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Mozilla wants CAs to revoke 30 random certificates per year


!codecels lol

lmao even

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This is actually closely related to my side project of flooding random roads to make people with insufficient tyre tread aquaplane and crash. I'm glad Mozilla have been learning from my experiments.


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Aren't Irish roads already made of mud? How can you make them crash when the primary mode of transportation is people sliding around on their bellies?

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:marseynerd3: The technical term is a boreen.

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:#marseysalutearmy: :#marseydemonicgrin:

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where's my cert


What cert



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Google Chrome also takes a hard line when it comes to revocation requirements, and Apple wants to limit certificate lifetimes to 45 days. Although neither have stated a position on random revocations, they are directionally aligned with Mozilla and you will be disappointed if you expect either of them to prioritize server operator convenience over the security of their users.

As for Microsoft, they are simply asleep at the wheel, trusting terrible CAs that do things like misissue a google.com certificate https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1934361.

Microchode continues to be the :marseyretardchad: of the tech world

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Sorry, too busy printing money


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we should use that money to burn everybody there or associated with them in a massive firepit.

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:marseyjewofthesubcontinent: we are business saar we are not having time for the jerking in a circle about leet code

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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>all of internet security boils down to files on some guy's hard drive

>some guy suggests maybe we actually commit to rotating these files

>world is engulfed in sneed

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The eternal struggle. :marseydepressed:

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ycombinator link

Which links a groups dot google link

:marseyeyeroll: Just give me the summary :marseyraging:

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Mozilla wants CAs to randomly revoke 30 certificates every year to both force server admins to automate replacements and to force CAs to promptly comply with revoked certs

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sounds obnoxious

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Sounds good for Drama.

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what does any of this mean why are you all such nerds

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Mozilla is run by dramatards

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I'm jealous of you, seeing :!marseytrain:s everywhere :marseywink:

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He's an r-slur, but he's correct here today

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Good, frick them nikkas *sips tea*

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I have a client that does this with firewall exceptions. They just randomly kill a bunch of them every so often, then I get people calling me freaking out because some interface we haven't changed in 2 years suddenly quits working and now they can't do something important like change a vendor's bank account or process journal entries or whatever other important task they've moved to some r-slurred SaaS product lately. The whole company freaks out about it for half a day with dozens of people involved, then some butthole in networking is like "oh that got browned out sorry lol"

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fricking why? there is no advantage in having an action plan for your port getting blocked, the only fix and only course of action is to unfrick the port.

the whole point of this random 30 thing is to ensure customers and intermediaries make adequate plans to respond to an unexpected cert revocation

a better system IMO would be to guarantee that every cert gets randomly revoked and reissued once during it's valid period this will actually force people to use suitable automation unless they are so small-time they can handle randomly going offline every 6 weeks or so.

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Its to try to identify exceptions they don't need anymore and it is exactly as dumb of an idea as it sounds.

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No one's binding to this port so you need to close it for security compliance

:marseyaaatremble#: :marseyaaatremble#: :marseyaaatremble#:

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>Server has a thing running on it that expects incoming traffic from the Internet.

>Thing is replaced with the New Hotness; server is deleted.

>!!Firewall rule for internet traffic never goes away!!

>New server reuses that IP address, for something meant to be internal-only

>Some hackster from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea finds it and steals your payroll data

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There should be an address you can bind to for internal only services.


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Why are you assuming that someone running a vendor install script is competent to set all the security options correctly?

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Not surprised that you're incredibly stupid as well as annoying

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Like, I'd think they could just put a packet counter on the rule for a year or so (definitely at least a month, but there could also be some things used once annually) and see if it counts any traffic.

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um Here they want the longest certs they can because they think automation is too difficult and takes away their easy Jira points, and :marseyraging:

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what mean :marseydunce:

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Reported by:

tldr kill every webdev and return to communicating solely through irc and shitty web1.0 pages

dude bussy lmao

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I am interested

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Well how else are people gonna get groomed by libertarian Swedish women online?

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So they cannot redeem?

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All my shit is automated, they could revoke my cert daily i dont give a shit.

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