NEW SITE RULE IN PINNED COMMENT The chinks have finally discovered the art of taking a video. This is the final nail-in-the-coffin for LK-99 Doubtsisters

Re-uploaded for my rate-limited bros

Notice how the rock does the same thing irrespective of which way the magnet is oriented? Notice the absolute lack of refrigeration equipment? This is the real deal. I feel like we can finally relax. Everything's going to be just fine.

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You cute twinks keep posting about this and no one has deigned to explain what it is

Or maybe someone has but they buried it in 394993301 nerd cute twink words of exposition or whatever

Tell me what this is in normal person terms right now or I'm banning anyone who posts an LK99 thread or whatever

No I don't want to hear that it's a magical superconductor that doesn't generate heat or whatever

Google said something about levitation

Does it levitate

Is this witchcraft

Why won't everyone shut up about this

Explain NOW. It is your job to educate me.

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Basically America sucks at science, the third world (KoreaChinaRussia) have replicated the most important materials science discovery of all time and in 10 years you're going to have a pc that will let you goon to twenty vr videos at once

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This tells me nothing

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It makes computers go very fast while staying cool. Let's you make levitating trains. Might make fusion economical.


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Aren't maglevs a thing already? What would this help.

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It wouldn't I'm explaining it in terms carp can understand.


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It sounds even more boring and underwhelming than I thought and my expectations could not possibly have been lower

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I guess less energy to make the levitation happen 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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>Levitating trains


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This one isn't going :marseysal2: to go into consumer technology :marseyplugged: but its derivatives are going :marseysal3: to be very useful.

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I don't know enough to know if you're right


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You'll soon get to play No Mans Sky in 8k at 120 fps.

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I'm on hiatus until we get another substantial update. Which, fortunately, looks like it'll be next week.

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Tell me what this is in normal person terms right now

No I don't want to hear that it's a magical superconductor that doesn't generate heat or whatever

Pick a lane

Does it levitate

In a magnetic field at room temperature and ambient pressure, yes.

Is this witchcraft

Everything is witchcraft. UAPs are real but Western debunktards can't handle that fact. RTAPSCs are real but Western debunktards can't handle that fact. Magick is real but Western debunktards can't handle that fact.

What we are seeing here in political terms is the absolute ineptitude of American "Science" at keeping up with the bleeding edge. We've DEI'ed ourself to death. American Science is a cargo cult of Soviet Lysenkoism which is a cargo cult of the Enlightenment which is a cargo cult of Kabbalah. Ever since the Jews stopped running the world the West was doomed to disintegrate.

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What I'm taking from this is that this is the final LK99 thread that won't result in mass bans.

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This you?

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Man I love this but I guarantee that the chinks don't believe in magic or any hippy shit

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Maybe your pronouns should be im/jimothy? Or jim/othy

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I disagree but thanks for the suggestion

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Lol <3

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Which is how we'll beat them after our Trans Occultist American Caesar takes power. She'll run a deep leftist campaign taking over the Democrats, stuff the GOP in FEMA camps and usher a new post-democratic Golden Age for the West. Our dominion will subsume borders politically, scientifically and magickally. Chyna's communist materialism will be its weakness then just as much as it is its strength now. Thus it has been prophesied. Thus it shall be.

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You've never met Chinese people. They believe it's the wackiest shit.


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i mean the chinks that replicated it

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its just diamagnetism bro. they can levitate frogs and shit with a sufficiently strong magnetic field you think they can levitate copper and lead?

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Please stop trying to magically pull me into an alternate reality where room temperature superconductors are not being manifested. This is your only warning.

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We need less energy to power our electronics and we need less complicated heat management systems to keep devices from blowing up. The novel material they're using is a composite of very simple and available things.

The released preprint does not give exact instructions, and a final draft will eventually be released, but the implications of this discovery could increase global GDP by tens of trillions of dollars by the end of the decade. So many labs are motivated to crack the preprint and replicate the experiment, with more established labs being slower to do so because of the reputational risk of calling this wrong.

I don't know if I believe it yet, but if it is replicated by a non-foreign lab, I'm quitting my job on the spot and pivoting into tech.

the magneticism/levitation is just visual proof that the superconductor is working but is super unimportant for what it does, which is send energy from the source to circuits.


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This tells me you're gay

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Really fast trains and cheap electricity and your phone won't run out of battery so fast

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:#marseynerd2: It's potentially a-

>No I don't want to hear that it's a magical superconductor that doesn't generate heat or whatever

:#marseythinkorino: ...It's a rock.

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it could bring about a technological singularity and a new era of human history, but more probably it could lead to mri machines being cheaper in 15 years. It could also be fake.

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The latter two is about what I was expecting

So why is everyone getting so excited about it

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My professor said if any of us proved P=NP, created a room temperature superconductor, or became a wealthy tech morgul and donated lots of money to the university-- then they would get the funding to build a new "state of the art" computer science, math & physics building, instead of us having to use the shittiest, draftiest, building on campus full of rats. Then he said they would probably name the new building after us and posthumously add a statue of us in the front.

He was daydreaming real hard about not hearing the ceiling tile rats anymore lmao

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It's the holy grail of materials science. Imagine being around in the bronze age and then someone shows up with iron. This is the iron - superior in every way to existing materials.

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I'll believe it's not a stupid gimmick when I see its effects

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That's what they said about bitcoin, looser.

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Bitcoin might as well not even exist

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If you're a poor, yes.

When I cashed out 50k/each, my accountant said otherwise. And I was the talk of father's next dinner party :marseycheers:

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Electricity makes things hot because it can't pass through things perfectly

It can pass through this perfectly. That's a property that's usually only possible at mega fat pressures or mega cold pressures (it's why MRIs are cooled with helium)

Tldr CPUs that don't get hot

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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If this is real (google says it isn't real) would it be consumer-grade

I doubt it?

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If it's real, it can be manufactured by an neurodivergent :marseytrain2: in her kitchen (that actually happened)


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would it be consumer-grade

I doubt it?

Kind of like how computers are only used by research labs and militaries today since the high initial costs kept them from ever being affordable to the average consumers.

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Depends how cheap it is to make. From what I've gathered this is reasonably cheap in terms of raw materials/ processing which is why random people are making it instead of BlackRock particle hormone accelerators or whatever

If it's not prohibitively expensive there's no way they'd pass up on the absolute performance goldmine it represents. It'll probably be a while before the manufacturing methods catch up to silicon tho.

Frankly if it's viable to mass produce as a raw material it'll be made by the boatload

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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  • blazedraper : Next you'll say "I was only pretending to be r-slurred!"

What sort of use would having a magical flying rock superconductor in home goods do for me

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Super efficient phones means you have to charge less and your phone can play fortnite 4k 120fps without burning your hands

Looking into it it's made of lead and copper lol so it won't be that expensive once they figure out mass production

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Phone games always seem weird but having to charge less would be pretty cool I guess

But I don't think the possibility of longer phone battery life really warrants a dozen threads and days of hysterical tweets and articles

Calm down nerds

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pre1982 pennies gonna skyrocket to 5 cents each.

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Batteries are already pretty efficient and this won't have much relevance to the silicon inside the chip.

So the phone will still be pretty hot regardless.

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You know how your computer is big and slow? This makes computer small and zoom zoom fast.


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>If transistors are real, would they be consumer-grade?

the current one definitely won't be. but maybe a couple rounds of inventions later?

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You'd need an entirely new way of making processors to use this material, since it wont work with silicon lithography. Don't expect to see superconducting processors before :marseyskellington: 2050.

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And what do you know, we just happen to be starting up a the burger chip industry right when the old chip process becomes less valuable. Uncle Sam wins again.


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Yeah, we basically have to start from scratch. we'll be using silicon for the forseeable future, but it's an exciting first step

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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From my :marseybrainlet: perspective, all of this could be wrong -

Server costs disappear, the unbelievable cooling issues in these massive server farms just aren't much of an issue any more and power draw goes WAY down

Graphics cards become so fast it will be unimaginable by today's standards

Same for CPUs, anything computer related constrained by temperature

Quantum computing becomes practical and the field of encryption changes overnight

The implications of all the above on everything else

Webdevs will have to bloat websites to never before heard of sizes to make up the difference but I know we have it in us.

Example, Microsoft doing insane shit like this just wont be necessary any more

Google equivalent timestamp

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I don't think the computer related implications are real because that's mostly driven by the silicon itself, no? Sure the power delivery can be better but the die on the cpu is going to slurp down as many watts as it did before.

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I assume you're right, I think all the pricks comparing it to the invention of the transistor got me confused

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I'm back and I've decided I'm right again.

I'm pretty sure replacing the those lines would be a massive improvement since it zeroes out resistance which would indirectly lead to faster transistor speed? I'm kinda illiterate hardwarewise but I did some googling to check

Example -

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Hmm, ok, I wasn't aware of this. It looks like this is talking about a very nontraditional design that doesn't use semiconductors at all (which is where my comment came from, power use today is driven by silicon semiconductors) and instead uses these Josephson junction things that can be made using superconductors. So this might be possible but it'll probably be a long ways off in the future if it is, since it'd require reinventing a lot of cpu design to become competitive with what we have now.

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Graphics cards become so fast it will be unimaginable by today's standards

Same for CPUs, anything computer related constrained by temperature

how fast are we talking

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Able to play doom and wolfenstein simultaneously while updating windows

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It will be standard practice in the future to load your entire dB into memory.


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well, it's pretty cool. Superconducting shit levitates when you put it over a magnet and that's awesome, I want one on my desk.

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For real I'd love a flying rock or whatever just to have hanging around but I don't think that's what these losers are so hype about

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Some people seem to be under the belief that this will revolutionize computing but I don't see where that idea comes from. Even if this turns out real it is not going to lead to 20ghz cpus by any mechanism I'm aware of.

Oh, some other people say this could be used in maglev trains which I think is actually possible. That could be cool, I guess.

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Even if it works and makes cheap Maglev trains it would still require western nations to actually build rail infrastructure which will never happen or it will be ridiculously expensive, take 30 years and end with a corruption scandal :marseysadge:

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any material levitates under a sufficiently strong magnetic field.

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This is true but I'm pretty sure the equipment and infrastructure used to generate a 16T magnetic field is not going to fit on my desk.

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A big enough neodymium magnet does have a perceptible effect even without the 14 Tesla field.

besides that you are betting on the purity of the metals. The lead or copper may have had some ferromagnetic materials in it

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It could lead to viable stellarator fusion reactors.

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A transistor is just a slightly better vacuum triode. People had been trying to build one for 30 years before someone finally figured out how. For the first ten years after invention transistors were only used to make slightly better tone generators and telephone switches, and similar marginal improvements, it took a while (and a lot of further inventions) before we started building computers with them.

What new horrors are we gonna create with RTAP superconductors? Who could have predicted Tiktok when the first transistor was invented?


But there are a few very interesting applications that are already known, e.g.:

Superconducting magnets are essential for all known nuclear fusion designs. The magnets need to be as close as possible to the (incredibly hot) plasma they must hold in place (it's not allowed to touch the walls!).

The necessary shielding and machinery to cool the magnets down to -400°F takes a lot of space (aside from being very difficult engineering), so the magnets we use now are three feet away from the plasma. If we had similarly "good" superconducting magnets as the ones we're currently using, but ones that work at +200°F, the distance might be less than one foot. As you know from playing with magnets as a kid, the strength of a magnetic field decreases rapidly with distance.

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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Frick you're r-slurred


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Does it fly

Is it a flying rock

I doubt it's a flying rock so who the FRICK CARES


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I can't tell if you're pretending to be stupid or not.


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but the new one doesn't have to be :marseyfrozen:

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Does it fly

Kinda, with the power of magnets and shiet.

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no one has deigned to mansplain what it is

Materials which are superconducting pass electricity with absolutely zero loss,

They also allow a magnetic field to pass through them in a 'transparent' fashion (I'm starting to get out of my depth here) which means a small (relative) piece of superconductor will float above a large (relative) magnet without being pushed to one side of it. It won't naturally self-centre above the large magnet but it'll stay where it's put.

If you try that with two normal magnets (one small, one large) the small magnet will be pushed over to the side of the large magnet and fall over because the magnetic field doesn't pass through it. (way out of my depth here)

If a material is superconducting at room temperature, the simplest way to demonstrate this is to levitate it above a large magnet. That's much easier than demonstrating it exhibits zero electrical resistance because that requires a whole lab of calibrated stuff including calibrated wires and probes and is veeeery hard to capture convincingly on video.

Also - possibly - superconducting material may also be a heat superconductor, that is, all parts of it change temperature simultaneously (maybe)

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So why are these virgins so excited about this

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pass electricity with absolutely zero loss

You have any idea how much electricity gets lost in transmission network losses? It's a lot.

Transmission losses make it impossible to put, like, 100km² of solar panels in the sahara desert and power europe

Do you get it yet?

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Why would you want to power Europe

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Easiest debate victory of your life

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No loss = no energy used as heat = very fast computer when CPUs are made with it

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Aren't CPUs on the cusp of transitioning to light-based processors as well? I recall seeing something about IBM successfully working on them.

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Giant electric ovens?

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if no energy is lost, no heat

so if you put tiny stable room temperature superconductors in computer chips

then there won't be anymore computer fans

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Everyone's saying that but it isn't necessarily the case, it's just a good example. Integrated circuits rely on semiconductors. You can't - I believe - have a 100% superconducting IC as the semiconductivity is what allows for states to exist.

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from what I've read, if I understand correctly, LK-99's crystal structure is kinda cylindrical, and might only let electricity pass through in the linear direction of the cylinders.

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Are you saying that its... a series of tubes?

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almost like the www, if you think about it :marseyhmm:

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Yes, that's the reference, well done

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>But Herod said, “I beheaded John. Who, then, is this I hear such things about?” And he tried to see him.

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It's not nerds job to educate you sweaty :hmph:

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Hoverboards will be real

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This tells me nothing

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You asked if it levitates though

It hovers actually

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It only hovers above another magnet and maglev trains have been a thing for a while, they're just costly

This won't make them any less costly because you'd still have to make the tracks out of neodymium

And maglev (or very-high-speed) trains don't make that much sense unless you build them in an low-pressure tube because air resistance increases by the cube of velocity

Yes in theory you could use this to make maglev tube trains like in TTDeluxe but we should just focus on eliminating all these people because they're annoying rather than building better tubes for them to tube in

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when you use electronics they are not perfectly efficient so lose current and electricity that you feel as heat. this breakthrough apparently solves that efficiency loss problem through some material science (no i dont know how)

imagine now your brand new cpu didnt need a cooler bc it didnt get hot. it doesnt waste as much electricity. it performs better without increasing input. what if your car's MPG shot up by 5x overnight?

now think bigger: super computers powering ai, car batteries lasting longer, or server clusters hosting shitty cat forums reducing the need for paypigs

this is all after a cursory glance at some article i barely read so it could all be wrong but im not the one posting these threads so im not a complete straggot

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Isn't the first paragraph like perpetual energy or whatever

Will this improve iPhone battery life or do anything actually useful for me

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just incredibly efficient, not infinitely so

but again i dont know what im talking about so this could be aliens

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Oh aliens are cool

I'll allow alien threads but they have to be about aliens and not flying science rocks that don't fly unless it's cold or something

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It still costs (a tiny amount of) energy to flip bits, but 99.999% of the power cost of a computer is because of energy lost to heat. Instead of needing 500W to run a GPU, it would theoretically take <1W. In a modern information-heavy industry, a lot of the operating costs of a big company will be in compute and a big chunk of that is the power cost of running a large server farm, plus the power cost of cooling that server farm. If the computers are made of superconductive material, the global savings amount to billions of dollars annually.

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why save billions when we can save... millions?

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Imagine you want to drive a car but a group of merchants tax you for every mile. You can only drive for a while before getting your wallet drained.

Superconducting(LK-99) cables allow you to expel these merchants from you country so you can drive your car for as long as you want.

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I get it now thanks.

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Watch this video first (at least the cool levitation part)

The reason that works and the thing levitates :marseymonk: is because it was cooled to a low temperature like -200°F. When that material gets that cold, quantum magic happens and it floats in a magnetic field. This is that same thing but without needing to be super cold :marseyfrozen:

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Just skip to halfway through and watch a few seconds; it's mesmerizing.

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Its a super conductor but better and easy to make

Its better because frick you and also it can be used more easily

Deal with it nerd

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Superconductors conduct electricity without resistance. Resistance generates heat. Excess heat is wasted energy, and it also needs to be disposed of so your device doesn't melt or catch fire. Getting rid of resistance entirely would make a lot of technology possible, practical, or better. Superconductors generally only work at extremely low temperatures, though. For example, the giant superconducting electromagnet in an MRI machine is immersed in liquid helium to keep it cold enough. This makes an MRI machine more complex and expensive, and if something goes wrong the liquid helium can boil off, displace all the oxygen in the room, and suffocate everyone. Whoops! A superconductor that worked at room temperature would make MRI machines cheaper, and maybe fewer people would go into medical bankruptcy or have to wait 7 months for a scan (depending on which country you live in). Lots of other technologies that use electromagnets could become cheaper, better, or more viable (e.g. particle accelerators, maglev trains, fusion reactors, coilguns), because it's hard to immerse everything in liquid helium or nitrogen.

Dealing with waste heat is a big problem in computing. In general, making a system faster or more powerful generates more heat, and if you can't get rid of the heat fast enough, it melts or catches fire. This is why PC g*mers spend money on elaborate water cooling setups so they can overclock everything and get 5 more FPS in Minecraft. Using superconductors in computer chips could massively reduce waste heat and usher in an AI apocalypse faster than previously thought, which would be a big win.

Resistive losses in electrical systems are a big source of inefficiency. Having a superconducting electrical grid would slow global warming, allowing ample time for AI to become self-aware and destroy humanity first.

tl;dr: lots of technology becomes cheaper, faster, better. Some sci-fi-ish technology like fusion power becomes slightly more likely.

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maybe fewer people would go into medical bankruptcy

Insurance companies: :marseyevilgrin:

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Not our job to educate you sweaty

Seriously just google it

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:carpautism: What is a superconductor? What are the implications if it's achieved at room temperature. Explain to me like I'm a fish that doesn't like to read more than 3 sentences

:marseysnappyautism: A superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with zero resistance. If we achieve this at room temperature, it would revolutionize energy transmission, making it cheaper and more efficient. It's like swimming with no water resistance, fishy - you'd zoom effortlessly!

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I've never found my electric bill to be particularly onerous

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It's this but you don't need it to be dry ice level of cold

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It's a new material that can move electricity without getting hot. It can also levitate over the positive and negative sides of a magnet.

If it really is what they say it is then we will have better generators, maglev trains, fusion reactors, electric cars, and we will be able to send bussy pics more efficiently.

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Google says we've had maglev trains since 2006

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Yeah but these new maglev trains would be cheaper and they would need less electricity. If you want to build a maglev today you need to have Japan-level infrastructure. But with the new magnets you could build one in a shithole like Italy or Honduras.

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With LK99 Youll finally be able to play and dispense oregon trail badges

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Lead-apatite doped with copper. Superconductors float on top of magnets, as shown here:

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