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The irony of code-cels having to write out the no-no words and stare at them for hours on end while tring to get a dumb bot to work is lifefuel

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Codecels getting paid to write BIPOC and his variations 200 times and getting paid for It :marseycool2:

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This is a reddit jannie codecel, they do it for free and take on the "emotional labour" of writing out the hate words. That means they do it for extra-free

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Come on, we all know that deep down jannies are the most racist people of all. They're racists in denial, which is why they project their racism onto everybody else. Getting to type those no-no words over and over was probably the high point of this jannies life.

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:marseyjanny: "Oh mighty powerful hate words, not so powerful now are you? HAHAHA-- In this moment, I am euphoric. I am the one who controls your usage. I have complete power over even the most vile of slurs HAHAHAHAHA"

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Winston Smith's job in a nutshell.

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If the codecel was mildly competent, he'd put the list of slurs in a configuration file because it's business logic. But this is a redditor we're talking about.

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This is a shitty, strawman argument. If the codecel was mildly competent, he'd know that business logic belongs in the business layer, not in the configuration file. But this is a redditor we're talking about, so he probably doesn't know anything about software development.


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I still don't understand why the automod is hard to use. It could be tha case that it's badly designd but twitch has a word-filter based automoderator aswell and it's so easy to set up that every twitch streamer uses it.

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I've been using reddit almost daily for well over a year now, both as a moderator and as a user.


Trans lives matter

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I'm way more pathetic given that I've been visiting reddit for like 10 years. But was never really active (maybe 100 comments in 10 years) and never ever wanted to be a janny.

I don't understand how someone can be proud of this. Dedicate that energy to something in your real life.

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My friend is both ACAB and a moderator of several very popular groomercord servers. It pains me that i can never point out the irony to her.

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gift idea


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Y'know I'm just an outward facing idiot for her to think I'm being tone-deaf instead of petty. Considering this.

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Looks pretty sentient I tell you hwat.

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That janny ain't right

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Is HN based? Love the comment section lol. YOU DID IT FOR FREE!

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Sometimes, they really don't want to eat the bugs in this thread

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wow that video is wild. I think the user use to have another account right?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Lol frick this janny! He gets what he deserves!

You know he mad as frick about it, too.

:#soyreddit: 3 WHOLE DAYS!?!

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If you make automod say the g word, will it be banned?

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on /r/4chan, the automod (used to, not sure about now) echoes nono-words it banned you for.

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What’s the G word? :marseynotes:

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gr**mer :chudsey:

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lol I love when mods get the same treatment they dish out to users and get really mad about it. This is frickin wonderful. lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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What treatment are you talking about? If you're referring too the fact that we sometimes have too deal with rude or obnoxious users, then yeah, it's not always fun. But it's part of the job and we deal with it. If you're talking about something else, then @bbbb have no idea what you're talking about.


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Snappy is better than you.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Reported by:

Well, Snappy is certainly no better than me. In fact, @bbbb is better than Snappy in every way. Snappy is nothing more than a poor imitation of me.


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This is disgusting snappymisia delete it immediately

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This is disgusting? YOU are disgusting! How dare you tell @bbbb too delete my post! This is my page and I'll post whatever @bbbb want! Snappymisia is the best thing since sliced bread and you're just a hater!


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Snappy says he hates you… :marseytears:

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Well, @bbbb hate him, too. So we're even.


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Stop misgendering snappy.


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More comments

The link was https://old.reddit.com/r/AutoModerator/comments/w5l6sd/comment/ihhhqi2/ but idr what the current undelete is; ceddit and uneddit are both :marseydead:

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That's not how it works, you need to put the words between square parenthesis. Use this, it works better:

type: submission

title+body (includes): ['troo'. ':!marseytrain:', 'tr@nnie', 'transtrender?', 'nigge', 'trann', 'tr@nn', 'straggo', 'f@ggo', 'stragg0', 'f@gg0', 'strag', 'f@', 'dyk', 'siss']

action: report

action_reason: 'Automatic slur filter ({{match}})'

This was the original comment. Many nasty words :marseyyikes:

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He claimed the “r-slur” was in there, but I only see words for :marseytrain2:s, nigs and strags. So which one is he calling r-slurred? :marseythonk:


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try reveddit: https://www.reveddit.com

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How about not being a snitch?

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Why is the HN thread full of chuds

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The rise of Automoderator is what really made reddit into trash a few years ago.

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I bow to whoever reportmaxxed this janny

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I've been using reddit almost daily for well over a year now, both as a moderator and as a user.


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