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I hate IDEs so much. They're all heavier than an American woman. All I need is syntax highlighting and auto complete

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microsoft word

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better be using that for rdrama.net

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i use excel for rdrama.net, word for every other project

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All I need is syntax highlighting and auto complete

thats all what vscode is.

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Well that and an entire fricking web browser.

I hate webshits attempts at desktop apps

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Only if you use VSCode like your mom using Internet Explorer, ie you add a million useless extensions you never actually use that eat up memory, otherwise it's 100% performant as vim in a terminal in my experience.

I use both daily vim+kitty and Code daily and I never see performance issues with VSCode. I did at first when I was a newbie. But once you customize it properly + learn the best extensions for your language it's the best in class IMO.

The massive VSCode extension community BTFO any other one. Especially for hipster languages like Typescript or Ruby. If there's some new framework or SaaS tooling or whatever VSCode is always first with support and easily the most stable.

Makes integration with teams at work 10x easier too cuz everyone uses it now

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>Elder Millennial

Sounds about WHITE!

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No no he's right.

If your language didn't exist 20 years ago you should probably rope

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Typescript is more reddit than hipster next to ruby

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typechecking is anathema for webcels

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I'm getting old im not up on my hipster languages :marseycry:

uhh Nim?

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integration with teams

Lmao @ vscopers.

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>otherwise it's 100% performant as vim in a terminal in my experience.

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I use a macbook pro M1 Max. You might have issues if you're a poor and your boss doesnt buy the new MBPs for you yearly NGL. Otherwise I've honestly never had a single performance issue with it. I've had more using vim in the last decade.

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Figured so

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It's a Web-View not a Web-Browser.

I know it's hard to understand the difference, but you'd think a developer would catch that.

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webshit is webshit

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Emacs and vim are extremely easy to grind down to shitty performance with extensions. VSCode is no different. It's not fundamentally slower than others or anything. I actually find the LSP integration for stuff like syntax/linting/AI-autocomplete superior and faster than Neovim because the extensions are extremely mature and the code's been optimized through millions of users.

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You little passive aggressive peepeehead

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Then Sublime Text is what you're looking for.

The refactoring cowtools and features JetBrains have in their IDEs make them well worth the resources they consume.

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In a couple of years, all those IDE cowtools will be superceded by an AI you can shout abuse at like a junior developer.

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Community support is critical, that's why VSCode and vim dominate (with emacs a close 3rd), they both have massive very active community plugin development. Sublime and Jetbrains etc are too niche these days.

Unless you're just a boring old language / C dev and your community rarely develops new fun things like novel AI tooling and debugging cowtools.

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Imagine thinking of fricking IDE plugins as “fun”

That kind of attitude is half the reason webshit and modern dev is the bloated clusterfrick it is right now

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From my experience the people whining the most about webshit = mostly a skill issue. Either their teams suck or they havent invested time in learning the things they critique and got burned by them. It's an easy scapegoat. I've exposed multiple talented but opinionated backend devs on my teams blaming "webshit" for problems, by digging in and seeing they simply didn't understand basic fundamentals because they didnt bother learning them. Backend devs fricking up simple frontend stuff, because they spent 0 time trying but expect it to work immediately = :marseymanysuchcases::marseymanysuchcases::marseymanysuchcases:

At worst it's some pie-eyed view of old software that never existed besides in their head.

Imagine thinking of fricking IDE plugins as “fun”

:marseyshrug: I enjoy programming, it's fun to me, and stuff like tabnine/copilot has 100x made my job easier as a programmer. VSCode had the best integration from day 1. vim integration of simple but now-standard stuff like LSP took years to get right. vim/emacs set ups were always a garbage bin of custom hacks strung together requiring countless hours of manual duct tape.

...just like plenty of cliche beacons of non-webshit: underneath it's just as bad.

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Oh the state of webshit absolutely is the fault of shitty programmers but you can't really deny that website bloat comes in large part from all the shitty overengineered frameworks and toolkits being put out by random buttholes every couple weeks who think reinventing the wheel is worth it as long as they get to be the ones maintaining the cool new framework.

Shit like stylus for example. Motherlover CSS runs just fine, what the frick is the need of changing the entire syntax?



Meanwhile back in the day you had stuff like the fast inverse square root algorithm or stuff like .kkrieger by people who understood that coding close to the metal gives you a performant application instead to adding layers and layers of r-slurred and unnecessary abstraction to dumb it down for r-slurs. The UNIX ideal of writing a program that does a single thing and does it well is dead.

I'm quite sure a new JS framework will have dropped in the time it took me to write this by some :soyjakhipster: trying to reinvent the wheel yet again

But hey, at least we've made everything prettier and shinier.

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Vim is also less relevant with how good Vim plugins for major ides are. Especially when you can bind actions to ide actions and take advantage of those features.

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And step by step debugging with breakpoints and showing local variables etc. And the autocomplete is type-based. Also compilation errors (or exceptions in dynamically typed languages) send you to corresponding lines. Also it supports various refactorings. But other than that it's no more of an IDE than Notepad++.

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how many extensions idid you install do debug and do all this things for like say python or c#

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I don't think I used it for C# but for Python or Rust it's a single official extension.

edit: the Python extension also offers to install pypi (for static type checking and type-based autocompletion) and one of the linters. Rust is all-included IIRC.

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Debugger integration is the only time I dust off that piece of shit, and only because there is no other option

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Go and use Vim. No one is stopping you.

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tbh I do

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You sound like one of those people who copy/paste using the terminal when someone is around.

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You mean like with terminal commands?

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What do you use... your mouse? Webshits lol

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What does this mean? You mean like cat ~/file > pbcopy .... pbpaste?

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What you NEED is a REAL job you HOMOSEXUAL (derogatory)

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Recommend me good shit?

If you say sublime I will end you

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Sublime is such a meme text editor. It was cool back in like 2012 when the best IDE around was some dogshit flavor of Eclipse but the devs just let it sit so long its worthless now.

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Sublime is dying, the people still using just havent notice. That shit matters because your editor is largely a sum of the extensions and language + OS integration these days.

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geany chuds rise up :chudsmug:

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I like Kate, it has a Windows version but it's better on Linux.

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RIP to the vim guy

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Notepad++ is what I use for C code

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RIP atom

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