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>I used to be good at spinning stories. Give me a half-baked startup idea, a semi-charismatic founder and a fistful of VC dollars, and I could write a story compelling enough it barely mattered whether there was an ounce of truth in it.

Well you ain't showing any signs of being able to write a compelling story with this opening paragraph, cause if you had been I might have bothered to read the rest of the essay.

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He says he USED to be good at it

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You have a point

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This person acts like they were disseminating propaganda for the reich. I get that doing corporate PR probably feels very cynical in general but coaching founders not to fumble the bag in an interview or writing blog posts about funding rounds are on the lesser evils side I think. Who is the victim of manipulation there? VCs? Lol

I think part of the comfort one could enjoy when working for the Reich is that you are working for your own government and you are part of a large network of people that are actively telling the same lies you are. You might also assume that large parts of the population know you are lying, but you're lying "patriotically," so you feel much less guilt or confrontation over it.

These two neighbors... One compares one bullshit article straightaway to Nazis, another even justifies why working for Nazis is better than working at silicon valley

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The nazis were against capitalism :marseyindignant:

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That is how I felt. Computers made everyone's life better!

My opinion is that "the big sellout" happened when apple introduced the iphone and the apple app store.

and it basically came down to a couple nuances in their policies...

#1 apps have unfettered network access

#2 apple would never approve security apps like a firewall (because #1)

and when a big player sets an example, it normalizes the situation for everyone else.

I think it was seen (or sold) as "advertising will fund everything" just like television, radio and print advertising did in the past.

Except the old advertising was one-way. Advertising today means ubiquitous surveillance and dossier building on every person on the planet.

It's been ~ 17 years of this iphone BS, and now behavior is creeping into every app, device and platform. Look at microsoft breaking new ground in appalling behavior with each software update.

Thank goodness for linux, open software, open hardware and people coming up with great hacks all the time.

:taynod: Tim Apple never should've invented the internet. Debian's SSL bug was ultimately his fault

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How much contempt does this person have for normal people?

!applechads - remember you should only be allowed to use computers if you know how to use Linux :marseyxd:

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Not to mention his chief complaint, app internet access, has always been true of Linux as well.

Linux only limited internet access by not supporting WiFi devices

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I always have to assume someone is newer if they think Linux is more secure as a desktop OS.

There's pros for sure, but malicious apps have so much freedom on UNIX-likes.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Arch GNU/Linux. The packages are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pacman most of the packages will go over a typical user's head. There's also AUR, which is deftly woven into your system - its personal philosophy draws heavily from Richard Stallman literature, for instance. The true Arch GNU/Linux users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these packages, to realize that they're not just free software- they say something deep about GNU/Linux. As a consequence people who dislike GNU/Linux truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Stallman's existencial catchphrase "Free software, free society," which itself is a cryptic reference to Torvald's epic Linux kernel. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stallman's genius unfolds itself on their monitors. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Arch GNU/Linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.



The Orange Site comments are not for the faint of heart.:

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Nothing burger :marseynothingburger: he cant even tell us one story about some funny bad product or some snake oil he shilled which ended up being poison. Just waaaa ads are all lies i dont wanna write them capitalism and big tech bad!

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I feel bad for the ITcels on HN who feel this way about their jobs. You can't derive your self-worth from most jobs- which is okay! Find something actually fulfilling to do, ideally something without computers.

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They should leave it for us who really like their computers :marseyautism: sometimes i just like to flip settings and type stuff into the terminal

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I unironically enjoy doing tech support for old ppl :marseyboomerpat:

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