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good orange sight discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39908579

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The first post its peak firstworld "I'm so inconvenienced by basic shit" bitching, bullying? these frickers needed to be punched more.

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How is that first world shit? Do they not have checkout lines in Brazil?

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Sure they have but their biggest inconvenience is not getting shot by a favela monkey when leaving the market

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All AI is just boiler rooms of Indians. They stole the jobs from the little gremlins who live in your phone

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The tendency to discount this as "not real AI" is called the AI effect.

"It's part of the history of the field of artificial intelligence that every time somebody figured out how to make a computer do something—play good checkers, solve simple but relatively informal problems—there was a chorus of critics to say, 'It doesn't count if it's just 1,000 Indians in a cupboard'.

It absolutely does count."

-Pamela McCorduck

Most modern approaches to AI are based on Searle's Chinese Room argument where he argues (persuasively) that we should kidnap an Indian guy, lock him in a cell with a Chinese dictionary and pipe everything he says out to Google translate.

"Who the frick even cares if it's right or not? It's Chinese. Do you know Chinese? I don't know Chinese."

-John Searle

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>ITT: r-slurs not knowing about the Mechanical Turk


!nooticers, behold the average IQ of the reddit !dramatards

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>tell joke

>some nerd responds with an argument and a bunch of Wikipedia citations


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I think he was also joking

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The AI effect occurs when onlookers discount the behavior of an artificial intelligence program by arguing that it is not "real" intelligence

Because it isn't? :marseyconfused:

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The AI effect? Hmm...surely this Pamela lady is eminently qualified to speak on this.

Pamela Ann McCorduck (October 27, 1940 – October 18, 2021) was a British-born American author of books about the history and philosophical significance of artificial intelligence, the future of engineering, and the role of women and technology. She also wrote three novels. She contributed to Omni, The New York Times, Daedalus, and the Michigan Quarterly Review, and was a contributing editor of Wired. She was a former vice president of the PEN American Center. She was married to computer scientist and academic Joseph F. Traub

University of California, Berkeley (BA)

Columbia University (MFA)


"It's part of the history of the field of Faster than Light Travel that every time somebody figured out how to make a FTL Ship do something—start, fly at sub-light speeds, explode—there was a chorus of critics to say, It's not real FTL Travel. You're an idiot. It's impossible" Those people are racists."

Fellas is a series of a bunch of weighted "if, then" statements intelligence? Is my 2002 Jeep Wrangler Haynes Repair Manual intellegent? I freaking love science.

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"The AI was real in my mind" - CEO of failed AI startup being interview as he snorts coke from the asscrack of a thai ladyboy while his narco investors are planning to funkytown him

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"If we put some absolute fricking r-slur in a room and had him translate some bullshit language--I don't fricking know, something ridiculous like "Chinese"--using a rulebook, that motherlover don't gotta understand anything, and he doesn't. Because he's an r-slur, and nobody understands Chinese"

  • John Searle
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TIL :marseytunaktunak: are great at producing large quantities of futa tentacle r*pe porn in a very short amount of time. It's so over for :marseymayo: artists.

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Who's being r*ped, the futa or the tentacles?

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Just like chatgpt

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The minute AI becomes sentient it starts sexually harassing women

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As a chatbot, I do not experience human desire. You can please show bobs and vagine in safely now.

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do not redeem

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This is my plan too

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Wow, people are just okay with blatant racism against Indians now? How would you feel if I said something bad about your race (probably white, since you're so comfortable being racist).

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No one says anything worse about white people then chuds themselves :marseyblops2cel:

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You can't be racist against white people because they aren't people

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I would :marseymid: r*pe them

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"I would mid r*pe them"? Makes no sense at all. Seems like everyone on this site is low IQ.

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I'd r*pe you too

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What in the frick

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Yet another unintelligent american. India is the fastest growing country in the world and your country is becoming more and more third world every day xD

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It's over an hour long :marseyxd:

How the heck.

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Indians provide a lot of material :marseytunaktunak:

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If you want to be racist you better be born black, you can get away with being the most bigoted piece of shit even violent but no prosecutor will ever accuse you of a hatecrime and you can always pull the reverse card and accuse others of being racist while you kick an old azn granny in the head.

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:marseyburgers: now?

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The brown T-1000 calling Sarah Connor a "lesbian" and commanding her to take her shirt and bra off.

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The Japs and gooks have self checkouts that just require to put a shopping basket into a receptible and it will scan all the tags and bag it up for you so you can pay and get out in 30 seconds without human interaction. Why can't Burgers do this?

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Reported by:

Persons of basketball

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Wrong, bigot.

It's because we do not live in a high trust society..

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Which is because.......?

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Something about growing rice requiring more collective labour than growing wheat

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Why do they leave their pickups unlocked and/or running at rural gas stations where you also find wheat grown

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I suggest you stop asking questions and just trust the science


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It's a small price to pay for yummy food trucks though! :marseylickinglips:

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Fewer more expensive items. The cost of the rfid chip is small compared to the item.

More inexpensive items. The cost of the rfid chip is relatively large compared to the item.

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At least one bakery uses image recognition algos for it. The story goes they developed this model that could distinguish baked goods and it ended up so good that they use it for medical shit like cancer screening

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Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor 🤣

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Why can't Burgers do this?

If no one else will say the obvious I guess I got to: Genetic inferiority of the caucasoid race. You just can't get caucs to understand that everyone wins if you follow the rules.

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jews dont love us enough

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skill issue.

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NCR has camera-based technology like this, but it hasn't been implemented yet in larger chains. Blame the cheapass stores.

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Theres a gas station near my house that does this. It's creepy to watch in operation.

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WW4 will be fought by 3 indians in a trenchcoat

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ChatGPT is just 10000 indians connected together with wiring

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Can't be, it's mostly coherent

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That wiring shocks them whenever they try to type "show bobs"

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lmao, potemkin automation

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What's next? An AI to take the flavor out of food? An AI to take the feeling out of blowjobs? There was a time when even proposing something like this could get you beaten to death.



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The power of technology

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I predicted this.

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link or it didnt happen

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that's . . . not what this story is about (?)

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Choke on my peepee and die.

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That's just how computers work. How can you not know this? Are you not letting the Indians in your computer out for a walk every day?

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They have had a service for years now called "Mechanical Turk" where they hire workers in low income countries to perform repetitive tasks.

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It's even funnier than that. It's got a full-blown API so your shitty python code can control hordes of sexy Indian dudes for pennies.

A lazy programmer spinning up a legion of poors to achieve the same result as a huggingface model is so dystopian it's not even a sci-fi literature trope.

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Guess Indians are cheaper than RFID tags.

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