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Fuck TikTok?

Kiwi schizos discuss

Observers note that if somebody or something is designated as a threat to national security, under the proposed legislation, the government would be given full access to these entities.

The text of the act singles out several usual suspects as foreign adversaries, such as Russia, China, Iran, etc., but, the director of national intelligence and the secretary of commerce are free to add new “foreign adversaries” to the list, while not under obligation to let Congress know about it.

They would also be given 15 days before notifying the president.

Critics make a point of the fact that US citizens marked as national security threat can also be considered and treated using the provisions of this proposal as “foreign individuals.”

And when this designation is in place, then the threat of “any action deemed necessary” to mitigate it kicks in, which could result in people being ordered to pay a million dollar fine, spend 20 years in prison, or lose all assets (and these forms of punishment would be meted out without due process).

No limits are put on the funding and hiring to enforce the act, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) would not apply.

archive of the bill

I never knew banning an app was complicated :#marseythinkorino:

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The proposed "Tik Tok Ban" is actually a red herring for a comprehensive internet censorship bill, that includes blanket ban on VPNs by private citizens (With 20 year prison sentence), unrestricted access by government with no warrant to "the internet of things" such as Alexa, internet door cameras and internet home security systems, and a preemption for any access by the Freedom of Information act for actions taken under the law..

Fuuuucccckkkkk, this is a horrible bill if this passes. If this passes, enjoy a china-like internet chuds.

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Removing the last vestiges of anonymity for social media apps had to happen. The privacy invasion aspect is absolutely a bad thing but then again you shouldn't have door cameras and internet connected home security systems in the first place you dumb fricking clowns.

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This is more than just removing the last vestiges of anonymity for social media apps. This bill is China-tier shit.

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It's worse.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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Yeah it's pretty shitty, losing VPNs and warrant requirements for personal security footage access is insane. I assume it's going to lay the groundwork for content protection for corporations.

Personally I'm going all out on content hoarding: movies, games, music, books, apps, everything. Frick intellectual property imma download shit that I have no need for right now just because I can. I'll buy a new hard drive if needed.

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I feel like every comment we make on every platform is probably going in one big db next to our randomly assigned ID

idk why :marseyshrug:

I bet my message app comments are right between my youtube and rdrama and anything else comments (including 4chan if I went there)

just seems like something that exists and I don't know why :shrug:

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More accurate pricing. :marseyschizowall:

Mention motorbikes in a comment? Health insurance goes up.

Adblock installed? Flagged for viral advertising demographic.

Post a sad marsey? Have you tried SSRIs?

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I feel validated in not owning any IoT shit

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my parents have IoT EVERYTHING and they won’t fricking give it up. just a few years ago they were telling me about alexa spying and shit now they have a google home

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That switch that boomers did from 'the internet is full of scary pervert weirdos don't tell anyone anything' to 'I will CCTV my whole house and share it with random faceless chinese companies'

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you'd think boomers would be content with using a clapper to turn their lights on and off

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no they need a home assistant to set a 6min timer!!! they’re super useful guise!!!

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only morons put that in their house

bill still sucks tho

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This is well beyond anything China has and it’s not even close.

It’s like our government sees what other authoritarian regimes do and think, “hmm…I can do that a lot better.” Between this and the original Patriot Act the US will have the largest domestic spying and information network in human history. The Stasi couldn’t even dream of this.

I mean, dude bussy lmao

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You dont get it, because we live in a liberal democracy that means we are hecking free unlike those commie hellholes

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dude you're hungarian

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Remember, you voted for this :marseylove:

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Yeah I have a feeling it doesn’t do those things but I wish that it did

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Wtf, even China lets their citizens use VPNs, this is a truly killer bill envied by Erdogan and Xi. RIP Americucks.

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Wtf, even China lets their citizens use VPNs

Not officially. There’s a blanket ban on individual VPN use. Businesses and schools can use them but they have to register it with the government and pay a fee.

They just don’t usually enforce it against individuals but it does happen.

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It's one of those "laws" that simply exist for purposes of convicting somebody for something. It's like those food cart laws that nobody follows but when cops have problems the suddenly those laws matters

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people on this site are actually so r-slurred it doesn’t do any of this

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But have you not read the rdrama sidebar?:

>Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Edit: your account glows

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Hey r-slur you can literally download the bill, right now, for free on, and read that it does exactly these things.

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blanket ban on VPNs by private citizens (With 20 year prison sentence)


That's some actual North Korea level shit, are the burgers alright? :marseyxd:

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Comsidering theyve been tracking every cell phone in afganistan for 20 years in case an ied goes off, people thought amerikkkans were off limits somehow

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