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rDrama's Application API doesn't work + Aevann callout post

Hi guys, motherlover! Has rDrama been markedly better this past weekend, b-word? That would be fricking because I had gotten 5 ban awards. Anyways, im back now, so I can make this Aevann callout post. I was fricking trying to figure out how to use the fricking rDrama application api in a fricking web app. Turns out it's incredibly broken, and Aevann just stopped responding to my DMs.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/170127310757125.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17012731082629745.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17012731088410342.webp

I had a fricking free afternoon on Sunday, so I thought "why not make a fricking lil rDrama web app, b-word? I could add MarseyFX and LaTeX without the fricking capy bitching about it" but instead of the fricking relaxing afternoon project that I had hoped for, I was fricking instead left trying to make a fricking broken OAuth API work. I make this post so that we can all point and laugh :marseyrofl: at the fricking capybara :capycryreal: that can't figure out fricking OAuth of all things. Aevann, fix your goddarn API. !codecels

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God I wish I understood any of this

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>websites and apps talk using API

>rdrama API no talk good to app

>inhibit third-party app

>b-word smash egyptian


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@JollyMoon miss cybergrue

israeli lives matter

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Its shift starts in about two hours.

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!downmarseyrs Capymisia

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It's slacker news r tard, you can't downmarsey :marseysigh:

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Check your comment votes, king :marseyshy:

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:marseypoggers#: how

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The notifications page doesn't have the hole CSS, so I just downmarsey in it

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I tried it but I could never downmarsey you permanently :marseybow:

Sad this doesn't work from profiles :marseycry:

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author:@whoeveryouwanttodownmarsey, kween

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Add this to your adblock filter:


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Thank you @X :marseyblush:

@transb-word keep yourself safe :marseyshy2:

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Aevann just stopped responding to my DMs

Take the hint


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Aevann is incredibly smart and the best coder I know so I am going to assume yoh actually messed up here and its all your fault for not understanding it.

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Sending 6+ messages of seething after he leaves you on read


yeah, not a good look.

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On the contrary, this proves trans women are women.

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If the rdrama API doesn't work then how could I ask @BibleBot what Deuteronomy 22:5 says?

It takes a couple minutes though. If we could get event streaming that would be fetch.

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Deuteronomy 22:5

A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Tʜᴇ Lᴏʀᴅ your God.

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I'm a woman so its fine :marseywink:

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Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor 🤣

DeTrans lives matter

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Deuteronomy 22:5 -- "You look like a strag an your shit's all r-slurred"

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Deuteronomy 22:5

A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Tʜᴇ Lᴏʀᴅ your God.

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There are two different types of API access. Bot and Application. Bot is fine, thats why bible bot & friends work. The application API, which no one currently uses, is broken.

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Well if no one uses it who cares :marseyshrug:

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because im trying to use it

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israeli lives matter

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death to oauth

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: frick that api

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Imagine using api's. Just scrape.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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ah yes I want to reinvent the wheel, get ratelimited, and use 3MB on every request

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If I continue this project, I will have no other choice than to scrape. It's a waste of resources for both of us (Aevann and me), but there isn't any other way forward.

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>but there isn't any other way forward

you can away go outside

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It sucks, I couldnt even get approved for an api key so now I'm scraping stuck calculating ratelimits :marseysad:

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Why couldn't you get approved? They approved mine lol

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IDK tbh

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everyone gets approved lol how did u not get approved, b-word?

apply again

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I just run multiple accounts in docker with their own vpn each. The scraper knows not to rate limit itself. I could automate account creation if I felt like it and the rate limit would be a hilarious suggestion.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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i lol evertim

newstrags can't parse html with regex

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I have colleagues like you. They are the least productive, because they spend all day bitching about how bad everything is. They do some refactoring, and break a bunch of features doing so. They provide _negative_ business value.

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https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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That API stands for Asian Kitty Inspector. This is your own mistake for making assumptions. :marseyindignant:

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Has rDrama been markedly better this past weekend

Idk but I'd trade @ticktocktrain for you in an instant

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Lucky we get both :marseyembrace:

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Here is @Landlord_Messiah's callout:


Also lol at passing the clientID in a query param and not the auth header or body. Amateur hour

DeTrans lives matter

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Tagging everyone on this post still won't make Aevann care

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Every API is broken to some degree, won't fix - PEBCAK

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works on his machine

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what the frick do you even need to scrape this site for anyway, there's nothing :marseynothingburger: of value to anyone on it.

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@Merryvann you should start charging for the API like the reddit admins

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crippling of the api is the canary in the coalmine for when VC pressure becomes too large and the project has to commercialize to cover the debt. It's been nice hating minorities with y'all :marseylibations#:

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skill issue

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We once had a scammer who made an rdrama stock exchange (with oauth) but eventually took the money and ran. Does anybody know if he's still around or if he shared code anywhere? @X I remember you being hit the hardest by it

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was I? i only put in 1000 dc and the stonks went up way too much lol

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If you could've sold, you would be the richest user on this site. That said, selling even 2 stocks probably would've crashed the price back down to 0

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Holy shit you're needy and annoying.

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Hint: if you want something from someone then you should not be a pita about it. especially when the person doesn't have a higher up you can complain to.

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Trans folx proving once again they're the QA team for life: Jesus christ are they annoying, but frick, that probably is broken. :marseysigh: submit a patch request to god, and She'll get to it right after She sorts out all the mismatched genitalia.

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