:marseyfivehead:Tom Scott :marseyfivehead: stops making YouTube videos



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I dislike his annoying british face but he said he made a video a week for 10yrs that's some dedication

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Reminder that 2016 Reddit was too edgy for Tom Scott.

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[Reddit is] seen as toxic, as dangerous, as a bad thing to be associated with in many of the communities and friend circles that I work with -- and particularly in those that I base my career on.

uh based?

It has a reputation based on endemic racism, celebrity photo leaks, and harassment campaigns.

oh. :marseyeyeroll2:

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It's generally considered a thing to steer well clear of.


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Whenever I see someone post like this I have to step back and wonder if the path I've taken in life led me to shy away from living in the Light like this person, but then I realize that if living in the Light means being a soyboy like this man, I'd rather live in the shade....

  • Posted from my iPhone XXL
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[...] some ha-ha-only-serious jokes that were really unsettling, and someone bragging that they vandalised Wikipedia to add a useless reference to an old video, which was greeted with approval.

oioioioioi... meme edits without a wikipedia loicence???

:#marseypearlclutch: :#marseybritbongitsover:

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Tom Scott is lame because he doesn't say BIPOC and post on /b/

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idk what it is it's so weird with this guy, every time his vid comes up in my feed I just don't watch it bcuz i never want to. But every time i do click the vid I always watch till the end cuz the vid is always cool.

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Same. Never liked him in particular but content is always interesting. He has that British "I'm a professional" grasp of getting to the point and keeping it interesting. Maybe they learned from BBC reporting or something cuz British ppl tend to make the best youtube videos explaining stuff

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I've met him a few times, he's got an interesting aura. He's the least alpha male in existence but he surrounds himself with people who'd die for him and he knows how to get things done. He's a nice guy.

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Perfectly summed up

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My favourite video of his

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Is this real???

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Nooooo not the "if you think there's two genders, you need to get out more" guy!

He was so sane and down-to-earth!

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>Remembers random comment a Youtube made a decade ago to hold against them


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>Remembers random comment comment made a decade ago to hold against them

:marseywomanmoment: :gigachad2: :gigachadqueen:

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He's only quitting because in 10 days a news story will pop out about him having been 10 times to Epstein's mansion.

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I just have begun to appreciate his type of content. They're not boring like :marseylongpost: video essays and they don't turn my brain to a goldfish like short form content :marseybrainlet: .

Will we ever recover? Should I start to read books again?

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Yes, and you should start with Fallout Equestria

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Living, walking I fricking love science soyjak. The crying about Reddit being too mean and dangerous, or nuking a video because someone in it might've done a transmisia was kinda expected, what I didn't expect is saying death is a bad thing he should "solve" :marseycringe2: in video about cryogenic chambers. I'd expect it from a Silicon Valley techstrag, not a I fricking love science guy.

Still he did indeed make interesting videos at times, the format is nice (The Tim Traveller also falls into similar category).

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death is a disease and should be treated like one, regardless of our societal stockholm syndrome about it :marseysipping:

but... if you insist :#marseyropewithme:

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nuking a video because someone in it might've done a transmisia

Story? :marseygossip:

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He filmed a video with a swordswoman and she was a hecking TERF and maybe she no longer is, who knows or cares. As a response he wrote a longpost blogpost, where he said he wasn't aware of it I think, but deleted the video regardless afterwards because he's still a libtard cuck after all.

Google Tom Scott Jill Bearup if you care about more precise details (you shouldn't).

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He looks like shit, tbf.

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you can slowly watch his hair turn grey throughout all of his videos

very funny

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It was so nice having someone who got to the point and told you what you needed to know in under 10 minutes when everyone else stretches things out for more ad breaks.

07 to a real one


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How old is this mofo? He looks like zuckerborg without his adrenochrome injections.

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I think he's just about 40.

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Even Google barely knows lmao


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10th March 2008

Mad Cap'n Tom, 23, who hails from Mansfield originally but has lived in York for the past five years, is in the second year of a Educational Studies postgraduate degree.

Can't see any reason to think that's incorrect. He was near the end of probably his fifth year at uni (assuming a three year undergrad).

Therefore, he is 38/39.

Edit: lol

In February, YUSU's academic and welfare officer, Grace Fletcher-Hackwood, was forced to resign following a drunken incident in which she struck a male student.

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Rest in peace, little guy :(

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I liked him just because he kept his videos short and sweet. Didn't draw the videos out to 20 minutes building up to the video title

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Tom Scott's work stands out as some of the best examples of how interesting and valuable web content can be. In a sea of short derivative junk-food content, he made things that i honestly learned from, without demanding more than 10 minutes of my time a week! There's of course a lot of people also doing the same sort of great content, but it does feel like a slowly dying breed. Tom defini



Looks like content for r-slurs. :marseyshrug:

And why would anyone take anything he says at face value? Because his audience is r-slurred. :marseysmug2:

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I liked his video on Total Carp Death

His face and demeanour are incredibly offputting tho :marseyyikes:

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He needs a beard to complement his old man forehead, his face is jarringly smooth in comparison

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Whatever they learned it sure as shit wasn't important. His stuff was basically /r/mildlyinteresting in video form.

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Never liked him or his content.

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Umm then this thread isn't for you, sweatie

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I just made it for me. This reply chain is a Tom Scott Dislikers Zone.

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Well 50% of the participants in this chain are Tom Scott lovers :marseyhearts:

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at this rate it will be zero percent soon enough


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HODLers in shambles

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Never heard of him until now. He's a turbo soy and his videos are boring af.

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Pretty cool way to end it.

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Jill Bearup wins again

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RIP to a real one :marseylibations:

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It's a wise move. Bow out while you can before some Internet controversy monster gets you

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You're actually eunuchs, not "transexuals." You can not transcend your s*x or alter it in any way, it is inherent, even for individuals who are born genetically or physically deformed and termed intersex. Eunuchs are an imposed quisling class whose primary purpose is to humiliate and administer over conquered populations. This "artificial third s*x" acts as a buffer for those with actual power, a clown to hide who holds the crown. For the eunuchs themselves, they trade their loyalty to the biological and organic structures of life, such as family, for political ones, sometimes this is termed "Bioleninism." This is why the USG is now so dead set on exporting its culture of eunuchry as a social issue, because its existence is simply a mark of the USG's dominance. This was true in the old East and the Ottoman empire, we see it happening now with such ridiculous figures as Dr. Richard Levine, the jew, the s*x pervert, the entity.



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After thinking about it for 12 hours (yes, I spend half my life thinking about youtube politics)

Despite my annoyance at his "you should get out more" comment, I do grudgingly have to approve of him for explicitly bowing out rather than running himself into the ground or just fading out and disappearing, leaving people asking, "hey where are you?"

AVGN ran himself into the ground.

Vsauce disappeared (along with 75% of my subscription list).

Tom Scott...handled it...the best way...he could. I'm grinding my teeth while saying that.

By the way, Mitten Squad passed away a few days ago; he was one funny mug, and died too young.

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I appreciate him just up and leaving versus what the alternative would have become (escalating internet drama with some rando, apology videos, allegations of grooming fans, as what happens with every YouTuber who hangs out beyond their legitimately interesting content arc)

Now that means his content will be what it is forever and doesn't get marred by the inevitable death of the author

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He's a plagiarist and a Nazi.

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I didn't know he had haters. RIP bro

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He is a b-word BIPOC and @HailVictory1776 is glad he's dead. More bongs on the pile please

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