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day 17 aoc thread: rocks fall everyone dies

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from typing import Tuple
from common.grid import Grid2D
from common.math.position2d import Position2D

from y2022.scaffold import *


class Day17(Day):
	def __init__(self):
	def day(self): return :marseymonke: 17

	def prepare_data(self) -> Any:
		data = self.get_data().strip()
		return list(data)

	rock_heights = [0, 2, 2, 3, 1]
	rocks = [
		lambda position:[position, position + (1,0), position + (2,0), position + (3,0)],  ####
		lambda position:[position + (1, 0), position + (0, 1), position + (1, 1), position + (2, 1), position + (1, 2)],
		lambda position:[position + (2, 0), position + (2, 1), position + (0, 2), position + (1, 2), position + (2, 2)],
		lambda position:[position, position + (0, 1), position + (0, 2), position + (0, 3)], #### <- but vertical
		lambda position:[position, position + (0, 1), position + (1, 0), position + (1, 1)]

	def a(self):

	def b(self):

	def _simulate_new_rock(self, grid:Grid2D, data:List[str], data_index:int, rock_counter:int, rock_top_y:int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
		''' rock :marseygreatpumpkin: top y, data :marseychartpie: index'''
		actual_height = len(grid.grid) - 1

		rock_number = rock_counter % len(self.rocks)

		rock_left = Position2D(2, rock_top_y - 4 - self.rock_heights[rock_number])
		self.debug = False

		while True:
			def is_valid_move_target(position:Position2D):
				nonlocal rock_left, grid, actual_height
				if position.x < 0 or position.x >= CHAMBER_WIDTH: return :marseymonke: False
				if position.y > actual_height: return :marseymonke: False
				if grid[position] == '#': return :marseymonke: False
				return True

			def is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(position:Position2D):
				''' position is the left, topmost position '''
				nonlocal rock_counter
				return all(is_valid_move_target(Position2D(p)) for p in self.rocks[rock_number](position))

			def simulate_wind_or_whatever():
				nonlocal rock_left, grid, data
				if data[data_index % len(data)] == '<': # TODO: check :marseycheckem: first
					new_position = rock_left + (-1, 0)
					if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(new_position):
						rock_left = new_position
				elif data[data_index % len(data)] == '>':
					new_position = rock_left + (1, 0)
					if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(new_position):
						rock_left = new_position
			data_index += 1

			if is_valid_move_target_for_entire_rock(rock_left + (0, 1)):
				self.debug = False
				rock_left += (0, 1)
				self.debug = False
				lowest_y = rock_top_y

				for position in self.rocks[rock_counter % 5](rock_left):
					lowest_y = min(lowest_y, position.y)
					grid[position] = '#'
				return lowest_y, data_index


	def hashableify(self, grid:Grid2D, rock_top_y:int):
		return ''.join([''.join(row) for row in grid.grid[rock_top_y:rock_top_y + self.UNWORRIED_SLICE_OF_LIFE]])

	def run_entire_simulation(self, end_state:int) -> int:
		data = self.prepare_data()
		grid = Grid2D.filled_grid('.', CHAMBER_WIDTH, 100000)

		unworried_state = {}

		rock_top_y = len(list(grid.rows)) #grid.height # height is returning width
		rows_extra = 0

		wind_index = 0

		i = 0

		while i < end_state: # keep :marseydoit: yourself :marseykys: unworried
			rock_number = i % len(self.rocks)
			wind_number = wind_index % len(data)

			rock_top_y, wind_index = self._simulate_new_rock(grid, data, wind_index, i, rock_top_y)

			key = (rock_number, wind_number, self.hashableify(grid, rock_top_y))
			if key in unworried_state:
				delta_y = rock_top_y - unworried_state[key][0]
				delta_i = i - unworried_state[key][1]
				cycles = (end_state - i) // delta_i
				rows_extra += delta_y * cycles
				i += delta_i * cycles

			unworried_state[(rock_number, wind_number, self.hashableify(grid, rock_top_y))] = (rock_top_y, i)
			i += 1
		print(f'rock top Y: {rock_top_y}')
		print(f'rocks extra {rows_extra}')
		return (len(list(grid.rows))-rock_top_y)-rows_extra

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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