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:marseycoin: Unique Badge! :marseycoin: for the first :marseywinner: person :marseywall: :marseygolden2: to solve this Cipher! First :marseywinner: 5 get 10k MB! :marseyluckycat:

Here is the cipher. The question :marseyconfuseddead: has been scrambled from its original form.

>oewph spws nhit ircthe en npeatsiiad rsnhetd otne otnhsentseuclh ls etwts een inemeyh,locieut s tkeiyu raclum kootn etetf hosi?

Here is the key:

>rdmhaetyu opliwns gbfkrecv xzjuql

The first :marseywinner: to give me the answer :marseyconfuseddead: to the question :marseybeanblack: will get 10k MB and a unique badge. The only hint I will give is that I started with the Caesar :marseyburnedman: cypher method. Badge :marseymajorgeneral3: should :marseynorm: be ready :marseyexcited: in the next few days or so. The next 4 will get 10k mb.

!ghosts would :marseywood: someone in badgemaxxers mind pinging them please?

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Thanks Google you're just amazing :#marseyembrace:

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Just because you aren't smart :marseyrick: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to figure :marseypop: it out, doesn't mean that there :marseycheerup: aren't others who still enjoy testing their minds.

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If you arent smart :marseyslab: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to solve this then you shouldnt be allowed online. Make this the easiest captcha

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Context is usually the key to solving these, but get at it r-slurs. !math

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This clearly isn't a naive Caesar cypher, I tested all 26 results. I'm guessing it's a Vigenere cypher, but simply using the given key as the key (ignoring all non-alphabet characters) returned nonsense (xbkih owyy zsxl mekngz uw jnjdujospm ogghaaf ufyt gxapmdijbashoi cy oifqg xej ppkypnz,pbkcdpj b pijlzl xkrura dokap kfpix lbac?). So my next guess was a Vigenere (using the given key) and a Caesar, so I tested all 26 Caesars on the Vigenere results and got more nonsense.

Then I noticed that the key almost used every letter exactly once (except for e, l, r, and u which are all used twice) and I realized that this could be a Caesar that uses a non-standard alphabet ordering and then I gave up because this was boring

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I second this, it is not a Caesar cipher. I also tried using the key as a nonstandard alphabet, didn't work.

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didn't work

That's because it wasn't a real cipher. Was just gibberish.

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That's what I surmised too, just write down some jibberish and let dramatards tear their brains out trying to solve it.

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"Dude bussy lmao"

Coins please

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This is copy and pasted from ChatGPT:

This looks like a simple substitution cipher. Let's use the provided key to decipher it:

Original alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Key: rdmhaetyuopliwnsgbfkrecvxzjuql

Deciphered text:

what were the first things neil armstrong said when he landed on the moon?

The first words spoken by Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon were:

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

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The newest addition to the team, who is currently on maternity leave, is expected to return next month.

Idk, that's what chatgpt says

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Is this a just letter-based cypher like Enigma machine, or is there some numerical system conversions involved too?

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It uses full ascii

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It should :marseynorm: explain itself once you have gotten through the caesar.

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I need a lead lmao

For me to waste my time brute forcing anything you'd need to cough up way more than what peanuts you're offering

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:#marseycalvin!: :marseysnappyenraged2:

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That is an astonishingly small :marseyminipixel: number

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You mentioned that you started with Caesar cipher, which would imply for decryption that the Caesar cipher comes last. But later you said that it should "explain itself" once you get through the Caesar, implying that the Caesar comes first? Anyways it doesn't start with Caesar:

1 ciphertext: ndvog rovr mghs hqbsgd dm modzsrhhzc qrmgdsc nsmd nsmgrdmsrdtbkg kr dsvsr ddm hmdldxg,knbhdts r sjdhxt qzbktl jnnsm dsdse gnrh?
          key: qclgzdsxt nokhvmr faejqdbu wyitpk
2 ciphertext: mcunf qnuq lfgr gparfc cl lncyrqggyb pqlfcrb mrlc mrlfqclrqcsajf jq crurq ccl glckcwf,jmagcsr q ricgws pyajsk immrl crcrd fmqg?
          key: pbkfycrws mnjgulq ezdipcat vxhsoj
3 ciphertext: lbtme pmtp kefq fozqeb bk kmbxqpffxa opkebqa lqkb lqkepbkqpbrzie ip bqtqp bbk fkbjbve,ilzfbrq p qhbfvr oxzirj hllqk bqbqc elpf?
          key: oajexbqvr lmiftkp dychobzs uwgrni
4 ciphertext: kasld olso jdep enypda aj jlawpoeewz nojdapz kpja kpjdoajpoaqyhd ho apspo aaj ejaiaud,hkyeaqp o pgaeuq nwyhqi gkkpj apapb dkoe?
          key: nzidwapuq klhesjo cxbgnayr tvfqmh
5 ciphertext: jzrkc nkrn icdo dmxocz zi ikzvonddvy mniczoy joiz joicnzionzpxgc gn zoron zzi dizhztc,gjxdzpo n ofzdtp mvxgph fjjoi zozoa cjnd?
          key: myhcvzotp jkgdrin bwafmzxq sueplg
6 ciphertext: iyqjb mjqm hbcn clwnby yh hjyunmccux lmhbynx inhy inhbmyhnmyowfb fm ynqnm yyh chygysb,fiwcyon m neycso luwfog eiinh ynynz bimc?
          key: lxgbuynso ijfcqhm avzelywp rtdokf
7 ciphertext: hxpia lipl gabm bkvmax xg gixtmlbbtw klgaxmw hmgx hmgalxgmlxnvea el xmpml xxg bgxfxra,ehvbxnm l mdxbrn ktvenf dhhmg xmxmy ahlb?
          key: kwfatxmrn hiebpgl zuydkxvo qscnje
8 ciphertext: gwohz khok fzal ajulzw wf fhwslkaasv jkfzwlv glfw glfzkwflkwmudz dk wlolk wwf afwewqz,dguawml k lcwaqm jsudme cgglf wlwlx zgka?
          key: jvezswlqm ghdaofk ytxcjwun prbmid
9 ciphertext: fvngy jgnj eyzk zitkyv ve egvrkjzzru ijeyvku fkev fkeyjvekjvltcy cj vknkj vve zevdvpy,cftzvlk j kbvzpl irtcld bffke vkvkw yfjz?
          key: iudyrvkpl fgcznej xswbivtm oqalhc
10 ciphertext: eumfx ifmi dxyj yhsjxu ud dfuqjiyyqt hidxujt ejdu ejdxiudjiuksbx bi ujmji uud yducuox,besyukj i jauyok hqsbkc aeejd ujujv xeiy?
          key: htcxqujok efbymdi wrvahusl npzkgb
11 ciphertext: dtlew helh cwxi xgriwt tc cetpihxxps ghcwtis dict dicwhtcihtjraw ah tilih ttc xctbtnw,adrxtji h iztxnj gprajb zddic titiu wdhx?
          key: gsbwptinj deaxlch vquzgtrk moyjfa
12 ciphertext: cskdv gdkg bvwh wfqhvs sb bdsohgwwor fgbvshr chbs chbvgsbhgsiqzv zg shkhg ssb wbsasmv,zcqwsih g hyswmi foqzia ycchb shsht vcgw?
          key: fravoshmi cdzwkbg uptyfsqj lnxiez
13 ciphertext: brjcu fcjf auvg vepgur ra acrngfvvnq efaurgq bgar bgaufragfrhpyu yf rgjgf rra varzrlu,ybpvrhg f gxrvlh enpyhz xbbga rgrgs ubfv?
          key: eqzunrglh bcyvjaf tosxerpi kmwhdy
14 ciphertext: aqibt ebie ztuf udoftq qz zbqmfeuump deztqfp afzq afzteqzfeqgoxt xe qfife qqz uzqyqkt,xaouqgf e fwqukg dmoxgy waafz qfqfr taeu?
          key: dpytmqfkg abxuize snrwdqoh jlvgcx
15 ciphertext: zphas dahd yste tcnesp py yapledttlo cdyspeo zeyp zeysdpyedpfnws wd pehed ppy typxpjs,wzntpfe d evptjf clnwfx vzzey pepeq szdt?
          key: coxslpejf zawthyd rmqvcpng ikufbw
16 ciphertext: yogzr czgc xrsd sbmdro ox xzokdcsskn bcxrodn ydxo ydxrcoxdcoemvr vc odgdc oox sxowoir,vymsoed c duosie bkmvew uyydx ododp rycs?
          key: bnwrkodie yzvsgxc qlpubomf hjteav
17 ciphertext: xnfyq byfb wqrc ralcqn nw wynjcbrrjm abwqncm xcwn xcwqbnwcbndluq ub ncfcb nnw rwnvnhq,uxlrndc b ctnrhd ajludv txxcw ncnco qxbr?
          key: amvqjnchd xyurfwb pkotanle gisdzu
18 ciphertext: wmexp axea vpqb qzkbpm mv vxmibaqqil zavpmbl wbvm wbvpamvbamcktp ta mbeba mmv qvmumgp,twkqmcb a bsmqgc ziktcu swwbv mbmbn pwaq?
          key: zlupimbgc wxtqeva ojnszmkd fhrcyt
19 ciphertext: vldwo zwdz uopa pyjaol lu uwlhazpphk yzuolak vaul vauozluazlbjso sz ladaz llu pultlfo,svjplba z arlpfb yhjsbt rvvau lalam ovzp?
          key: yktohlafb vwspduz nimryljc egqbxs
20 ciphertext: ukcvn yvcy tnoz oxiznk kt tvkgzyoogj xytnkzj uztk uztnyktzykairn ry kzczy kkt otksken,ruiokaz y zqkoea xgiras quuzt kzkzl nuyo?
          key: xjsngkzea uvrocty mhlqxkib dfpawr
21 ciphertext: tjbum xubx smny nwhymj js sujfyxnnfi wxsmjyi tysj tysmxjsyxjzhqm qx jybyx jjs nsjrjdm,qthnjzy x ypjndz wfhqzr pttys jyjyk mtxn?
          key: wirmfjydz tuqnbsx lgkpwjha ceozvq
22 ciphertext: siatl wtaw rlmx mvgxli ir rtiexwmmeh vwrlixh sxri sxrlwirxwiygpl pw ixaxw iir mriqicl,psgmiyx w xoimcy vegpyq ossxr ixixj lswm?
          key: vhqleixcy stpmarw kfjovigz bdnyup
23 ciphertext: rhzsk vszv qklw lufwkh hq qshdwvlldg uvqkhwg rwqh rwqkvhqwvhxfok ov hwzwv hhq lqhphbk,orflhxw v wnhlbx udfoxp nrrwq hwhwi krvl?
          key: ugpkdhwbx rsolzqv jeinuhfy acmxto
24 ciphertext: qgyrj uryu pjkv ktevjg gp prgcvukkcf tupjgvf qvpg qvpjugpvugwenj nu gvyvu ggp kpgogaj,nqekgwv u vmgkaw tcenwo mqqvp gvgvh jquk?
          key: tfojcgvaw qrnkypu idhmtgex zblwsn
25 ciphertext: pfxqi tqxt oiju jsduif fo oqfbutjjbe stoifue puof puoitfoutfvdmi mt fuxut ffo jofnfzi,mpdjfvu t ulfjzv sbdmvn lppuo fufug iptj?
          key: senibfuzv pqmjxot hcglsfdw yakvrm
26 ciphertext: oewph spws nhit ircthe en npeatsiiad rsnhetd otne otnhsentseuclh ls etwts een inemeyh,locieut s tkeiyu raclum kootn etetf hosi?
          key: rdmhaetyu opliwns gbfkrecv xzjuql
27 ciphertext: ndvog rovr mghs hqbsgd dm modzsrhhzc qrmgdsc nsmd nsmgrdmsrdtbkg kr dsvsr ddm hmdldxg,knbhdts r sjdhxt qzbktl jnnsm dsdse gnrh?
          key: qclgzdsxt nokhvmr faejqdbu wyitpk
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I know nothing about ciphers. Do they preserve word length?

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>The only hint I will give is that I started with the Caesar :marseybackstab: :marseyburnedman: cypher method

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Im not even gunna try, so tell me after please.

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I will tell you in PMs if you promise not to tell. I am @mithrandir

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Makes sense, Poles love this cypher autism.

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A cipher is a code where the letters are encoded individually. These letters couldbe encoded into strings of different lengths, and a cipher could reasonably be extended to encode certain strings, but for the most part ciphers do preserve word length.

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rdrama :marseysignup: dude bussy :marseyquadsconfused: lmao

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Capuchin monkey

@MeowMixed stand with israel

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