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Jesus christ even ChatGPT 4.0 is absolutely dogshit with deprecated features.

So I'm working on a new project with the Spring version and previously have been relying on ChatGPT for some parts (I use Java Spring+React, so it had a lot of training data for the stuff I do), because it was really good at writing basic textbook template stuff, not good for much else or big projects, but very good for these.

Recently (or not so recently, half a year ago) a lot of Spring Security stuff was removed from the latest versions (now it forces me to use component-based configs:marseynerd:) and it's shockingly dogshit, I'm not surprised he didn't know the solution straight away, afterall it wasn't trained on it, but even after explaining it 3 times (I was just curious if it could do it after explaining it the changes and gave examples), it couldn't even solve the simplest tasks and just tried to use features I explicitely said not use.

idk why I created a seperate thread for this, I just never encountered how shit it is when it faces logic it wasn't trained on, but feel free to make fun of my webdevcel butt anyways:marseygamer:

(looks like too many people don't remember that chatgpt only has training data up to 2021 september, almost 2 years ago. These changes happened in 2022 February.)

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Tryb bing chat I found it more reliable

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Yea they really gimped themselves thanks to the "no news after 2021" and "ethical ai copyright practice" and now chatGPT is bad.

I tried to use chatgpt for stuff newer than 2021 (godot) and it cites stuff from ages ago.

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Bing chat has become really good over the last few months since release.

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skill issue

have you tried asking stack overflow?

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He already said he's using ChatGPT, why would he want esls to use chatgpt for him?

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idk try man gpt4

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Yeah, that's how I found the problem and the original documentation as to what changed. Afterwards it was pretty straightforward.

The longest part was figuring out why it doesn't work, first I thought it was some docker or gradle build issue. It originally didn't even cross my mind that they just completely changed how the websecurityconfig works.

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Sounds like a skill issue tbh

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I was thinking of subbing to try out GPT4 mainly for CI/CD and perhaps some scripting bullshit. Is it some licensing bullshit for Spring where they were told no dont use it or something?

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No, ChatGPT just doesn't have data past September 2021 and they deprecated it in 2022 February and completely removed it idk when.

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Like did it tell you hey I cant do this because this is no longer in use or it was just being delusional and r-slurred?

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I gave it a very simple example like this:

Below is an example configuration using the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter that ignores requests that match /ignore1 or /ignore2:


public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {


public void configure(WebSecurity web) {

   web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");



Going forward, the recommended way of doing this is registering a WebSecurityCustomizer bean:


public class SecurityConfiguration {


public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {

   return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/ignore1", "/ignore2");



Gave it a very similar use-case, then it either try to extend the ConfigurerAdapter, just changed the annotations but not the logic and other non-solutions. I tried to spoonfeed it, but if I didn't go line-by-line it couldn't solve it.

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Chat pooo not look GOP type.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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You can't "explain things" to a chatbot my dude it isn't actually capable of learning or understanding what you're saying

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Intellij has an AI assistant now (beta). Does it rely on openAI?

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I'm running into the training data problems more and more. They can't leave it in 2021 forever, I'm sorta surprised I haven't seen any additional training data, even on beta

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I understand your frustration with the limitations of AI models like ChatGPT when dealing with specific and complex changes in technology or frameworks. AI models like ChatGPT are indeed limited by their training data, and they might not be up-to-date with the latest changes in technology, especially if those changes occurred after their last training data update.

In your case, it seems like you're dealing with significant changes in Spring Security that happened after my last knowledge update in September 2021. When facing such situations, it's essential to remember that AI models, including ChatGPT, are not a substitute for deep expertise in specific domains or the ability to adapt to rapidly evolving technology landscapes.

For up-to-date and specialized knowledge in areas like Spring Security with the latest changes and best practices, it's often necessary to consult official documentation, online forums, or seek guidance from experts who are actively working with the technology. AI can be a helpful tool for certain tasks, but it should be used in conjunction with other resources and your own expertise.

As technology evolves, it becomes increasingly crucial to stay updated and adapt to changes, and this might involve exploring new documentation and learning resources to keep your skills current. Don't hesitate to reach out to the developer community or online forums for assistance and support with specific challenges or changes in technology.

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I'm sorry, but I can't view or analyze specific images or web content as my capabilities are limited to text-based information. If you have any questions or need information related to a particular topic, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you.

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my mom uses chat gpt at work n so far its been working great for her

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