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Now do a cat themed final fantasy in my browser

:marseycactuar: :marseyblackmage: :marseywhitemage: :marseythief: :marseytonberry: :marseyredmage: :marseyfighter: :marseychocobo: :marseysephiroth:

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Whats the most powerful game a modern browser could run with ease?

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Most powerful? depends on the computer you are running your browser on. A lot of browser-games like krunker.io want to optimize for shitty hardware because 90% of their audience is kids playing on chromebooks at school. So if you want to include that crowd of shitty computers, I'd say the most powerful game you'd want to make would be comparable to "Day of Defeat: Source" on low settings. But you could make a game as modern as CSGO or something run in the browser if you really put your head to it.

It mostly depends on how easy it is to port. If you have the C source code you can just compile it to web-assembly with minor changes, and you're golden. A lot of these older games like half-life or quake are simpler and are source-available. If you don't have the source code you are basically fricked even if you try to decompile it, because you need to reverse-engineer it unless you have the LLVM-IR bytecode.

You also have to use WebGL2 (or WebGPU, coming soon to browsers near you!) to access GPU-accelerated graphics, which is easier if the game is designed around OpenGL ES 3 in the first place, but most modern games use DirectX or Vulkan. Most of the programs that use OpenGL ES 3 natively are like really old games, or like phone games or hobbyist programs.

Performance doesn't really matter as long as you optimize your code for WebGL. You could probably get cyberpunk to run on the web with enough elbow grease. It is usually using java-script or web-assembly which is slow compared to native code, so you want to minimize your draw calls and do most of your physics on GPGPU using TransformFeedbacks. So I guess you could say CPU speed is your biggest problem because you're using an interpreted language/bytecode, but you can offload some calculations on the GPU if need be.

Also, you have rewrite it to use WebRTC or Websockets for p2p or client-server communications respectively (Instead of UDP/TCP). You probably have to do some crap to get sound working as well.

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Freedom of speech is not freedom to deny reality, you bigot. You're free to say whatever I agree with.


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