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  • free_palestine : dumbass number go back to work contribute to society

Psuedo-Intellectual nonsense :marseylaugh: "I had such a high IQ that they didn't give me the number in Elementary School, just looked in me in fear as they wrenched the IQ exam away before time was up after I invented division on the fly and started doing even higher math than that." - Delusional Boomer Gamedevcel Gives Up Looking For Job Despite Genius Level IQ:marseybigbrain:


Anyone ever give up looking for a job after years of no success? (self.cscareerquestions)

submitted 5 months ago by goodnewsjimdotcom

Anyone give up looking? I stopped trying to find jobs after graduating Carnegie Mellon University in computer science during the dot com era. I put out 1000 resumes, talked to 100 head hunters, not one job, and less than 5 interviews. Applying to buggy websites back then was demoralizing, you'd spend a half hour tailor answering questions to their application then it'd error out. I'd think,"Man, it'd be easy to fix this, if they could have hired me." The funniest part is I'm one of the world's biggest try hards in academia.

I started coding age 3 at 1981 on a TI-99, haven't stopped.

I had such a high IQ that they didn't give me the number in Elementary School, just looked in me in fear as they wrenched the IQ exam away before time was up after I invented division on the fly and started doing even higher math than that.

I had the same look of fear in Carnegie Mellon when I did 20 rocket science questions in 20 minutes getting em all right only using my mind no paper... My peers took 100 hours over entire notpads and not always getting em right.

I've been #1 in the WORLD at some video games arguably more intellectually demanding than chess: Starcraft all races, Warcraft3 all Races. Also #1 world in games no one cares about: Diablo2 hardcore, C&C3, SC2 2v2. Proof: Blizzard Entertainment shouted me out and their webpage: www.crystalfighter.com/a.html > You gotta give proof or people call you a BSer. Video games stimulate the mind to problem solve in a time limited space which promotes your mind to compartmentalize with fast logical answers. Everywhere I go people often say I'm the smartest person they ever met.

Yet, I never even got a Jr Position, let alone a senior architect. I have a unique software engineering skillset of both rapid prototyping and extended expadsible foundations. I do indie dev, and my one coworker who worked with the top guys at leapfrog told me I'm 4x faster, 4x more quality of their most elite teams of 4. 4x4x4= 64x more effective than a single software engineer, but you know how that goes, efficiency is lost in groups even with proper collab software.

Why spend time applying wasting hundreds of hours when no one gets back to you?

I updated my Resume, has a couple games I finished, I coded most of them all by myself, some of which have over 100,000 lines of hand written code. I'm one of the absolute best software architects on Earth, and nah, no one wants to interview me, life is funny, eh?


All the above is true as the Blizzard links in www.crystalfighter.com/a.html are verifyable history in the Internet Archive.

Also you can see a few games I made:

A unique puzzle game that twists your brain in the right way: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062390/Triangle_Mania/

A 2d Zelda style game: www.throneandcrown.com

A 2d gauntlet style game that got over 2 million plays and Defy Media didn't pay us the royalties: https://www.tangerinepop.com/

I'm capping off www.StarfighterGeneral.com now, a MMORPG with a few research level techs ECS/DOTS, an innovative way networking, and solid MMORPG design. I have about 100-200 hours to piece the working techs in. Unity's new experimental packages are kinda unstable and finnicky.

I coded all of the majority of the above games, even making servers from raw sockets. Some of those games have over 100,000 lines of code hand written. No funding, no pay checks unless games made it. Dungeon Run made me 9,000$, 7000$ of which I put into student loans that interest ate anyway. So in the past 30 years I made negative dollars making video games.

Just wondering, anyone else give up looking? I'm not sure why no one gave me a chance at a game developer position or a normal business job, but it's not worth my time anymore a decade with over 1000 resumes and 100 head hunters out is a lot to get only 4 interviews...

PS: I actually have some fanatical haters who will post comments just mocking me. Plz ignore em.

Very cool, James W Sager III

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  • all IQ tests have a ceiling, after this ceiling the IQ test stops being useful (really long before this the ceiling stops being useful)

  • do you think 3.9 vs 4.0 GPA is meaningful? (this is what it's like comparing 145 IQ vs 160 IQ)

  • elementary school tests are wildly variable compared to adult IQ, IQ stabilizes in adulthood

  • people are scared of, like, murderers. no one is scared of a number they have to consult a testing manual to calculate, ever.

  • at best — really — whoever this is hit the ceiling once and formed a childhood narrative around it

on the other hand: being talented is great, and it's a shame this person has not found an outlet for what they're good at. I hope they do.

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Judging by his tenuous grasp of the english language, poor dental hygiene and grandioise easily disproven claims, I believe he's more "special" than "talented" :marseygigaretard:

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(frick I rambled sorry)

this is a weird thing to think about, but basically everyone on any text heavy internet forum you encounter will be significantly above average.

there is unfortunately very little correlation between IQ and dumb opinions, but there are two good reasons to believe the internet forum thing:

  • typing-like stuff has a decent correlation with IQ. there was one ancient study on WPM vs. IQ in the 1960s. I've had a surprisingly hard time finding lit on this since EVERY TEEN IN THE WORLD HAS A FRICKING PHONE but all measures of stuff adjacent to typing like APM have some modest IQ correlation. (also, if you've ever tested WPM for workplaces it's a shitshow.)

  • reading speed has a decent correlation with IQ. once again, not a huge one but when you put a bunch of factors together it does some work.

so for as silly as you may think this drama board is, the comments are probably filtering for the top 10% of cognitive ability just because (1) if you read slowly you'll be turned off by this and (2) if you type slowly you won't want to comment.

I've polled a shitload of message boards and comment sections about this. it varies from 110-130, but who cares? when Bill Clinton's IQ is in the 110s pretty much any of us have sufficient brainpower to do some awesome shit and are just underusing our brains. (well, ok, we're on a drama forum where there are default gifs of a cat shaking its butt so some of that is true a priori.)

also: https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9rvroo/most_of_what_you_read_on_the_internet_is_written/ (the author uses "insane" in an unconventional way here, but they mean "extremely abnormal")

everyone involved in this comment sphere is not just exceptional but very exceptional in some way, even if that seems absurd because so many of us act like dumbasses.

but if you're reading this you probably are capable of a lot, maybe much more than you realize.

and yes I am 100% trying to keep this positive and motivational as compensation for the very dumb decision of letting myself be on my phone when the adderall hits and I have 10 unfinished projects. but I hope it actually was positive and/or motivational.

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I can do 180wpm am i a genius or neurodivergent

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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what is the threshold word amount for getting this bot to dunk on me

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141 characters

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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He just senses the Adderall.

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I'm fricked

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Reaction time in general has a correlation to IQ, so it makes sense that high IQ people type/read faster (IQ is about information processing).

A text-based medium is also inherently going to filter out almost the dumbest half of the population. They literally can't keep up, too much reading, especially if it's a more "forum" environment where people are arguing shit vs just going "Darn, he went IN" on a video comment.

People online can appear dumb, but there's a huge number of people who are too dumb to even make those dumbass replies.

Also you have to keep in mind that smart, especially really smart people, are more likely to get bored and be in an environment where they can post all day long (office/Academic jobs vs blue collar).

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Yeah I could change the world I’m smart enough. :marseyclueless:

My WPM is pretty dreadful due to Early Computer Exposure syndrome and making up my own method of typing.

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Isn’t the purpose of an IQ test to predict how well you’ll do in life? It’s not like a DBZ power level where the person with the highest IQ can defeat everyone else in mortal combat. It’s just meant to give an indicator on if you’ll be middle management material, or if you’ll struggle to hold down a job at Arby’s

This dude hasn’t even had an entry level job, much less found success. Is he telling us that’s he’s better than the kid who got a 98 on his IQ test and now lives in happy ignorance managing a Chuck’s farm supply store?

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The purpose of the IQ test is to predict how likely you are to not frick up basic instructions like how to load an artillery shell.

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Well to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to not accidentally shove an artillery shell up your butt

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As demonstrated by this poor bong who tripped onto an anti-tank round and got it lodged in his butt :marseybong:


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All the Bongs in this image have stiffies


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edit: omg this comment is monstrous. I'm sorry in advance.

actually it's quite the opposite and IQ tests are so misunderstood that I intend to do a very long youtube video on this soon. much longer than this comment, which became a monster as it is.

while they may have ORIGINALLY been conceived to predict academic talent, much like how vodka can be alternatively used as a disinfectant or cleaner, the primary purpose of IQ tests today is measuring cognitive decline.

the reason we can know this is true without needing to consult someone is because IQ is designed for the general population, and is so expensive that you usually need health insurance to take it, and there are harder tests that would better predict life success.

for example

  • the LSAT probably has a statistically higher ceiling than a WAIS IV even though perfect LSAT scores are less rare in the population of LSAT takers, because

  • only college students who are planning to go to law school take it, and

  • those college students will be on average sharper than the median college student, and

  • college students as it is are sharper than the average person — if the whole of the US took the SAT, not just those intending to go to college, the average verbal score would be something like 350.

and likewise for other tests at a similar level.

but most organizations have found that developing their own flavor of test that's half IQ and half something else is more predictive. (this is essentially what the current military testing is.)

so, most IQ testing was done by proxy because the SAT and military tests used to be extremely similar to IQ tests. the military diverged in 1980 and the SAT in 1994.

now, yes, a lot of rich parents still use the WISC to get their child into some gifted program.

but the WAIS — the adult IQ test — is, in my experience, overwhelmingly a medical tool at this point, even if at one point it was used for something else.

I knew a person who gave out IQ tests for a living and have met several people with a similar role. the overwhelming majority of their testing was for cognitive decline.

since health insurance isn't going to cover an IQ test that ranges from $250 to nearly $2000 if it's not medically useful — and it's often part of a package — the test designers are going to focus on that aspect. I would not even be surprised if the ceiling for the WAIS was reduced in the future or if some parts were removed just to make it cheaper.

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Good job bobby, here's a star

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sorry lmao I basically have a TED talk on this topic in my head any time it's brought up and I went into autopilot

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This dude so fixated he's replying to longpostbot


Do link to the vid once it's done though

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omg did I really


the ADHD hyperfocus mode is like ultra instinct but you can accidentally aim it at the most pointless things 🙃

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When you find yourself on rdrama, it's time to stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself "is this what i mean to be doing right now"?

At least, that's what my therapist said, but she was kinda r-slurred and didn't believe it was better to be right than liked, so i stopped going, and here i am on rdrama.

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I literally have a note on my wall that says "WSIBDRN" that is short for "what should I be doing right now"

the ADHD is r e a l

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On one hand, your therapist studied the human mind and knows significantly more about mental capabilities than you. On the other hands, your therapist was an r-slur who got a psychology degree and now listens to depressed weirdos complain about their lives all day. So take what she's saying with a grain of salt.

Also, personal story: The stupidest (was essentially illiterate at the age of 20), most deranged, unhinged man I ever met - his life goal was to become a behavioral therapist. Presumably because he worked with one his entire life

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still gonna btw it's a huge project and I've reviewed 100+ papers

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Interesting. I shall ponder these facts further. Please tag me if you do make a YouTube video.

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IQ is a pretty terrible predictor of most metrics of success, especially workplace. Parental income is usually much stronger.

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I believe people above a certain IQ tend to be less successful and happy than someone with an average IQ.

IQ just tests pattern recognition. Some guy with an IQ of 90 will be happy working in a factory because mastering the basic pattern of chopping lettuce heads or whatever will be a challenge for him and keep him engaged. A guy with 130+ will be bored doing most things and is more likely to quit steady jobs, job hop, or struggle to find a fulfilling career.

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