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Are all websites bound to a simple equation of how expensive bandwidth is?

Just thinking about recent reddit news and how they’re sperging that “third party apps” will dodge ads while costing them money.

That brings me to the question: Is the fundamental limit to hosting on the internet just bandwidth costs?

Sure there’s some costs of developers and routine maintenance but it seems to me the limit of a website will always be the ongoing bandwidth costs.

Is there a good equation to quantify this?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I wrote this crossfaded so idfk what I meant - still seems to have generated good discussion though :marseythumbsup:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Bandwidth is expensive or whatever but I think Reddit's 2000 employee count might have more to do with their costs :marseyxd:

!codecels Tell me if I'm being r-slurred

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Singling out bandwidth seems weird. The actual server infrastructure itself isn't cheap. I imagine payroll is a lot more expensive than server costs though.

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Just in case you really are r-slurred, the servers have to "do work" in addition to letting your coomer requests penetrate their sockets.

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They need 2000 employees to run reddit? They should probably just let Musk have a peak to see who they can layoff.

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Bob's team works full time on creating more pop-ups demanding you download the app. This department costs $4 million a year.

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You are r-slurred

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No ur r-slurred

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You are a chud

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trans lives matter

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video and filesharing can cause large traffic, elsewise traffic is dirt cheap

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I’m broke so can someone ping the r-slurs group?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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>me, a gigatard, when I get summoned on the r-slurs pin group


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Based, thanks king.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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There's all kinds of stuff. Every part of the computer costs to either buy or hire and gets more expensive the faster you need it to be.

I kind of do suspect a lot of companies have a horrible system tho and just kind of throw more hardware at it until it works.

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Yes I feel like those all even out at some point and become more static, however.

Wages would be the most troublesome as they do need to increase to keep and acquire talent, but hardware costs should be somewhat static, if not decrease, with hardware advancement.

Maybe the real limit is just wages then because it’s the only thing that does not decrease?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The faster computers get, the lazier programmers get. They use less efficient programming languages and frameworks etc so the computer has to do more calculations for the same thing. A computer right now for example doesn't feel any faster than one made in 1995 because whenever processors get faster, crap gets added to slow them back down.

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This is kinda true but that last statement is r-slurred. You have to be <20

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If you believe this you have no idea how poorly a system can be implemented. I could bankrupt any hopeful reddit competitor by taking the rdrama codebase and deploying it to aws.

My last employer paid 3x my salary for their database, and I'm extremely overpaid.

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Bandwith is bought in tiers and packages, all of which vary depending on your server location, so probably not a equation.

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Are there markets that buy and sell bandwidth given demand?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Depends what you mean, VPSs exist, but not NYSE for bandwitch like its a commodity because it is similar to power in that it isnt easily a commodity.

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Aren’t there literal energy markets though?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Is there a market for the current diameter of the water mains under your street?


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A day or two ago, you wrote that if your dad saw your posts here, he'd just laugh at how funny you are. This flagged a few ❓❓❓ for me bc everything I've seen you say is intentionally angry/upset/harsh. @lain's q was dumb but still good

Your analogy makes no sense. AWS offers spot pricing for compute based off market demand. They don't do the same for egress bandwidth. Why is that?

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Because actually using the pipes is almost free compared to inspecting and routing the packets. My dad is also an angry person if that eases your troubled mind

e: you also can't "scale up" bandwidth cpacity on demand. It's a physical limit like the size of your plumbing. You're either saturating the pipe or you're not.

Maybe things will change when every telecommunications line is fully saturated 24/7

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That really depends on what you mean.

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I recall the drama over the Texas energy market ERCOT but I’ve also run into discussions in the Bitcoin space concerning the price of electricity in general.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Bitcoins exchange is a function of expended energy vs the energy to currently mine some, you cannot withdrawal the energy used to mine it, only avoid having to use the energy (and the hardware) yourself to mine it at relatively deflated power.

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Compute and storage dominate infrastructure costs, bandwidth itself is very cheap. Cloudflare and VPNs wouldn't survive otherwise.

Providers like AWS and GCP have extremely marked up egress fees to keep data inside their platform, so customers are locked into using their other products. (I've read another take saying it's more to do with managing incentives for HPC customers, but disagree with it.)

Any site with significant bandwidth costs would just go with a different hosting option, like Hetzner/OVH/colocation.

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I really hope Steve Huffman is telling the truth about Reddit being unprofitable. Hopefully the site dies

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If they were really concerned :marseyhelp: that much about bandwidth, they would :marseywould: have kept encouraging users to use imgur and other image/video hosting platforms. Instead they've gone fully in on trying to get people to upload directly despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: the fact that their image :marseymissing2: gallery is horrible on desktop and their video :marseyzeldalinkpast: player :marseychadthundercock: has always been absolute shit no matter :marseypibblelivesmatter: what you use.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Imgur sucks butt too though

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Its all cost of eletricity at the end.

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Bandwidth and servers are cheap, unless you're r-slurred and need amazon or google to do all the work for you. Reddit and many other websites just waste a ton of money on an army of overpriced bay area code monkeys and management.

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Yes. S3 and routing to EC2 has a bandwidth usage cost component.

If you're a popular genius, this will be the largest portion of your cloud bill.

If you're unpopular, having the servers wait for connections might cost more than the bandwidth.

If you're stupid, your servers will burn more money pondering a request than AWS will charge you for sending it your way.

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And that my friend is what lambdas are for

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If you're stupid enough you can bankrupt yourself with lambdas too :marseybeanupset:

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It depends on the audience, the actual content is one portion though many sites are dedicated toward pruning content into the most efficient and proper forms. All algorithms are forms of moderation, making sure the intended things get in front of people's eyes and preventing unwanted things from showing up. If everything was presented without an algorithm or any moderation then every site would be unusable, even this site wouldn't operate without jannies and codecels keeping something resembling a desirable order.

The issue is that the consumers desires(user), the customers desires(advertisers and credit card companies), and the creators desires(the company itself) aren't fully aligned and due to the invisible nature of the algorithm and how esoteric the entire process of coding is to the average person changes to the algorithm can be made without clear notation. It also means lots of rumors and speculation.

The hosting is only half of YouTube, the algorithm and associated moderation is required to make it mainstream and usable, no one is returning to the pre search engine world.

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The inefficiency of Java script is why API calls are expensive in bandwidth LMAO

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You're just a gigantic butt worm that crawled out of your mommy's vaginal herpy sore And never had responsibility or knows what the inside of a woman's vagina feels like. probably texting from a friend's couch with your entire life inside of a walmart backpack that smells like dog shit and bad weed, if you are a vet your probably some transgender pohg that put signs up in front of his barracks saying free hand jobs, your diet most likely consists of Arizona ice teas and 50 cent bags of chips, you probably got the money by stealing it out of the charity jar at a your local bodega that smells like Mexican butthole and fried meat pastries. Your dad probably a frickin loser who got duped into c*m dumping into the dumbest ugliest slut in town, you come from a family of cucked human sheep that also frick sheep and Gonorrhea is your family's main source of pride, you probably are busy trying to hook up with an underage girl who been in the country about 6 months and has a fupa that cover her nasty dank frick hole, you probably eat your boogers and claim your immune system is strong as result. You probably triple mask and triple maxi pad that leaking Orifice you call a peepee hole, your upcoming job prospects are at the bottom of a pyramid scam or a fluffer for gay pornos, you eat pizza with a fork and you sit while you pea your breathprobably smells like shit. Now go complete your gender reassignment surgery and eat a fat peepee

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