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!friendsofsnappy are we sure hes not real?!

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:#marseysickos2: :#marseychromegenocide:

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That hairy chrome hole with whiskers is grotesque :marseyyikes:

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  • DickButtKiss : Absolutely. been using Firef*x since a wee lad


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Vs. :#gigachad4: BRAVE :#marseybrave:

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>want some of my BAT tokens? See, we block ads in order to show you more ads but with some crypto bullshit somehow even dumber than bitcoin


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I'm not sure how people are still advocating for :marseybrave:

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Because it blocks ads better than Ublock Origin on Mozilla. The Bitcoin stuff is easy to ignore, and it exists to make Brave profitable without needing Jewgle bucks or data harvesting.

Meanwhile Mozilla is a literal ad company that is sponsored by Google.

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About as obnoxious as the "This brave Black Trans Womxn shows you how to cook Indigenous food without appropriating culture" Pocket ads Firef*x shills you on a fresh install.

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I remember when pocket wasn't default and was just an interesting extension I never installed

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just disable it lol

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You don't need to use any of that if you don't want to

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The fact it's there :marseycheerup: at all is a deep implication on the part of its users. they're all in fact cuckolds rather than humans.

In no world :marseyww1british1: is filling your computer :marseylaptoppizzashill: with other people's garbage. A moral imperative if you let anybody else on your computer :marseykernelpanic: run code that you are not able to identify, you are a cuckold :marseybikecuck: but you are cuckold :marseydalegribble: to the 8th degree. If you are a cuckold :marseybikecuck: that lets other people make money :marseyrabbitnewyear4: off of the ads they installed on your system, you are a double cuckold. This puts you in the 16th degree. This 16th degree :marseygrad: can find you to the same layer as politicians, journ*lists and anybody who lives :marseykneel: in a city as such commit suicide :marseycyanide: now.

dude bussy lmao

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Ahem, r-slur: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser

Enjoy using your "non-cucked" browser from an advertisement company that is mostly funded by Google. Meanwhile Bravechads :marseybrave: stay winning and ad-free.

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Weird. Kind of weird :marseytongue: how you have adware on your system :marseymars: but you just say no to it instead of just nuking it like a non-cuckled. Kind of makes me think :marseyhyperthonk: that you're less of a brave, Chad and more of a brave cuck. Bro. Epic wholesome :marseygrouphug: chungus YouTuber :marseycalebhammer: skins bro bro oh my God bro bro I'm such a f***** bro bro brave cuckolds will never :marseyitsover: win because they don't even understand what the concept of winning is. They have adware on their system. Thus other f****** losers can laugh :marseykekw: at them for being f***

dude bussy lmao

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I don't have Firef*x installed on my system tho


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U have cuckware on your system :marseymars:

dude bussy lmao

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none of this makes sense

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:marseybrainlet#talking: :marseybigbrain#:

dude bussy lmao

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imaginary problem

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You can turn off these ads you know

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Bravechads stay winning

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i use both bc brave fails for me on some sites

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I haven't been able to play videos on Youtube for almost a year on Firef*x.

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x dont work in brave for me :marseyshrug:

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Maybe your settings are too strict :marseyconfused:

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Maybe both suck, but I don't use X so Brave is good enough for me :marseysatisfied:

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this site links a lot of stuff to x :marseysad:

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embeds work fine for me.

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Shudder.com inexplicably will not work with Brave for me.

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Brave is pretty much just chrome with not-ublock built in. Not that big of a deal now or on most devices, but it's fantastic on ios.

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on android too.

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Elaborate? The only android device I own is a tv. Can you not use extensions on android chrome?

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i use edge :)

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I used edge the other day and was pretty impressed by the features they've added over the years. That said, if I ever start using it as my default browser, something has gone catastrophically wrong.

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You should use it because it's proven to save power and performance!


At least that's what it tells me...

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Imagine thinking it being preinstalled is a good thing.

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Not having any kind of browser preinstalled would be r-slurred

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Americans and their lack of imagination. This was in 2010


Microsoft announced that it would not bundle Internet Explorer with Windows 7 E, the version of Windows 7 to be sold in Europe.

On 16 December 2009, the European Union agreed to allow competing browsers, with Microsoft providing a "ballot box" screen letting users choose one of twelve popular products listed in random order. The twelve browsers were Avant, Chrome, Firef*x, Flock, GreenBrowser, Internet Explorer, K-Meleon, Maxthon, Opera, Safari, Sleipnir, and Slim, which were accessible via BrowserChoice.eu. The automatic nature of the BrowserChoice.eu feature was dropped in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 in February 2011 and remained absent for 14 months despite Microsoft reporting that it was still present, subsequently described by Microsoft as a "technical error". As a result, in March 2013 the European Commission fined Microsoft โ‚ฌ561 million to deter companies from reneging on settlement promises.

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@Sphereserf3232 frick you

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:marseyconfused: :marseytears:

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You never upmarsey my comments. :marseyindignant:

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:marseytwerkinit: :marseyeyeroll: :marseysidevote: :marseynorm:


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Okay then, get fricked.

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I defer to your superior latinx Jeb!.

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wget is the only browser I need

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I wonder if them killing adblock for chromium was part of the reason for that.

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It probably contributed, pre 2010 Google was doing a lot for the greater good and they built a whole lot of goodwill. They've basically burned through it all over the last decade, Google today is just another corporation that's seeking profit

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They are probably just as sick as everyone else with getting jeetslop at the top of searches when you're trying to look stuff up

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Oh what is this quora thread? DOH! Jeet shit again!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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uBlock filter :marseythumbsup:

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Thank you :marseykneel:

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oooh thank you! I have ublock but derp didn't even think about eliminating shitty Google search results. Thank you!

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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!linuxchads !fosstards This is what we call EEE. Embrace, extend, extinguish. Google spreads chromium like herpes everywhere. Everyone forks it as is comfy as its open source and any negative changes can just be forked away, right? The thing is any browser is way to complex to do from scratch or even 50% from scratch so any Chrome forks are inherently at the mercy of Google's changes. Brave, Vivaldi, etc are all going along with manifest V3 it's just that a few are maintaining some backwards compatibility, again chromium is so huge and google does all the heavy lifting so every fork is forced to be at its mercy.

Google has advertised so much that web browsers are Chrome and since everyone has a google account may as well use chrome. Like Edge is just straight up a more efficient chrome with the same functionality yet everyone immediately installs chrome because it's THE web browser like Google is THE search engine. This is why Firef*x/Gecko and Safari/webkit will never win. Chrome can guzzle up 8 gb of ram for all anyone will care most computer users don't even understand the difference between memory and storage, all they know is Chrome is THE web browser.

TDLR: open sourcing allows big companies to spread around massive code bases only they can actually maintain like herpes.

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I've been assured brave is a serious company with real development capabilities by several rdrama simps

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If brave was serious they would hard fork over manifest v3 rather then just keeping ublock lol.

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They're still using the same rendering engine like almost every browser today - Blink.


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Get r*ped cute twink

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Okay, but think about this. If they break up Google for a non-existent monopoly on Chrome, then.... a company gains control over Chrome, which has this dominant position you're so worried about.


Maybe the people in the FTC aren't thinking things through?

:marseyjam: I love sucking peepee but only on Tuesdays ! :marseyjam:

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A new owner won't be as effective at maintaining the monopoly.

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How so? And what monopoly?

Everyone's going to dump chromium? Why?

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How so?

Cuz they won't be Google?

Idk if anything will change very quickly in the browser space.

Maybe it's more about weakening Google as a whole than disrupting the browser market?

Seems to me like they are definitely doing this way too late though.

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So if you change the name, they magically won't be dominant? How does this work again? :marseyhmm:

Maybe it's more about weakening Google as a whole than disrupting the browser market?

Why? To what end? Remember how antitrust used to be about consumer well-being. Since the 80s, it's been some of that with a competitors simply filing claims against each other to knock each other out. Lately, since Biden appointed some libtard ideologue to the FTC, they've been replacing their economists with attorneys, so there's practically zero assessment of consumer well-being.

A lot of people simply look at government and approve of what it does without really understanding if it's actually doing anything good for the people they say they're helping. It's all so tiresome. :marseygiveup:

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All corporations seek profit.

!neolibs, got another r-slur here.

It's being broken up for ideological reasons that have nothing too do with how well off or poorly customers have fared. You live in a new age of antitrust, and the people applaud its r-sluration.



:marseyjam: I love sucking peepee but only on Tuesdays! :marse

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it's being broken :marseyeeriedeathpose: up because google's a bunch :marseysurejian: of r-slurs and didn't properly deal with the sexy Indian dude :marseyhitlerhindu: menace hallloooo saaarrrring up their search. this is their rightful pennace !codecels

dude bussy lmao

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Not enough pennance

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:#marseybuff: Which way, Western Germ?

:marseyjam: I love sucking peepee but only on Tuesdays ! :marseyjam:

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God tier meme.


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You just know that if Mad King Ludwig were fricking alive today, he'd be a fricking Disney adult.

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i hate all germs except for the ones that make kde


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Nah frick 'em, google's intention is to pull the ladder up behind them as soon as chrome gets browser market dominance (it's already like 85%, apple/safari is the remainder) and stuff the W3C with cronies to bend web standards to their will. Cabalist control of the web stifles economic innovation and benefits nobody (silicon valley execs are subhuman and don't count)

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>pull up the imaginary ladder

>nothing ever changes in a market, look at Internet Explorer!

>cabalists control

>innovation stifled

:#marseyschizowall: :#marseybangfast:

Meds now, BIPOC.

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No they don't, r-slur.

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Hi, we made a change.

You didn't ask for it.

Nobody asked for it.

Everybody dislikes it.

When people find a workaround to undo that change, we'll break that workaround.

We know best.


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Always has been.

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It was Google getting caught multiple times trying to frick Trump.

Only the Democrats and Old Media are allowed to frick Trump.

Well that and the enshittification jeetification of fricking all their products.

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Somehow this will make the internet even worse


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Yeah, no matter how you feel about Google, at least it provides some use to society. Meanwhile, progressive academics have never provided any use to society, and after they kill Google, they won't let anything good replace it

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Google is just shambling around in old google's skin though. If they replaced google with some previous iteration, it could hardly avoid being an improvement.

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