Elon Musk :marseyelonmusk: announces Tesla HW4 will “lag HW3 by at least another six months” in getting FSD v12 (extra drama added)


Backstory: HW4 is the latest hardware revision for Teslas. This revision is included with the newest cars, and will probably drop with the cybertruck. Elon also dropped a program that lets you transfer your lifetime FSD to HW4 a while back (useful to know).

List of HW4 seethe:

So the Model S Plaid (HW4) I bought 2 months ago and paid $15K for FSD is essentially useless for another 6-8 months. The free 3 months for FSD for my wife's Model X (HW4) is going to expire before it's even capable of being used. As much as I love all of my Teslas, that doesn't sound right.

lost the link

Updates on Summon, Auto Park? These are also missing alongside FSDBETA.


He usually say “2 weeks” to mean “6 months”… “6 months” might mean “3 years”


you need more engineers. 6 months… what about all the people that paid for $15k FSD. I'm a huge supporter, but this is half a year more than what we have already been waiting.


Looking like at least another year for HW4 cars to get FSD Beta based on prior missed timelines. Sucks if you updated to a HW4 car and expected parity with HW3.


There's a lot more drama in the thread but I'm tired tbh.

HWc3ls stay winning :marseyblowkiss:

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Trans women are women except they can parallel park

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I'm a moid and I can't parallel park.

Do I get downgraded or what?

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I can parallel park but if you find yourself parallel parking on a regular basis then you're living in a dystopia.

It's a skill that should not need to exist.

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I got a tandem parking spot. It's even shittier than parallel parking. I wish I could parallel park into my own spot I'd gladly take that. also the guy I share the tandem with is an butthole at parking. He claims because the deed says his spot is the back one he just parks in the back spot and makes me move his car. Most people just pull in front and take turns swapping out.

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>Tandem spot

How I. The heck are you renting after all the progress you have made for us PoLs? Why didn't you post your GoFundMe,?this is like hearing Micky Mantle is a renter

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You don't have to be a rentoid to have a tandem spot

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>not just throwing down two lines of gravel in your yard to park on and instead bending to the whims of some r-slur


inb4 hoa

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Living in the city. Ruralcels wouldn't understand

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Lol do you not even have a yard? Oof

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We can now be girlfriends and get our nails done together. I've been waiting for this moment.

Trans women are women and so is budgerigar

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Oh neat! Do I get to be the one that complains about her boyfriend while you put makeup over my bruises?

I'm not a good cook so I feel that I'll visit a lot!

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your transition has already started

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I can't drive but if I could drive I would be able to parallel park


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Just bump the cars until theres space for you

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The french system

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Fr what the frick is the point of high low speed torque if you arent gonna use it to break cute twinks parking pawls who dont leave decent room for parking.

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To flaten jews

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I can parallel park a semi. Do girls like that?

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I wanna parallel park your semi :marseyhomofascist:

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Trans women are women

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True, I just wanted to gauge how attractive this skill made me. She's more impressed by my ability to blindside alley dock, which honestly is a pretty high bar. She's always held me to a very high standard, but I appreciate that about her.

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:marseypirate: Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include trans women are women! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with trans women are women included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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I use the automatic parallel parking in my car as a party trick. Ford's had it for over a decade now.

Of course mine is an early generation that can't do gearshifts, just steering.

Fun fact, for two years (14 and 15 I think), top-trim Fusions had side parking sensors that didn't do anything. Weren't even connected to the parking modules. If you connected them and updated the firmware to the 2017 build, you could enable automatic reverse perpendicular parking.


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