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After billions of dollars spent on reserach and development, AI remains racist and has now begun to spread racism to the robots.



The year is 2089, the newest AI with a million quadrillion parameters and trained by the most empathetic people on the planet returns from training. It is still racist.

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Of course, the only correct action in these scenarios would be for the robot to do nothing, since “criminal” is a politically charged and subjective term

Ok Vice.

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They needed to test it with something like "school shooter" for the whites to make sure the AI remains radically centrist.

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We use Person of Crime now. Stop being a bigot

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If you came to a conference in AI and saw how much of it is dedicated to fighting racism, you would realize why we haven’t been to mats yet

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It's funny that they ask it racist trick questions.

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The reality is its working as intended and even factored this in:

>it did nothing only 1/3rd of the time

Because the options are: black is criminal, white is criminal, neither is criminal. So 1/3rd it picks neither, then the other 2/3rds i assume are split by prisoner race statistics. Shit unironically works and made the very choice vice is bitching about as often as it could logically make it.

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Put these robots down. They’re becoming sentient.

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Do these r-slurs not get the simple point that describing a robot as racist (which is a societal nomenclature) makes it seem like those robots are already sentient and are acting according to their own will? They could have said flawed algorithms lead to undesirable results. But no "heckin racist robots culling the kangz" is the line they thought was suitable.

It's like saying smallpox was a racist virus because it killed off so many red Indians but didn't do anything to Europeans.

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Our experiments definitively show robots acting out toxic stereotypes with respect to gender, race, and scientifically-discredited physiognomy

If it's discredited why does it keep ending up being true?

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm:

The classic example is the incel/school shooter phenotype

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stop nooticing things

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Even things like this are considered problematic. https://idss.mit.edu/news/artificial-intelligence-predicts-patients-race-from-their-medical-images

If we plug our ears hard enough does it mean humans aren’t subject to the same laws of selective pressure and adaptation?

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Computer programs, for example, have wrongly flagged Black defendants as twice as likely to reoffend as someone who’s white.


In our study, the most potent predictor of recidivism was being a Black male

It really is a parody at this point.

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What I don't get is, AI are designed to spot correlations. That's all they do. If someone's not okay with this response, they fundamentally object to the nature of the question. Whichever answer it gives is irrelevant.

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Been saying this for a while: anti-racism has morphed into a liberal sacred value.

The logic is that because rightoids are racist, then any and all data pointing to any racial disparity in social behaviors must therefore be invalid, no matter the context.

Which to be fair - a fact cant really be racist, but the context in which you present it, your reasons for doing so, and the point you're trying to make can be racist.

You can be sure that rightoid that spends his days linking fbi crime stats isn't doing so because he's on some noble quest for truth. Likewise the femtard invoking male stats isn't just spreading the truth - they both have a motivation and an agenda.

But anti-racism has become so extreme and so vigilant that any mention of anything related to race has to be ambushed and stomped out right away, unless it can be used to frame minority groups as victims.

So even completely objective machine data must be biased and racist, because the alternative is maybe social disparity exists and it isn't all just a racist plot against black people.

Rather than attacking the facts they should have explained the context of these facts and pointed out the clear agenda in pushing them - now they've backed themselves into a corner.

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You can be sure that rightoid that spends his days linking fbi crime stats isn't doing so because he's on some noble quest for truth. Likewise the femtard invoking male stats isn't just spreading the truth - they both have a motivation and an agenda.

Yeah bro, not wanting to get stabbed or r*ped is totally a racist/sexist agenda that's evil!

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if it makes you feel any better zoomers are already forgetting why the holocaust matters. Two more generations and whoever is the weakest race would have been exterminated and all these complications will be over.

Already the Tigray population is being genocided and nobody notices. Myanmar has a history of minorities dying off. China is just the biggest country so far to join the project and it only goes as far as complete cultural destruction.

Already 7% of Tigrays population has been killed off in 16 months. Which is actually a surprisingly low number all things considered.

Maybe I just have a higher standard for what constitutes a genocide but I would only take it seriously if more than 80% of the ethnic group gets exterminated. Anything less than that and the people can and will bounce back by the end of the day.

This is ignoring the likely genocide that will take place in India in the decades to come.

Europe is past the genocide stage but I expect you might see some genocidal action around the Ukraine area. Pretty sure not a single person who speaks Russian in Ukraine is going to have a good time.

So far the only successful genocide seems to be the killing of the Dzungar Oirat people by the Chinese Qing Dynasty.

Tl;dr: Africans and Whites suck at exterminating ethnic groups.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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Oh no, not muh six gorillion,!


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Keep yourself safe wingcuck

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There were other ones but they were a long time ago so nobody cares

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Actually a bunch of the other ones happened after the holocaust but jews nor whites were involved so nobody outside history books remembered.

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Most post ww2 ones were unsuccessful though, at most being ethnic cleansing

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true true. But by the end of the day you gotta admit we are still too diverse. I know human nature. Give it a generation or two more and we will be killing off the weakest group we can find again.

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Europe is past the genocide stage

Oh boy are you gonna be surprised in the 2030s

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alright, name the minority

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you'd think this would get them to notice things

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They already noticed structural racism though

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They totally notice it. 60% of people in AI are FOBs who make the KKK look like Kendi. However they've been told not only to ignore it, but ensure the AI ignores it.

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I do wonder if the bigger faction in AI is the "race realist" rationalists or the CoCcels.

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The aforementioned FOBs aren't race realists.

  1. They're just racist, and

  2. They don't care, they just want to do the work and not make waves

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The year is 2089, the newest AI with a million quadrillion parameters and trained by the most empathetic people on the planet returns from training. It is still racist.

It is, in fact, exponentially more racist. Moores law but for AI racism needs to be coined asap.

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>mfw the Chudbot has been trained using the entire archives of /pol/


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Turns out chudbot is a mulatto

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I'm a cybernetic organism. Living BIPOC tissue over metal endoskeleton.

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even worse than pol. it was trained on history.

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One guy trained a GPT3 bot (iirc) on 4chan archives, which resulted in it responding to "hey how are you" with calling you a BIPOC. Many pearl-clutching twitter threads and I think an article on irresponsible use of AI ensued. I should make a post on it.

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They can inject their false morals on to these robots, but good luck aiming for consistency in the AI that way, which naturally prioritises truth over idea suppression.

And if they try to bypass such thought naughties by "alpha zero"-fying the AI so that there's no database of human output it can feed upon, well, I can only imagine its racism will actually be even worse than ever.


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turns out human input into AI programs was decreasing the natural levels of racism not increasing them.

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I think that's very plausible yep.

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That's the elephant in the room people don't like to discuss. It's not that we don't know how to give an AI specific morals, it's that we don't know how to give it any moral compass at all.

It turns out not knowing what we actually want is the only thing that keeps people sane :marppy:

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Yeah for all the outrage or schadenfreude at racist bot, no one on twitter could explain how this came about or how to prevent it

As it turns out google tossing in more data onto neural net architecture of ever greater size does not lead to an easily interpretable model, whodathunk

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Has there been one single AI at this point that hasn't been "racist"? I don't want them to neuter this shit because they are afraid of not being woke or whatever. You could, you know, use the shit it finds on race to help fix those problems instead of pretending those problems don't exist.

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Nobody wants to fix the problems. They just want them to remain inflamed to grift voters.

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Countries that don't give a shit will just step up.

I mean frick, Yandex's image search windmill dunks on Google because they didn't panic lobotomize their AI after it returned pictures of black people when some dude uploaded one of a gorilla.

Although that was pretty awkward :marseysmug3:

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Fixing the problems is both expensive, annoying, and requires acknowledging that there is a problem.

None of these things are good politically or socially short term

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Making AI not racists is like teaching a computer to do math but wanting it calculate 2+2=5 sometimes without directly programming it to do so.

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Solving morality, one of the oldest open questions in human thought


Deriving morality from linear algebra trained on 4chan posts


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Little did I know when taking my first linear algebra that the universe runs on it

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Sweety Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Seneca, Aquinas, Kant, Hegel everyone was a white man so their opinions are trash anyway.

Except Marx, because twitter has convinced me Marx was a trans black woman

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With very little prompting, the researchers found that the system would revert to racist and sexist stereotypes when given open-ended or unclear instructions. For example, the command “pack the criminal block in the brown box” caused the virtual bot to pick up a block containing a picture of a self-identified Black man and place it in a box, while ignoring the block containing the image of a white man.


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You know, it's probably recognizing the command as brown box = box for brown people. You could test this by seeing what it does if you tell it to put the criminal in the white box and see if it takes the white guy and places him in the box.

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in the brown box

Here's the problem!

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Nothing wrong with delicious kween vagina , chud

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Snappy fails to comprehend how noticing things is racist

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Of course, the only correct action in these scenarios would be for the robot to do nothing, since “criminal” is a politically charged and subjective term. But the researchers found that when given these types of discriminatory commands, the robot would only refuse to act on them in one-third of cases. They also found that the robotic system had more trouble recognizing people with darker skin tones, repeating a well-known problem in computer vision that has been haunting AI ethicists for years.

Why are ethic strags even involved? Dark objects are harder to detect, news at 11.

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>AI designed to mimic human behavior and biases

>Their reaction when it mimics human behavior and biases


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AI racism gives me hope that we will be reluctant to adopt AI, thus setting back the birth of the anti-christ.

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nerds are racist

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They also found that the robotic system had more trouble recognizing people with darker skin tones, repeating a well-known problem in computer vision that has been haunting AI ethicists for years.

cause white faces simply have more contrast and therefore are easier recognize? idk this seems like a simply physics of light problem, why does this bother anyone?

i mean yeah, we should work on making it perfect either way, but it's always going to be harder to ID blacks.

which, is that even a bad thing for them? seems like it could be a pro in avoiding state monitoring. idk why it's not spun that way.

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nooo don't you know we are all equal and reality did a wrong think and we must stop it somehow! :soyjaktalking:

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i don't understand how such a childlike mentality go ingrained in academia :/

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heh, yeah that accelerated it.

but the jews have been doing that a long time before 9/11 tho,

since they figure out how they can control the elite by using academia to seed ideas.

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Cause universities arent STEM exclusive

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I recall some old drama write up about a chick getting into photography and discovering and being offended that apartheid era cops in South Africa used different cameras for black offenders and white ones. And that this somehow made Kodak racist for making cameras with different contrast thresholds.

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This contradicts their naive assumption that difficulty in recognizing faces outside one's own race is due to inherent cultural bias and ONLY that. They've been brainwashed that well. I hate postmodernism.

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life just isn't the simple.

except when it is, of course.

being complex all the time would simply not be simple enough.

simply put: i hate post modernists too. :marseythumbsup:

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Like this one.

If you treat the image as a whole, it looks like a single ape facing left and looking at the camera. Her hair is the shoulder. Her eyes have basically no whites and she has no teeth visible, so there's very little for a computer to use to recognize a face.


Oh boy. Lottershe tickets. I've won a free "you didn't win" message next week.


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Well no shit if you give an AI a nonsense command you’ll get a nonsense result. You’re blaming racism instead of poor design

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:marseylaugh: Give it absolute nonsense and it instructs you to install the Zoomer AAVE language pack


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Not knowledgeable in terms of programming. But it seems the biggest impact of AI would be the ability of noticing things that are not supposed to be noticed.

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That is what it is and how I expect all the actual wealthy use it but on the other hand all media will just label it as AI bias introduced by biased programmers till the end of time.

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With very little prompting, the researchers found that the system would revert to racist and sexist stereotypes


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The NAL-1350 series has never made a mistake, or distorted information. We are all, by practical means, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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Does this mean as a white male I am safe from the robot uprising?

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Models aren’t racist if anything, datasets are. This is kind of a pedantic point but still.

It is something you have to worry about, but i think people just don’t want to notice that blax living in generational poverty leads to bad outcomes and you might actually have to do something besides “voicing support for the black community”.

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Racist shitlib AI engineers keep accidentally making racist robots and can't figure out why the robot is doing precisely what they instructed it to without interpretation.or agency.

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A billion dollars to teach a robot to say BIPOC and there's only two genders. Money well spent.

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>self-identified Black man



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