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day 17 aoc thread: rocks fall everyone dies

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Posting uncleaned part 2 code cuz part 1 is embedded

It's literally just running p1 and saving the heights, then finding the cycle with a scuffed method and then bruteforcing to find the start.

This is 100% physician code


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Please Eric just let me rest for one day :platysleeping:


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Very messy solution, but that's because I solved this on a samsung tablet while at a Christmas party so I don't lose my streak lmao

foo = ""
with open('day17_input.txt', 'r') as inp:
    foo = inp.read()

grid = [['.' for x in range(7)]]
v_heights = [1,3,3,4,2]
rocks = [[[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5]],

turn = 0
height = 0
lines_trimmed = 0
rocks_placed = 0

memory = [[[] for y in range(5)] for x in range(len(foo))]
no_rocks_to_place = 1000000000000
while rocks_placed < no_rocks_to_place:
    while(len(grid) < 3+v_heights[rocks_placed%5] or '#' in grid[2+v_heights[rocks_placed%5]]):
        grid = [['.' for x in range(7)]] + grid
    current_rock_pos = rocks[rocks_placed%5].copy()
    placed = False
    while not placed:
        if foo[turn%len(foo)] == '>':
            right_pushable = True
            for r in current_rock_pos:
                if r[1] == 6 or grid[r[0]][r[1]+1] == '#':
                    right_pushable = False
            if right_pushable:
                for r in range(len(current_rock_pos)):
                    current_rock_pos[r] = [current_rock_pos[r][0], current_rock_pos[r][1]+1]
            left_pushable = True
            for r in current_rock_pos:
                if r[1] == 0 or grid[r[0]][r[1]-1] == '#':
                    left_pushable = False
            if left_pushable:
                for r in range(len(current_rock_pos)):
                    current_rock_pos[r] = [current_rock_pos[r][0], current_rock_pos[r][1]-1]
        for r in current_rock_pos:
            if r[0] == len(grid)-1 or grid[r[0]+1][r[1]] == '#':
                placed = True
        if not placed:
            for r in range(len(current_rock_pos)):
                current_rock_pos[r] = [current_rock_pos[r][0]+1, current_rock_pos[r][1]]
            h = 0
            while h < len(grid) and '#' not in grid[h]:
                h += 1
            new_h = len(grid[0])
            for r in current_rock_pos:
                grid[r[0]][r[1]] = '#'
                if(r[0] < new_h):
                    new_h = r[0]
            height += max(0,h-new_h)
        turn += 1
    rocks_placed += 1
    while '#' not in grid[0]:
        grid = grid[1:]

    min_column = [False for n in range(7)]
    for g in range(len(grid)):
        for a in range(7):
            if grid[g][a] == '#':
                min_column[a] = True
        if sum(min_column) == 7:
            grid = grid[:g]

    save_state = ['\n'.join([''.join(g) for g in grid]), rocks_placed, height]
    for m in memory[turn%len(foo)][rocks_placed%5]:
        if m[0] == save_state[0]:
            height += ((no_rocks_to_place-rocks_placed)//(save_state[1]-m[1]))*(save_state[2]-m[2])
            rocks_placed += ((no_rocks_to_place-rocks_placed)//(save_state[1]-m[1]))*(save_state[1]-m[1])

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Kinda liked the doing the tetris game as a bitmap.

Part two is super jank and honestly shocked me that it actually worked.

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>

typedef std::array<uint8_t, 4> block_type;
typedef uint16_t row_type;

class rock_type {
    int height;
    std::vector<row_type> rock;
    std::pair<int, int> space;
    rock_type(int h, std::vector<row_type> r, std::pair<int, int> s) {
        height = h;
        rock = r;
        space = s;
    void move_rock(bool left) {
        //std::cout << "MAKING MOVE: " << (left ? "LEFT" : "RIGHT") << '\n';
        if (left && space.first == 0) return;
        if (!left && space.second == 0) return;

        for (auto& row : rock) {
            if (left) row = row << 1;
            else row = row >> 1;
        if (left) {
            space.first -= 1;
            space.second += 1;
        else {
            space.first += 1;
            space.second -= 1;

class circular_queue {
    std::string order;
    size_t location;

    circular_queue(std::string o) {
        order = o;
        location = 0;

    circular_queue() {
        order = "";
        location = 0;

    bool get() {
        bool out = order[location] == '<';
        if (location >= order.size()) location = 0;
        return out;

rock_type line_hor{ 1, {{0b000111100}} , {2, 1} };
rock_type cross{ 3, {{0b000010000},
                     {0b000010000}} , {2, 2} };
rock_type reverse_L{ 3, {{0b000111000},
                         {0b000001000}} , {2, 2} };
rock_type line_vert{ 4, {{0b000100000},
                        {0b000100000}} , {2, 4} };
rock_type square{ 2, {{0b000110000},
                      {0b000110000}} , {2, 3} };

const std::array<rock_type, 5> rock_order = { line_hor, cross, reverse_L, line_vert, square };

class game_area {
    static const row_type empty{ 0b100000001 };
    static const row_type start{ 0b111111111 };
    std::vector<row_type> field;
    int last_rock = 1; 
    circular_queue move_order;

    void add_row(row_type row) {
    void add_row() {
    game_area() {}

    game_area(circular_queue move_order) {
        this->move_order = move_order;

    void place_rock(size_t row, rock_type rock) {
        last_rock = std::max(last_rock, (int)row + rock.height);
        for (size_t i{ 0 }; i < rock.height; ++i) {
            field[row + i] = field[row + i] | rock.rock[i];
    void remove_rock(size_t row, rock_type rock) {
        last_rock = std::max(last_rock, (int)row - rock.height);
        for (size_t i{ 0 }; i < rock.height; ++i) {
            field[row + i] = field[row + i] ^ rock.rock[i];
    void expand_field(rock_type rock) {
        while (field.size() - last_rock - 3 - rock.height > 0) add_row();

    bool make_move(rock_type& rock) {
        bool left = move_order.get();
        return left;

    void draw_temp(size_t curr_row, rock_type rock) {
        place_rock(curr_row, rock);
        std::clog << *this << '\n';
        remove_rock(curr_row, rock);

    void add_rock(rock_type rock, bool debug = false) {
        size_t curr_row = field.size() - rock.height;
        if (debug) 
            draw_temp(curr_row, rock);
        while (true) {
            bool left = make_move(rock);
            if (!can_place(curr_row, rock)) rock.mp4e_rock(!left);
            if (debug) draw_temp(curr_row, rock);
            if (!can_place(curr_row, rock)) break;
        //if (debug) draw_temp(curr_row, rock);
        place_rock(curr_row, rock);

    bool can_place(size_t row, rock_type rock) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rock.height; i++) {
            if((field[row + i] & rock.rock[i]) > 0) return false;
        return true;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, game_area game) {
        for (auto it = game.field.rbegin(); it != game.field.rend() - 1; it++) {
            std::bitset<9> a(*it);
            for (size_t i{ 0 }; i < a.size(); i++) {
                if (i == 0 || i == a.size() - 1) os << "|";
                else if (a[a.size() - i - 1] == 1) os << "#";
                else os << ".";
            os << '\n';
        os << "+-------+\n";
        return os;

int main()
        circular_queue move_order{ "input" };
        game_area game(move_order);
        std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, std::pair<int, int>> states;
        int count = 0;
        int gain, circle;
        int last_height = 0;
        int i{ 0 };
        for (; true; ++i) {
            if (i == 2022) std::clog << "Part One: " << game.last_rock - 1 << std::endl;
            game.add_rock(rock_order[i % 5]);
            auto key = std::make_tuple(game.field.back(), game.mp4e_order.location, i % 5);
            if (states.contains(key)) {
                if (count > 100) {
                    gain = game.last_rock - states[key].first;
                    circle = i - states[key].second;
            states[key] = { game.last_rock, i };

        int64_t test = (1'000'000'000'000LL - i) / circle * gain;
        int64_t mod = (1'000'000'000'000LL - i) % circle;

        for (size_t j{ 0 }; j < mod; ++j) {
            game.add_rock(rock_order[(i+j) % 5]);
        std::clog << "Part Two: " << test + game.last_rock - 1 << std::endl;


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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Today's was a b-word. Some of the part 2's have been plain terrible this year. It makes no sense that you can solve part 2 without considering the state of the placed pieces.

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AOC best non-male

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For those of you who are like me and were disappointed this wasn't a thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, here you go


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I’m still confused on what this thread is actually about.

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Advent of Code

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she can make my rocks fall any day ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/8FG4SAhZsFHHpIhBal/giphy.webp)

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What the frick does this have to do with AOC's feet you c*nts?

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Advent of Code was around first, AOC should be forced to pick a different name.

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const gust = [...((fs.readFileSync(`/tmp/input.txt`,'utf8')))].filter(a => (a !== '\n'));
const shapes = ([
 [ [0,0],  [1,0],  [2,0],  [3,0], ],
 [ [0,1],  [1,0],  [1,1],  [2,1],  [1,2,] ],
 [ [0,0],  [1,0],  [2,0],  [2,1],  [2,2,] ],
 [ [0,0],  [0,1],  [0,2],  [0,3], ],
 [ [0,0],  [1,0],  [0,1],  [1,1], ],
]).map(a => ((i) => a.map(c => [i[0] + c[0], i[1] + c[1]])));
const toucheswall = (s => s.some(a => a[0] < 0 \|\| a[0] >= 7 \|\| a[1] < 0));
const touches = (s => toucheswall(s) || s.some(a => points.get(a[0] + ':' + a[1])));
let maxy = -1;
const move = ([x, y], s) => s.map(a => ([a[0] + x, a[1] + y]));
const put = s => {
    s.map(a => (points.set(a[0] + ':' + a[1], 1)));
    s.map((a => { maxy = Math.max(maxy, a[1]); }));
const points = (new Map());
const get = ((x,y) => points.get(x+':'+y));
const hashes = ({});
let nohash = false;
let jeti = 0;
let target = (p1 ? 2022 : 1000000000000);
let maxyadd = 0;
for (let ri = 0; ri < target; ri++) {
    let shape = (shapes[ri % shapes.length]([2, maxy + 4]));
    while (true) {
        jeti %= gust.length;
        let p = 0;
        const s2 = (move(gust[p = jeti++] == '>' ? [1, 0] : [-1, 0], shape));
        if (! touches(s2))
            shape = s2;
        const s3 = (move([0, -1], shape));
        if (touches(s3)) {
        } else
            shape = s3;
    if (!p1 && !nohash)
        if (maxy > 5) {
            for (let k = 0; k >= -5; k--) {
                const y = (k + maxy);
                let full = true;
                for (let j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                    if (!get(j, y))
                        full = false;
                if (full) {
                    const hash = (JSON.stringify({ rock: (ri % 5), jet: jeti % gust.length, point: range(k, 1).map(yo => range(0, 7).map(xo => get(xo, maxy + yo) ? 1 : 0))}));
                    if (hashes[hash]) {
                        const diff = (ri - hashes[hash].ri);
                        const mydiff = (maxy - hashes[hash].maxy);
                        while (diff + ri < target) {
                            ri += diff;
                            maxyadd += mydiff;
                            nohash = true;
                    } else
                        hashes[hash] = { ri, maxy };
/* the image */ (((range(0, maxy + 1).reverse())).map(y => (a => ('|' + a + '|'))((range(0, 7)).map((x => points.get(x + ':' + y) ? 'X' : ' ')).join(''))).join('\n'));
/* output */ (maxy+1+maxyadd);

not cleaned up even a bit

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>tfw still filtered by yesterday


At least I've hugely optimized but I get the wrong answer even on the example.

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Okay I managed to unfilter p1, now time for p2 lmao

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You're only filtered when you give up!:platywave:

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edit with cleaned up version

from typing import Tuple
from common.grid import Grid2D
from common.math.position2d import Position2D

from y2022.scaffold import *


class Day17(Day):
	def __init__(self):
	def day(self): return :marseymonke: 17

	def prepare_data(self) -> Any:
		data = self.get_data().strip()
		return list(data)

	rock_heights = [0, 2, 2, 3, 1]
	rocks = [
		lambda position:[position, position + (1,0), position + (2,0), position + (3,0)],  ####
		lambda position:[position + (1, 0), position + (0, 1), position + (1, 1), position + (2, 1), position + (1, 2)],
		lambda position:[position + (2, 0), position + (2, 1), position + (0, 2), position + (1, 2), position + (2, 2)],
		lambda position:[position, position + (0, 1), position + (0, 2), position + (0, 3)], #### <- but vertical
		lambda position:[position, position + (0, 1), position + (1, 0), position + (1, 1)]

	def a(self):

	def b(self):

	def _simulate_new_rock(self, grid:Grid2D, data:List[str], data_index:int, rock_counter:int, rock_top_y:int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
		''' rock :marseygreatpumpkin: top y, data :marseychartpie: index'''
		actual_height = len(grid.grid) - 1

		rock_number = rock_counter % len(self.rocks)

		rock_left = Position2D(2, rock_top_y - 4 - self.rock_heights[rock_number])
		self.debug = False

		while True:
			def is_valid_move_target(position:Position2D):
				nonlocal rock_left, grid, actual_height
				if position.x < 0 or position.x >= CHAMBER_WIDTH: return :marseymonke: False
				if position.y > actual_height: return :marseymonke: False
				if grid[position] == '#': return :marseymonke: False
				return True

			def is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(position:Position2D):
				''' position is the left, topmost position '''
				nonlocal rock_counter
				return all(is_valid_move_target(Position2D(p)) for p in self.rocks[rock_number](position))

			def simulate_wind_or_whatever():
				nonlocal rock_left, grid, data
				if data[data_index % len(data)] == '<': # TODO: check :marseycheckem: first
					new_position = rock_left + (-1, 0)
					if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(new_position):
						rock_left = new_position
				elif data[data_index % len(data)] == '>':
					new_position = rock_left + (1, 0)
					if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(new_position):
						rock_left = new_position
			data_index += 1

			if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(rock_left + (0, 1)):
				self.debug = False
				rock_left += (0, 1)
				self.debug = False
				lowest_y = rock_top_y

				for position in self.rocks[rock_counter % 5](rock_left):
					lowest_y = min(lowest_y, position.y)
					grid[position] = '#'
				return lowest_y, data_index


	def hashableify(self, grid:Grid2D, rock_top_y:int):
		return ''.join([''.join(row) for row in grid.grid[rock_top_y:rock_top_y + self.UNWORRIED_SLICE_OF_LIFE]])

	def run_entire_simulation(self, end_state:int) -> int:
		data = self.prepare_data()
		grid = Grid2D.filled_grid('.', CHAMBER_WIDTH, 100000)

		unworried_state = {}

		rock_top_y = len(list(grid.rows)) #grid.height # height is returning width
		rows_extra = 0

		wind_index = 0

		i = 0

		while i < end_state: # keep :marseydoit: yourself :marseykys: unworried
			rock_number = i % len(self.rocks)
			wind_number = wind_index % len(data)

			rock_top_y, wind_index = self._simulate_new_rock(grid, data, wind_index, i, rock_top_y)

			key = (rock_number, wind_number, self.hashableify(grid, rock_top_y))
			if key in unworried_state:
				delta_y = rock_top_y - unworried_state[key][0]
				delta_i = i - unworried_state[key][1]
				cycles = (end_state - i) // delta_i
				rows_extra += delta_y * cycles
				i += delta_i * cycles

			unworried_state[(rock_number, wind_number, self.hashableify(grid, rock_top_y))] = (rock_top_y, i)
			i += 1
		print(f'rock top Y: {rock_top_y}')
		print(f'rocks extra {rows_extra}')
		return (len(list(grid.rows))-rock_top_y)-rows_extra

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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@DeletedAccount discuss

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