Oh God it's happening

First time I've seen this in :marseyfirefox: with ublock

:marseybrave: still works thoughever

I reported it as an issue

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I just think it's funny that i have never seen this in brave

!bravechads stay winning but its whatever

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!commenters the reason this isn't happening in Brave is that they applied a fix the day it was implemented by Jewgle

Brave is based, Brenden Eich is based, buy BAT

:#marseybraveglow: :#marseybraveglow: :#marseybraveglow:

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brenden eich is why brave should be considered the legitimate continuation of firef*x tbqhwyfam

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Based CUTE TWINK hater

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but also invented javascript, really mixed bag that one is

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That may be literally the only bad thing he's ever done, but he should nonetheless be killed for it. Namaste.

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not his fault his 3am homework became the industry standard


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The only thing about Firef*x's legacy they continue is being totally dependent on G**gle

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I mean you could do the same thing on any browser with refreshing the ublock origin list. It's just normies won't know this

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I love my brave browser so much. I'm glad that Google Chrome is dead. Thank you!

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they hired a guy for this but basically use the same public adblock lists everyone else does

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Brave is crap adware.


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honestly couldn't jewgle just not serve video until the ad time is up?

this doesn't seem like a hard problem to make really annoying for ppl

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Converted, and never looked back.

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How much of a malware is it? Furryfox has been slowly losing me tbqh

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Only reason I can't swap is because I don't know any of my passwords anymore, only my browser knows.

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Go to the passwords tab

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u can import passwords from firef*x to brave

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Get a password manager like 1Password. Game changer.

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also passkeys haven't been made transferable yet :marseyshrug:

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my heart is telling me its open source https://github.com/brave

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I've always really liked Kiwi Browser, problem is it's a one man project that hasn't seen an update since April. Trying to switch back anyway, because Fireyiff just can't even with all this holiday glitter.

Maybe Brave is the answer..

I guess the topic is desktop browsers, but w/e

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Brave is great. Only bad thing about it is all the crypto ads they have on a new page.

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not excusing them, but it takes a click to remove those my nibba

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I have rewards turned off, but I still get shit like this.


It's usually for crypto, but this time it's for Fifa.

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Ty ty :marseyblowkiss:

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It's not malware at all, surprisingly. It never bothers me for shit.

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"Not at all" is a very brave statement coming from a Brave browser user

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The cute twinks at the programming website (Hacker News clone) Lobsters block Brave lol - sneed here


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!codecels Here's how to circumvent !bravechads persecution -

Open developer cowtools with Shift Ctrl I

Go to three dot menu in top right of developer cowtools > More cowtools > Network conditions

Uncheck "Use browser default" user agent, change it to anything as long as it doesn't contain the word "Brave"


:marseybraveglow: :marseybraveglow: :marseybraveglow:

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!codecels !bravechads seriously why do they block Brave?, is it because it is owned by problematic cryptobros or something? :marseyconfused2:

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the core issue of Brave is that it is a cryptocurrency scam that harms its users and site operators:

The content you see on a site may not be the content being sent - they're deliberately replacing content being sent by the site to content that they profit from

They then claimed that they were doing this to "help" the site operators and were holding the earnings in escrow, but were not


!codecels Are bravetards really getting MITM'd by their own browser?

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Yes, it's an ad blocker. A good one!:marseyeyeroll:

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I dunno I turned of the crypto stuff :marseyshrug:

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yeah what do you think :marseymindblown: adblock is buddy

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I know that the CEO of brave made some donations to gay conversion therapy places or something so all the liberals hate brave because of that

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No it was the Prop 8 campaign, which was California's successful ban on gay marriage at the same time they overwhelmingly voted for Obama

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This is the real reason IMO. Lobsters is gigawoke.

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It sounds like they interpret their tipping program to be a scam because creators don't actually opt into it, they just can claim BAT tipped to them if they want to. Everything they say about it is very vague, they just insist that the browser itself is a "cryptocurrency scam".

Then there's also just general :soycry: over stuff like them apparently scraping website data and not honoring muh hecking robots.txt :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: And I haven't seen it mentioned explicitly but Brendan Eich has expressed socially conservative views so you know :soyjaktantrum:

One of the hilarious parts of that page is

I'm already very unhappy about how much time and energy they waste. Lobsters has one fewer bug fix or small feature this week because of Brave.

:marseychonkerindignant: Brave forced us to waste time trying to block it. This is Brave's fault :soymad:

Tbqh it all just sounds like general :soycry: noise against the usual suspects: crypto, AI, etc. and prejudice against the browser for being vaguely affiliated with them. They are making some honestly actionable claims though, it'd be really funny if Brave sued them :marseyinshallah:

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It sounds like they interpret their tipping program to be a scam because creators don't actually opt into it, they just can claim BAT tipped to them if they want to

You have to remember that these :marseysoylentgrin: types are still :marseymerchant:'s at heart but are doing their best to convince themselves that they are actually good people.

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They are making some honestly actionable claims though,

:pepeyikes: Deeply eurocoded

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Exsqueeze me? Threatening legal action when someone says something you don't like is a classic American pasttime :marseysaluteusa:

In fact I might sue you for this post :marseytrollgun: Cease and desist :marseytrollgun:

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Is this an actual offer for nerds to suck your balls? :marseyshy4:

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I love :#marseybrave: so much. It even makes :soyjaktantrum: :soysnooseethe: sneed :marseylaying: :marseyembrace:


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Bardfinn even says that the only people who use Brave and VPNs and Protonmail are BAD FAITH NAZIS

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"I don't care what is true and is false, I only care about 'what is true and false in a non-nazi circle". -

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I never saw it in furryfox either tbh but this is a sample size of 1 so maybe i'm just lucky that I'm still allowed to block ads with either browser

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It showed up for me today but I could just close the warning with no issue

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It actually leak through a couple time on brave but less lately

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I main chrome and still don't see this lol

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they 100% will roll this out via a/b testing to see effects, so no guarantees you won't see this sooner

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never give these people an inch :vomit:

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I am going to make a custom ublock fork just to specifically add Youtube to a BIPOClist

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Tiny things like this radicalize me I swear I think I understand leftists and their hate of dogwhistles now

Except they're wrong and i'm right :marseysmug2:

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>Noooo! I must have my white=good metaphor instead of using terms that directly say what they mean.


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I just think we should totally change the way we think to communicate more clearly. Metaphors are just so clunky and confusing.


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...totally chnage the way we thnik...

You must be thoroughly :marseygigaretard: to think "allowlist" and "denylist" represnet fundamental changes to how we think. We hvae always called the individual entries "allow" or "deny" rlues. Three has never been a "white rule" or a "black rule" in the context of adblock, firewalls, or ACLs.

Chuds just see this as a culture war issue. There is literally ntohing better aobut the tradtiional "blacklist" and "whitelist" terms, and the newer temrs are more consistent with other traditional terminology.

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Uh huh, surrrre, buddy. :marseythumbsup:

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I'm not german I refuse to use lazy WOKE compound words

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>Chuds just see this as a culture war issue.

Because that's what it is. The only actual reason to invent new words like that is to force chuds to either humiliate themselves and accept your prescribed language or out themselves and open themselves up to prosecution.

This will do absolutely nothing to improve the lives of BIPOCs and you guys know this

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>ad blocker, with a hard 'r'


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You're on my denylist.

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It's a technical term, cut the hysterics

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Grue uses adblockers, b-word? :marseygasp:

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I can't comprehend why YouTube tries so hard here. Everytime they improve their AdBlock detection after 2 weeks of hard work of crunching for underpaid wage and not focusing on making their app better ublock makes a new filter within like 6-12 hours after they roll it out

It's a pointless fight they're fighting

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Because people there have to pretend they're working.

It's either this or putting a gradient on the progress bar.

Otherwise they'll be tasked to remake the app icon into some RGBY color vomit that's indistinguishable from the others.

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Because people there have to pretend they're working.

reminds me of twitch fricking up their ui for no reason other than the UI team having to pretend to be working on something

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It's either this or putting a gradient on the progress bar.

Is there a way to remove it? It triggers my 'tism. Two methods I found from a couple of months ago no longer work.

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Idk I never tried to. Have you looked for a method to remove the tism instead?

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Like wearing a hair shirt to learn how to become unbothered by clothing tags?

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Right. Basically just make your whole UI into gradients.

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idk twitch is putting up an impressive fight and pretty sure they got the normies on board with a(i)ds

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Uncheck quick fixes and it works again :#marseynothingburger:

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They've done this before, just wait for adblockers to find a way around it again.

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I cropped out the leftist rambling from this meme, no need to thank me


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Why do all the youtube alternative names sound like purn sites

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Same with Twitter's video hosting offshoot xvideos.com

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Tubes are sexual by nature.

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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Neither do I :marseysad:

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It's a good alternative youtube client I didn't know existed :marseyfluffy:

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I use NewPipe on android device. But it recently stopped showing videos marked "mature".

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Revanced still works for me. They have multiple Youtube, Spotify etc clients

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It's kinda r-slurred that you can't go to a channel and sort by popular.

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The fact you still can't log in via freetube (or even send custom cookies) makes it worth way less. Every other video gets blocked as age restricted

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YouTube primo is worth it idk.

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It's still annoying when I want to give a new YouTuber a shot, without being followed around by every single video he's ever made, if I decide I don't like it. Incognito is how I keep my recommendations from becoming complete garbage.

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using the three dots drop down saying you don't like the video actually works pretty effectively.

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If you remove the video from your yt watch history I think you'll stop getting recommendations for that channel. It's a dumb workaround and their PMs really fricked up.

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Yeah, but it requires more effort than just right click > open in incognito. It's still enshittification.

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Not a penny :marseydisagree: :marseyno: :marseyno: :marseyno:

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It's free because you are the product and you want to hand them money on top of that? :marseybikecuck:

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Giving money to Google would make me feel unclean inside

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I have to pay for cloud storage on two different accounts due to a legacy account with a lot of historical data and my more recent active account.

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does it let you block channels and keywords?

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The global economy demands you watch 4 hours of VPN shilling daily

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Got this summer of this year, bypassed it by applying an auto-embed script which doesn't forcibly block adblockers, but I usually just use FreeTube anyways. Loads a lot faster.

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Update your filters in ublock bipoc

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Pay up deadbeats :#marseycapitalistmanlet:

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Globalists get 20 bucks a month from me but Google YouTube Music alone is worth it. My addiction brings over 10 African immigrants a month.

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Yeah I use YouTube Music instead of Spotify, and the only streaming I use is YouTube. So it kinda makes sense to get YouTube Premium in that case.

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I listen to youtube stuff in Brave on my phone, it has a Play In Background setting and I am never fricking ever giving them a dime :marseyvibing:

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Google Play Music was incredible. May a 1000 Nasim Aghdams bloom.

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Based, frick freeloaders, you wouldn't Adblock a car would you?

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If I could I would.

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imagine not having premium :marseybux: in the first :marseywinner: place :marseymap2:

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I will NEVER, EVER pay YouTube a penny :marseyfuckyou:

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Why, b-word? :marseysad:

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Don't call me the b word :marseysad:

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I didn't mean to :marseylaptopsad2:

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Then why did you do it :marseysad:

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It wasn't me :soycry:

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Does someone else have access to your account? :marseyconfused:

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No, b-word? :marseysad:

Unless carp or Aevann does :marseyworried:

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Stop being poor. Namaste

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It's not about the money it's about saying NO :marseyno: to digital cuckoldry

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You already do :#marseysmug:

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I'm still mad at this comment keep yourself safe you cuck @Irene paying for premium is literally digital cuckoldry

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Easily :marseypirate:

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The two immutable laws of software forking:

1. They will attempt to incorporate rust

2. The solution to the problem is not rust

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I saw this as well today. I just ignored it and it went away :marseysweating:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Use a scraper lmao


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Where do you see this?


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