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Nerds :marseynerd2: argue about cloud hosting versus self hosting for hundreds of comments


You get the just "self host everything and do it all DIY in a collocation datacenter" :marseypenguin: nerds versus the "I pay for multiple 28 core vms for my status checker app. The cloud just works" :marseybrainlet:

Only reasonable take in a page of flame

In my opinion the story here is that AWS allowed them to quickly build and prove out a business idea. This in turn afforded them the luxury to make this kind of switch. Cloud did it's job

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Commenting on personal use:

I have fun self-hosting but the biggest annoyance is home internet not being geared to it unless you're lucky.

I hope Comcast's symmetric Gb comes true but there's not much I want to host with 40Mbps up.

Colo is cool too but it doesn't really solve self-hosting for me when it's $$$ just to talk to the host.

Proper cloud sites like fly.io or using Terraform is like black magic to me though, it's just really fun to write a couple YAML files and know exactly what you did even six months later.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Why aren't you using EKS or another premade kubernetes and helm charts to run your status checker? :marseyhmmhips:

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I feel really dumb I've never set up k8s. :marseyteehee:

I've done preliminary research and every time I come out more confused. :marseydizzy:

I think k3s is the go-to one right now but I was kind of surprised there's not a "Promox for k8s"? :marseyhmm:

Granted this is all due to it being "cloud native", I get the concept is you're not supposed to self-host k8s - it's supposed to be a vendor-neutral container platform.

IME in my homelab Docker Compose scales pretty far for learning to, so I've not committed to another round of "what k8s project is alive still". (Though I'm using ESXi atm).

The last time I tried researching I learned that RancherOS had been dead since 2021 and was trying to release a new version. :marseysurprised:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I've done preliminary research and every time I come out more confused. :marseydizzy:

I have never met a DevOps "professional" who actually knows what they're doing with kubernetes but they all pretend they're serious professionals when it comes to it. It's a great way to increase costs for companies and get them hooked on cloud platforms. It's also a huge crutch for operations engineers where there is now a glut of them reading a kubernetes intro book and faking their way into the industry only to rely more and more on 3rd party "solutions" like JFrog. I guess it's like how zoomers have trouble understanding desktop operating systems because they grew up with phones.

You can look into portainer but idk if that does "k3s".

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Kubernetes is a great achievement of the human race.

Every company big enough to own data centers to support its non-tech business, is running Kubernetes to offer as a platform for its web application teams.

You mix in cloud provider Kubernetes to get scale while you build out more on-prem, or to have regional deployment targets where you don't have a DC yet.

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Yeah maybe I'm approaching it wrong because I want to understand the full stack like I can with docker and docker-compose. That clearly doesn't sell more SaaS though.

Yup Portainer is a cute project and I've set it up with my friendos who prefer web UIs.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The problem with k8s is it's designed to solve issues that arise when you're running on several thousand physical servers spread across at least a half dozen distinct data centers with dark fiber between them. It doesn't scale down really, at least not in any kind of graceful or elegant way. It's unironically a terrible solution in most cases, but since Google or whoever use it, low iq "it professionals" think it's the right solution for everything under the sun.

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I want to make more money than I do pooping out react and this is literally my future career plan

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this is weird because I was told on this site I should shit out react instead of being a server janny to make more money

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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frick, idk

Maybe it depends on the local market

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they want everyone to do everything and be everything.

write the code, deploy the code, monitor the servers, take customer complaints, handle billing, wipe your bosses butt.

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imo k8s only makes sense if you have multiple physical servers in your homelab

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I have the same issue. I'm on a business internet plan, and I still can only get 30Mb upload because they haven't built fiber to my house yet. I'm going to get 300Mb both ways sometime in the next 6 months though when the fiber is ready. As it is, I can't do cloud backups of my home servers because it takes more than 20 hours to do a single backup with the shitty cable upload speeds.

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