deliver, s[i][0])

	return string(deliver)
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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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there's probably a notepad++ macro to rotate text files, isn't there?

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