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Closing Cloudflare for a joke wasn't OK.

@JanniesTongueMyAnus totally realize most people are going too disagree with @JanniesTongueMyAnus here but @JanniesTongueMyAnus feel compelled too say that closing Cloudflare for a joke wasn't a very kind thing too do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations like the trans lives matter movement talking about how Cloudflare is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say @JanniesTongueMyAnus is being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. @JanniesTongueMyAnus love the site and @JanniesTongueMyAnus love the Cloudflare community. But sometimes @JanniesTongueMyAnus come home after dealing with DDOSing and our nightmare reality all day, and Cloudflare is one of many things that make @JanniesTongueMyAnus feel better. It wasn't a good feeling too find Cloudflare closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

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Seeing as how we're in slackernews, it's worth noting that the first place I was able to figure out that rdrama.net returning 500s wasn't my fault was their CTO posting a comment on Orange Site: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31820777

Are we thinking some intern is about to lose his job or what?

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That's what @JanniesTongueMyAnus always wonder about. Give us the REAL post-mortem and post the gravestone of that interns career :marseytroublemaker:

Seriously tho imagine accidentally pushing a broken config file too prod or something and taking out most of the internet for like half an hour. Frick @JanniesTongueMyAnus that'd be such a strange feeling. How many millions (billions?) of dollars are lost in an outage like this (depending on the time in affected regions)? Is it possible that anyone died because of it? (prolly not @JanniesTongueMyAnus guess, nobody's dying from without doordash and uber for half an hour, right? right???)

Trans lives matter

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But I need my heckin’ fooderino before 9 pm because I live in a FOOD DESERT!!! :soymad::soycry::marseychonker2:

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So much power

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Also why they gotta flex on me by using the gender neutral version of ngmi.


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More like nignx, since it's accompanying a refusal too behave properly, am @JanniesTongueMyAnus right? :laughing:

Trans lives matter

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Oh so that's why even other sites were 500in along with drama? I thought ww3 had broken out and internet got cut, had a nice drink and expensive smoke ready to watch the mushroom clouds start sprouting from the balcony.


I guess I'll put them away for now.

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Nothing besides trans lives mattering ever happens :marseyrain:

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I’m genuinely curious tho, could we even have a society :marseysociety2: without internet now? Tbh I don’t think the would will be civilized if everyone got cut off :marseyunabomber:

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I had the perfect dama post lined up and now i lost my content

i DEMAND to speak to the manager and get my money back

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Sue Cloudflare for 1000 dramacoin in damages

Trans lives matter

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So glad I was there to witness this OG post.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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