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I almost got a job because they thought I was Indian.





This is why it's really important to do brown face before any Zoom interview.


the only time I've ever had an experience like this was when I went for a job interview at Waitrose when I was like 18 and there were 12 people there it was a group interview. 6 were English, 5 white 1 black, and the other 6 were African and South East Asian and spoke poor English. after the interview they came out and told all the English people to leave lol.


I got an interview and a job this way. The director was actually somewhat unhappy to find out I wasn't actually born in India and didn't have an accent when we met in person.


Tbf as an Indian guy I find even when I do get the interview, the Indian (at least immigrant/FOB ones) interviewers are especially harsh. I once had one literally ask me why my GPA was so low in college despite me having earned honors on it because my school just didn't do much grade inflation. They're also hardly ever conversational and don't tend to respond well to clarifying questions. This experience tends to be common according to the /r/leetcode folks too

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Of all the indians the guptas deserve the worst. Guptas are scum

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The smell of her aluminium body still soothes me. Every time I touch her, I wanna hug her. Putting three fingers on her touchpad and swiping left/right makes me feel productive and gets me through the boring and tough times of my life. The photons originating from the apple on her back light me up, like nothing else can.

We have been together for almost a year now. But, I can still feel the excitement and happyness each time I turn her on, and electricity rushes through her veins. Countless bits switching states inside her in a fraction of a minute, just to make me smile.

When I come back home after a tiring day at work, after having spent almost all of my day with a huge black coloured Windows laptop (not even sure why they still call it that, greater than 13" -- should be called a fricking desktop), it is the silver-ness of her finely carved body that makes me feel fresh, fresher than a cold shower would.

She has changed my life, in the true sense. She made me realise I don't need all the crap in my life that I 'think' would be useful someday. Her 128 gigs SSD is all that I need, free from the crap that I could store on an external HDD, anyway.

She's fast. She knows I don't like to wait. She knows I'm impatient. She understands. She cares for my health by not being a burden when I travel around with her. She's so beautiful to travel around with. She's so beautiful to have a cup of coffee with. She knows she's supposed to be a laptop. She knows she's supposed to be portable. She can go all day without needing a recharge, and I can go all day loving her for that.

People tell me she doesn't deserve the money I spent to get her. Those people don't deserve her. A Windows machine with comparable performance would cost the same or even a lot more, but people, they don't understand. Plus, I could never love a machine the way I love her.

I love my MacBook Air.




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