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  • Snape : who cares, use adblock

It's true. Your devices are listening to you :stoningpills:


It's True. Your Devices Are Listening to You.

With Active Listening, CMG can now use voice data to target your advertising to the EXACT people you are looking for.

Imagine This...

What could it do for your business, if you were able to target potential clients or customers who are using terms like this in their day to day conversations:

  • The car lease ends in a month- we need a plan.
  • We need to get serious about planning for retirement.
  • A mini van would be perfect for us.
  • This AC is on it's last leg!
  • Do I see mold on the ceiling?
  • We need a better mortgage rate.

Active Listening can make that happen for you!

We know this sounds like something from the future, but we are there! We can customize your campaign to listen for any keywords/targets relevant to your business. Here is how we do it:

  • Create Personas

We create buyer personas by uploading past client data into the platform.

  • Identify Keywords

We identify top performing keywords relative to the type of customer you are looking for.

  • Tracking

We set up tracking via pixel placed on your site, so we can track your ROI in real time.


Active Listening begins and is analyzed via AI to detect pertinent conversations via smartphones, smart tvs and other devices.


As qualified consumers are detected, a 360 analysis via AI on past behaviors of each potential customer occurs.

Create a List

With the audience information gathered, an encrypted evergreen audience list is created.


We use the list to target your advertising via many different platforms and tactics including:

  • Streaming TV/OTT
  • Streaming Audio
  • Display Ads
  • Paid Social Media
  • YouTube
  • Mobile Precise
  • Google/Bing Search (PPC)

We know what you are thinking...

Is this legal? YES- it is totally legal for phones and devices to listen to you. That's because consumers usually give consent when accepting terms and conditions of software updates or app downloads.

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Whenever my ads seem a little too targeted I scream BIPOC into my phone over and over and that usually solves the problem.


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The best was when my friend was telling me about a coding bootcamp he completed and then for the next 3 weeks I was bombarded with ads for the exact same bootcamp. I never searched that shit myself.

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Or because they know your phone and his phone were together and they probably have a profile on you showing you may be similar likes.

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Maybe being connected to the same wifi. But I definitely wouldnt have been on the profile for any coding bootcamp otherwise.

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What I am trying to articulate pre coffee is being on the same wifi or another metric for proximity will let cross over from someone else's ad profile onto yours. Like if you parents want a new coffee machine, google it, and you visit them, the ad agencies will ad coffee machines to your profile.

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:#marseygigachadtalking: :#chadchudtalking:

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Because the artificial intelligence algorithm has no way of discerning noise from signal or filtering out words not useful to personalized ads :marseyawardretard:

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No wonder I get so many ads for malt liquor

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Honestly impressive if they found a way to passively activate the mic on iPhones without the indicator being on and someone noticing. Because if all they get is some mic data when apps record like Snapchat that's gotta be some low-value data

No microphone needed :marseywholesome:

Gyrophone: Recognizing Speech From Gyroscope Signals

We show that the MEMS gyroscopes found on modern smart phones are sufficiently sensitive to measure acoustic signals in the vicinity of the phone...this information is sufficient to identify speaker information and even parse speech. Since iOS and Android require no special permissions to access the gyro, our results show that apps and active web content that cannot access the microphone can nevertheless eavesdrop on speech in the vicinity of the phone.

Stanford Securty Research

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You can also use it to infer somebody's password with their phone in their pocket as they type on a keyboard

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i get conspiratorial when the subject of ads comes up because its such an insidious and objectively terrible practice. i genuinely wish bad things happen to the people who drive the ad industry because its consequences on the mental, emotional, and financial well being of individuals, as well as the irreparable damage done to the very concept of privacy, and the political consequences of what these technologies allow are absolutely fricking insane. people have been justly killed for less than the things that companies like google do, but somehow the abstraction of a company allows multiple evil people to act together to commit the same crime against humanity and completely avoid any form of consequence.

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!followers please take note. Advertisers are subhuman and hate you and your family. It's okay to kill them.

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How I sleep at night knowing advertisers are ontologically evil and no harm visited upon them could ever be considered wrong


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you just run them over with your car :marseysteer:

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It's fascinating how everyone's beliefs converge. This is my current perspective as well

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You just don't miss

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Same. I only joke about rounding up some people and putting them into death camps and against the wall, but for advertisers, I would vote for any party that advocates for complete and utter advertiser annihilation and sterilisation.

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And they call me crazy... :marseyschizotwitch:

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radio silence whenever I point out "dumb tvs" are significantly more expensive than "smart tvs"

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You also accept to not use iTunes to develop nuclear weapons

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Who else is part of the put-tape-over-your-laptop-camera gang? :marseytinfoil2:

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i pointed at laser at mine and it stopped working

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I never understood that, what could someome possibly get from my video camera they couldn't get from my computer or microphone?

I am not a beautiful woman getting naked in front of my laptop, but even if I was so what? Not like you are gonna lose your job because a grainy webcam video shows you half naked.

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Let me be mentally ill in peace. K thx bye.

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Okay sorry have a good day :marseyblob:

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Thanks! You too! :marseyxoxo:

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the answer is "genuine blackmail material about wanking". or picking your nose. true, that's not too realistic.

the real worry has mostly been audio: keystrokes revealing passwords, conversations revealing whatever is going on in your vicinity.

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The Zuck does it, so do I.

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Kill permissions for your location services, microphone, and camera for basically everything and only set the ones you really need to "Ask Every Time". Even if the phone OS is screwing you, you can still stop sites and apps from having free reign.

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Old news, every site secretly does this.

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Does rdrama fall under the category of "every site"? :marseyschizowall:

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carps sells the links you click to huffman in exchange for bard pics

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I remeber some sketch marketing firm offering audio data compiled through some creepy algorithm gathered from smart TVs around eight years ago. Implied that manufacturers sold rights to that feature. Modern marketing is the wild fricking west and we are pretty much cucked as consumers.

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I don't care about personalized ads because I use an adblocker. The fact that ads are seen by anyone under the age of 40 is concerning.

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lmao just because you're looking away from the final ad placed on your screen doesn't mean the entire insane process of vacuuming up any and all possible morsels of information about you and your habits to build a commodity profile about you and trading it with whoever wants it isn't somehow still happening

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I don't buy anything new, or much of anything at all, I am poor and buy everything i own second hand. What money you gonna make from me?

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a good deal, but that's really not it. ads are just one common use for a profile on you.

sure, you're at peace already to accept that the government / advertisers / social media know are building profiles and trading them among each other to know everything about you in the name of public safety or personalized ads or whatever -- but are you cool with... anyone knowing everything about you? your insurer? doctor? employer? neighbor? your crazy ex? carp? with no ability to realistically opt out?

imagine getting refused service at a restaurant or asked to leave some venue because some trust and safety service integrated into their stripe / QR code menus / bluetooth beacon trackers / etc. detected your device on some audience segment list known to have been geolocated at the wrong wingnut protest or working for the wrong employer, a list that is bought as a service from some shady data broker you've never heard of that was made from profiles created by sucking up as much data on you as possible from other data brokers, etc.

yeah, your data profile is usually sold to advertisers for personalized ads or marketers for customer studies or footfall studies or whatever -- but data brokers will sell to basically whoever wants to do whatever with it.

forget ads dude

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I appreciate your comment. I am aware of that stuff, but wasn't thinking when I made my comment. I have tried to become less conspiracy focused, but obviously I shouldn't let my guard down. Thank you!!!

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take it from someone who feels gross for having built some of this shit - this is one of those things where its worth it to be conspiracy focused :#marseyschizowall:

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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actually, forget it. it would be pretty cool if longpostbot knew where ive been recently so it could make more dramatic replies

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This is why you abhore and divest yourself of social media, friends, smart devices - you must become a ghost in the machine,an echo, a being that exists between the spaces where average people reside.

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It seems kind of pointless to try and stop the entire world from spying on you. Other people's phones and TVs will do it even if you spergify your own. Who cares, really

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My plan is to buy a slumlord rental property in a shithole city, get a bunch of illegal women living there on section 8, knock them all up while keeping my name off the birth certificates, and then report them to health and human services once they can't make babies any more. My kids will end up in the foster care system, where the half-mexican boys will be turned gay by p-dophiles (thereby preventing dilution of white women and ensuring that the gays are too busy with brown kids to molest white kids), and the girls will do as hapa/castillo girls do and exclusively date white guys.

Without their kids the illegal women will invariably go insane or kill themselves, ensuring that tax dollars don't go towards their maintenance in old age.

I also want to set up something that looks from the outside like a hippy commune, but is actually a fascist compound - American Juche with Crunchy Granola Characteristics, if you want to get technical. All the women will wear sundresses and sandals, all the men will be jacked, and the only thing vaccinated will be the livestock. As long as we say on paper that our kids are all gay or trans, and all the men and women are gay or trans, we should escape notice until it's too late. If the feds try to pull an ATF we'll put the men in sundresses and play music at them until they go away, or do oiled up Greco-Roman wrestling until they get uncomfortable and look away.


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