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US Treasury says Chinese hackers stole documents in 'major incident'


Chinese state-sponsored hackers broke into the U.S. Treasury Department this month and stole documents from its workstations, according to a letter to lawmakers, opens new tab that was provided to Reuters on Monday.

The hackers compromised third-party cybersecurity service provider BeyondTrust and were able to access unclassified documents, the letter said, calling it a "major incident."

According to the letter, hackers "gained access to a key used by the vendor to secure a cloud-based service used to remotely provide technical support for Treasury Departmental Offices (DO) end users. With access to the stolen key, the threat actor was able to override the service's security, remotely access certain Treasury DO user workstations, and access certain unclassified documents maintained by those users."

>unclassified documents




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Does the US do shit like this to China and Russia and we just don't hear about it? It seems like we're constantly getting cucked by state sponsored hackers.

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Compared to the cold war it's a complete :marseynothingburger:. Back in the day your intelligence agencies were practically run by the reds, and McCarthy's (PBUH) biggest mistake was not accusing enough traitors of being traitors.

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Wdym? :marseyconfused:

I know the CIA managed to protect a lot of its commie members but the FBI completely chimped out and purged all commie adjacents after WWII

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So? Given the level of infiltration achieved they were either impotent or incompetent, and I don't know which is more embarassing for an organization of that size :marseyshrug:

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They were told to be more lenient with communists and fellow travelers, or at least those with suspected affiliation, when FDR became president and told focus on (future) Axis and sympathetic elements and infiltration as the Germs, Japs and (lol) Wops started to become more aggressive, and once the war broke out, and the Soviets attacked, there was basically a total memorandum on commie surveillance and commies were conscripted, enlisted, commissioned, hired, etc. as every other burger which would leave to post war mess that McCarthy tried (and somewhat succeded imo) to sort out

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yes, but we dont hear about it because we are good enough to not get caught :marseycool:

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