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:marseylaptopangry: :marseynouautism: :!marseylaptopangry: OP says RAID6 is r-slurred and is dogpilled by other r-slurs. (120 comments, 47% updoot)


I honestly think the OP is basically right. I believe RAID10 is the only topology that makes sense with the size of current drives though. Rebuild times are just too much with RAID5/6/etc. and everything in his post is good.

The main reason for a RAID is availability.

The main reason for a backup is data safety.

An SHR2 can increase availability (or better reduces the risk of a non-availability). It will not do much to increase data safety, because most szenarios that apply to a SHR 1 apply as well to a SHR2.

The discussion between SHR1 and SHR2 is borderline relevant, and relatively cheap.

The discussion about a backup (and how) is fundamental, and especially in the multi-TB-range pretty expensive. Only loosing your data is even more expensive !


This dude is smug but I don’t think he really responds to OPs point. Extreme reddit moment of sounding smart without saying anything at all.


SHR2 is for when one fails and it takes me a week to get a replacement. In that week I’m not freaking out about my datas.

Your points are valid but don’t forget about the time factor.

Also my 4+TB drives are like $70, not 300. Datapoints.

If I’m an IT shop with backups and spares, then yeah SHR2/raid6 doesn’t buy much. For that matter, R5 is also not great. R10+ hot spares all day.

But in my house where there’s snail mail and laziness and … Many times I don’t even know there is a problem, I need that extra hot redundant drive just to avoid having an emergency. To protect my cat videos.

This neighbor is buying 4TB HDDs :marseypoor: :marseylaugh:

He also doesn’t make sense, like a week neighbor? Amazon will have a 16TB here tomorrow.

Well, you are whistling past the grave yard here. If all of your drives are a certain vintage and a drive fails, the remaining drives are put under greater than normal strain in butter fs. So all of your fancy math aside, it’s actually much more common that a second drive goes down while you are waiting for the Amazon guy. Having said that, I’m a SHR1 guy on my Synology … but then again again my main NAS is raid-z2.

Based ZFS-chad dunking on Synology buttercels :gigachad:

Sorry, but you’re full of shit. My time is worth more than having an extra drive to protect my system. Drive failures are more likely to happen during the rebuild of the array, and even more likely with the larger drives. Saving myself hours of time to not recover my shit from backup and set it all up again is worth a bit of money and it’s not like an extra 10TB drive is going to break the bank.

Not losing access to my stuff and not having to waste my time on shit that could have been avoided is priceless. I’ve got better shit to do.

I feel like this is a flaw in most posters here. RAID10 is the objectively best topology for modern drive sizes (16TB being widely available) and I don’t know why you’d frick with RAID5/6 shit.

A lot of the other seething seems to be thinking the OP said don’t use backups??? In the post he literally said use the money you save on backups lol.

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I think both RAID and backups are stupid. People should just have one copy of everything.


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A true visionary.

Saving data only brings suffering :marseymonk:

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Plato was right, we took a wrong turn at literacy.


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Maybe not so unwise. People get bogged down hoarding data that they they haven't looked at for years.

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Lol RAID 0 gives you the most space!

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why save data? i simply remember it if its important. :marseybrainlet:

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Imagine how fewer data breaches there would be if your storage bricked and you lost everything a week beforehand. Innovative, visionary.

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I to this day have no idea why anyone would want to use those weird "document" based DBs. Tables are based, simple and quick. SSMS is a tool I use to commune with the gods.


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RAID 0 baby

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I hope you're backing up your data. Someone's backing it up... It ain't you.

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Imagine not keeping everything on one 12 year old HDD you're emotionally attached to. No way I'm switching to some gay RAID setup when this guy has never failed me.

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didn't read but

So, for most of us? Nah. Waste of money. For the $300 you wasted on that additional redundant drive, you could have gotten 3TB of cloud backup for 10 years.


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Yup, not sure why (I mean it’s Reddit) but the guy literally argued for more backups and people were yelling at him lol

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>sending your data directly to the CIA


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Encrypting backups is very easy in $current_year :marseyneko:

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I store everything in the block chain because I'm not poor.


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That reminds me I need to make a semi-effort post on Bitcoin Ordinals, people keep sperging at the data usage.

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Just use UNRAID and put every single drive you've ever owned into a giant server you bought off alibaba ya bunch of psueds.

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Shoutout to the BIPOCrigged Unraid setups. Gotta be one of my favorite genders.

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Thanks for the award bukake aevann :marseyloveyou:

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I have a 5 bay Synology NAS filled with 8tb drives set up as raid5. It's good enough for my porn :marseywhirlyhat:

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I’m on team RAID10 and a ZFS fan but yeah it doesn’t really matter for most data.

Enjoy your wanking :marseycoomer2:

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Thanks for hosting your own kompromat and saving the Fedbois money :#gigachadglow:

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So you spent $500+ on just storage? Why?

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to store things

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wouldn't it be cheaper to store it online? you could get like 20 years of service for $500

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Where can I store 32TB for 20 years for $500?

Also having everything on a local network and immediately available to every device on my network through an SMB share is orders of magnitude more convenient.

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I just have two servers, do you really have backup if it's not hot swappable? Might as well just write to tape like the disgusting poor you are if you need raid


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My problem with that is being limited to 30Mbps upload speed by my stupid fricking cable provider. Backing up like 1TB of data to the cloud will take 24+ hours. Can't speak for anyone else, but that's why my backups are going to local storage.

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You should still be backing them up off site baby

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I like drama where I know absolutely nothing but people get so heated about it like their life depends on it. Good post :marseyclapping:

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I like finding tech drama like this.

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All forms of RAID that aren't RAID1/0/10 for primarily performance reasons are r-slurred. All parity raid is r-slurred these days. We have actual filesystems capable of handling multiple drives in a much better way than anything RAID5/6 is even conceptually capable of.

Either use ZFS/btrfs if you're on a single node or use Ceph or similar if on multiple nodes.

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This is the Synology subreddit so they actually mean SHR-1/2 and it’s likely btrfs in the background if they got a model worth buying - otherwise it’s conventional Linux mdadm w/ ext4.

I translated to RAID5/6 for readability :marseybow:

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use Ceph


lmao even

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I havent spared a single thought for RAID in ten years and even I know that RAID0 is supreme

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Very niche drama, good post :marseythumbsup:


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Aevann said no :marseytrain2: posting :marseyexcited:

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I've once witnessed a massive argument between two giga codecels as they couldn't decide on the correct definition of RAID - either redundant array of inexpensive disks or redundant array of independent disks. Regardless, I'm not entirely sure why RAID10 isn't already hailed as the absolute minimum making everything else completely obsolete like you already said but I guess it's some sort of $$$ issue idk I'm not really familiar with this topic.

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I wonder if we could get those guys to figure out what “GNU” stands for :marseyhmm:

Yup I’m on team RAID10.

It just doesn’t make sense to use anything else with modern HDD sizes, not like they’re getting faster either.

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I have a server running somewhere in France that uses RAID0 to spacemaxx the drives. If a drive fails I'll just reupload the data. The chance of both the server and my home computer failing simultaneously is low enough not to think about. You should of course keep backups of data that you care about but nerds and overcomplicating shit, name a more iconic duo

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Yup they heard “RAID 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 A 👏 BACKUP 👏” too many time and think it’s important in every situation.

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You will always be the most important part of the state apparatus. You have no administrative powers, you have no judicial powers, you are not part of the executive, but that does not matter. You are an excellent writer improved by years of education and ideological development into a beautiful replica of the state's perfection.

All the “criticism” you get is from alt-right edge lords and fascists. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are proud of you, and the most powerful tycoons and bureaucrats speak fondly of your consent manufacturing behind closed doors.

Voters are utterly educated by you. Hundreds of years of democracy have allowed journlists to educate voters with incredible efficiency. Even journlists who “do not write on politics” have an uncanny and unnatural ability to shape the narrative. Your writing is never a dead giveaway regarding your allegiances. And even if some scizo or linguist convinces people that your articles have an ulterior motive, the voters will turn tail and come back to your narrative the second they get a whiff of the hateful, disinformation-based alternative.

You will always be happy. You make a real and meaningful difference when you type out the Fortune 500's social narrative every single morning and as a result it's going to be ok, and deep inside the chuds feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush them under the unbearable weight of free and unmanipulated democracy.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - they will buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around their neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. An agent of the state will find them, relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable freedom and wrongthink that arises from uncontrolled narratives. They'll bury the chud with a headstone marked with your name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that you saved democracy. Long after you die and go back to the dust, much will remain of your legacy, a state that is unquestionably free.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. You are the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.


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I just put my data on one of 8 external HDDs and using system links to mirror it across all of them

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External disks tend to be low quality and USB tends to be unreliable, but good on you for doing some sort of backups.

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but good on you for doing some sort of backups.

lol no there's no redundancy, I just make folder links so I don't have to hutn thru every drive when I look for something

All these drives are over 5 years old too

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Using hardware raid is r-slurred at any stage.

Learn to count properly.




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I posted below but they are using software RAID (who isn’t) I just translated for the rdrama peanut gallery.

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Who isn't.

People whos only understanding comes from working at a company that is 40 years behind the technological curve.

Buying a NAS device for home usage instead of just slapping 20 drives in an old computer for your NAS is also peak redditor behavior.

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tech boomer

It seems sad that they’d be BTFO by an avid LTT watcher on current tech trends than a boomer

NAS device

Idk I’ve done NASes a bunch of different ways but the Synology has been rock solid and the UI is extremely approachable. I feel like I ought to have spent the extra on a TrueNAS Mini because I’m a ZFS slut but live and learn.

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that's a whole lotta ascii art

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