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Do you believe that to be a successful software "engineer" you need to be an above-average intelligent person? :marseyrick: :marseyselfsuck: :marseybigbrain:


Intellectuals of reddit discuss how smart you need to be a web dev

so like 120 iq which is probably already only <5% of the population

population level yes lmao

can you see the average person doing this v work?

One of my old managers said "I think anyone can be a cloud engineer"...

He's kinda right, not because CE is easy but because anyone can do it if they apply themselves [this is downmarseyd lmao]

There are tons of people who couldn't do it even if they applied themselves. Like the McDonald's worker the other day who kept insisting I had an order number after I repeatedly told and showed her the app crashed and I wasn't given one.

I had someone try to convince me that when I claimed my free quarter pounder from my rewards points, that I had to buy one first to get the free one. For 3 minutes.

Ah yes the smarties are now posting how they get into arguments with McDonald's workers :marseymcwagie: the pinnacle of intellectual workers

Not worth a dedicated post but it reminded me of this rust post

I've been a professional developer since about 2012. Most of the stuff I work on is web applications, and I believe I am pretty good at it given my experience and interactions with my peers. I love programing and it takes up most of my free time. [...] What is thread safety anyways? Atomics? What are those?

bro how the frick can you be a developer for over a decade and you don't understand thread safety?

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Nope. Years ago, yes, but now everyone knows Python or JavaScript. Programming isn't hard. It's engineering and thinking about all the things that could go wrong that's hard, and usually this requires a team. Dummying down of dev stuff happened around the WordPress era I think.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Every field dumbs down over time, like how manufacturing went from artisans to factory workers to robots. Smart people can't resist automating away their jobs.

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Definitely. I think we're seeing it happen in AI which used to be more esoteric, but now eerrrryyybody calls themselves an AI expert because they typed in some ChatGPT prompts.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>artisans to factory workers

Yeah I suppose at like the turn of the 19th century. But now with CNC stuff it is EASIER to prototype and develop your own custom stuff, and then take that to be manufactured at massive scale. So it is even easier for artisans, it's just that you have to compete against mass produced stuff which is way cheaper.

>to robots

In the sense that you use CNC machines, but you still have to design stuff in CAD. And CNC/FDM stuff is just for prototyping, it's not for mass scale production (which still involves many workers at every step). And a lot of stuff is still manufactured "by hand"... well you use machines, but it's not like you just give a robot a shape, you still have to design and plan out every part of the manufacturing process it's just that we draw on computers now instead of paper - basically it is easier to run simulations and you can use ctrl-Z and go back to make changes. but thats pretty much the only thing that has changed

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i have worked with some absolute r-slurs myself included

development is all about having a specific type of autism and you can even be a below average developer and still make good money because the demand for warm bodies is so high

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Where's this demand @Hoss keep hearing about? Certainly not anywhere that went all-in on "trans lives matter" and is currently laying off personnel like it's 2008.

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Honestly yes, having "empathy" aka being able to reason about whether your code is easy or hard to understand from someone else's perspective is a lot more useful than being (((smart))) and writing unmaintainable code when you're a corporate cog

The amount of shit code I've seen smart people write makes me want to die

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>writing legible code

Most cucked thing I've ever heard of, it's like you want to be replaced.

If your code is indecipherable garbage you're the only one who can maintain it :marseyrapscallion:

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Nobody cares if you're good at your job or not, layoffs are completely arbitrary for devs in 2024 because management is completely incompetent

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Tbh if you've been a dev for more than a few years you make it dummy-proof for yourself more than anything. Can't tell you how many times I've come back to old code after a few years and had to add something in but couldn't even figure out why the original code wasn't broken

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We call it "Jerry code" at my work, guy left 15 years ago but if I ever see him in public I'm going to assault him.

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The longer I use the Internet, the more convinced I am that you actually need to be r-slurred to be a software engineer. Some of the biggest :carpnoticeme: :wolfnoticeme: on the planet.

Also they all say that everyone else they work with is :marseybrainlet: so I assume their coworkers are saying the same thing about them :marseysmoothbrain:

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I don't think their co-workers think about them.

There's a frickload of 9-5 Java guys who don't make “coding” their personality and just want a middle class job.

Theyre the Dark Matter of developers.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Most "software engineers" which is an HR title not a fricking actual description of job role, are completely fricking r-slurred.

Even "good" ones often have no expertise outside of their specific role, so their software is shit.

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yes but not because you need to be SMART for it but because the "average" human being is a barely functional illiterate zombie and at bare minimum you have to be able to type keys on a keyboard (90% of americans fail this part)

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Programming is way easier than learning a second language, but then again very few people are actually bilingual. Even los chicanos can only speak broken dog spanish

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And broken dog English

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software engineer is a misnomer most of the time, unless you're writing software for an airplane or robot arms in an assembly line or a roller coaster or an oil rig or something there is no expectation of safety, reliability or professionalism that you would expect of an engineering discipline.

What most people refer to as "software engineering" is more of a "senor programming" role

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"senor programming"


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I love this marsey :#marseymexican:

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I think CS people generally think they're way smarter than they really are, but at the same time saying that the average person could do it makes me think this person hasn't interacted much with actually average people, but rather, with average people who are already on the same life trajectory that they're on.

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People always talk about this subject but never define "successful", like you can get a job and make money without being very smart, but I've never worked with a good dev who wasn't smarter than the average person. I don't like the "everybody can write code" sentiment that is popular these days, because yes, almost all people could learn to write a little code, but most people won't be good at it.

That being said I guess it also depends on what field you're in, because it's probably not that hard to do most front end stuff. I've never done front end though.

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Most backend devs I've seen that move to front end struggle with it

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Any r-slur can code, especially languages like JavaScript and python.

It's building something that works thats the real skill, that's why most Devs don't have a bunch of apps on the side making them money even though they should be fully capable of it they can't because the best they can do is be a code monkey in some corpo team.

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You do need above average intelligence even too be a mediocre software engineer or just a web developer.

But that's compared too population averages. @AuntyAbortion don't think a lot of people in good jobs realise just how fricking r-slurred the average unwashed plebs really are.

Trans lives matter

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There :marseycheerup: are tons of people who couldn't do it even if they applied themselves. Like the McDonald's worker :marseylumberjack: the other day who kept insisting I had an order number after I repeatedly told and showed her the app crashed and I wasn't given one

the wagie :marseywaiter: is right. if the purchase went through you should :marseynorm: have gotten a receipt in your email.

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depends on the role, but i think average would be okay for many jobs

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No you can be an absolute r-slur as a software engineer in my job it is like tweak the UI = 3 days worth of man hours allocated and it goes over because whoever worked on it somehow managed to make it break core functionality under certain circumstances.

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He's not "schizoposting" he's telling the truth and if it's funny to you rather than deeply sad you don't recognize how the country has been deliberately ruined by Democrats and you're a soulless, unintelligent, subhuman bug communist, but what's new



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