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lol. Nice meme.

Is there a leaderboard for rdrama?



Will this be the moment X (Twitter) finally dies :marseysal:?



:!marseydrawing1: PSA: You can use Adobe's new generative fill feature standalone on their site for free :marseychuddance:

Follow up to the previous post:

Found out on this Github discussion post (quite a :marseylongpost: but basically a web UI for StableDiffusion wants to emulate what Photoshop's able to do) that the generative fill nonsense can be used on their Firefly site:

This weekend someone told me that you do not really need an Adobe Subscription to use Firefly, and the popular Generative Fill can be used from their website (even without an Adobe account)!

After learning about this, I tested that Firefly Generative Fill with some test images used during the development of ControlNet. The performance of that model is super impressive and the technical architecture is more user-friendly than Stable Diffusion toolsets.

Overall, the behaviors of Adobe Firefly Generative Fill are:

1. if users do not provide any prompts, the inpaint does not fail, and the generating is guided by image contents.

2. if users provide prompts, the generating is guided by both prompts and image contents.

3. Given its results, it is likely that the results with or without prompts are generated by a same model pipeline.

They're right about not needing an Adobe subscription to use it but you still need to have an Adobe account so make a throwaway one or something if you're afraid of the glowies :!marseyspyglow:

Just thought it might be interesting if you saw the earlier post but didn't want to install Photoshop from a random Google drive link or something :!marseyspyglow: or you're using a Chromebook like me

The generated images might not be super duper great or anything but it's pretty decent if it's just some simple shenanigans I guess, plus it's free (apart from Adobe collecting your user data :marseyschizowave: )


[OP] Strange , but I gave 10 interviews in past ,

AIRBNB : Non Chinese interviewer : Passed

Meta : Chinese : Failed

Netflix : non Chinese : Passed

DataBricks : Non Chinese : passed

Nvidia : Chinese: Failed

Disney: Chinese : Failed

Apple : Non Chinese: Passed

Oracle : Non Chinese : Passed

Something is wrong , I can say where ever chinese intervieer , God promise I have done better but they are failing me.

Advocating for Mixed Races in onsite interview panels.

I might sounds like racist ! But this is true experience and what I felt shared.

Tech companies needs to rethink ! This is big issue and don't create lobby.

Chinese :marseychingchongsupremacy: smells logical fallacy and bullshit immediately. Lots of Indian design don't work or have a tons of fundamental flaws such as race conditions, or applying the wrong solutions to wrong problems.

Source conducted interview for the past 10 years

That's why there are so many Chinese running US tech companies and not Indians. Name me one thing China has invented that's not a copy of an American product

Indians are smooth talkers, that's why they run companies, not because their code is great

Two things:

Indian CEOs don't own the company. The founders have a few hundreds times more wealth than indian ceo. Sundar maybe worth half a billion top but his wealth will never get to 100 billions like Larry or Sergei. Chinese are smart enough to not dream to be US billionaires slaves :marseycracka:

Second China economy is well above 7 times more than India, with similar population. Their IQ is way higher, they perform better in every metrics. So to call them out just from having Indian CEOs is extremely stupid (but i guess average IQ discrepancies explain a lot why you would think like this)

I think here is the problem, as a Indian , I think hire someone who can make impact for long term and learn from mistakes , otherwise I would have hired Robots

'Chinese smells logical fallacy and bullshit'

Did you seriously just type that out and generalize a race? Some of the dumbest SWEs I know are Chinese, and so are some of the smartest SWEs I know.

With 20 points difference in IQ :marseyrick:, 83 vs 103, the dum dum Chinese :marseybigbrain: will still smell fallacy easily from an average Indian :marseypajeet:. So from a statistic pov, yes what I say will hold true most of the time

Lol chinese got independence way before india. Stop your hatred before it consumes you fully to become an extremely racist mf. Chinas economy is great, and they are one of the smartest bunch surely, but they also suffer from their undemocratic process, we enjoy our freedom, and i can blurt modi sucks (if i want to) without being kidnapped and killed. So lets not just look at economy as a factor of IQ. That says a lot about your IQ though google. I guess google engineering has fallen off

Japan has the highest average IQ, and their economy is tumbling, talk about correlation is causation inference. Stupid mfs

IQ doesn't matter if your government won't allow you to share your ideas or start a business they don't like

Ha ha ! Chinese in China is labor of there government.

We Indian are free birds 🦅 , and think freely

Yeah, every time I see chaotic traffic in India -- free birds indeed

Chinese and Indian could be best friends…Dont be a victim of western anglo-Saxon propaganda

Plus Chinese are racist to Indians and look down on them. Nothing to do with with propaganda

Indians are racist to Chinese too and look down on chinese(chini/chapta)

But that's the result of the propaganda

This thread is about an Indian complaining that only other Indians want to hire them


If meta has 50% chinese, the probability of you having 5 Chinese interviewers are 1/2 ^5, which is 3.1%

The probability of you having 5 onsite loops at 5 different companies where there are 50% chinese swes and 100% chinese interviewers is 0.031^5 *100 percent.

Tldr: OP has low IQ and I don't believe this post

I cannot comprehend the response. Serious?


Useful DIY manuals. :marseythebuilder:

Practical Action (previously known as the Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development), an online resource devoted to low-technology solutions for developing countries. The site hosts many manuals that can also be of interest for low-tech DIYers in the developed world.

They cover energy, agriculture, food processing, construction and manufacturing, just to name some important categories.

This impressive online library put together by software engineer Alex Weir (RIP 2014. The 900 documents listed here (13 gigabytes in total) are not as well organised and presented as those of Practical Action, but there is a wealth of information that is not found anywhere else.

Other interesting online resources that offer manuals and instructions are Appropedia and Howtopedia. These are all wiki's, so :marseyshrug:

The website of the MOT contains, among other things, some 2,000 simple drawings of hand tools (ordered by shape, and by profession) and a collection of illustrated trade catalogues (up until 1950, in French).

A somewhat related publication is Edward H. Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary (1881): an almost 3,000 page encyclopedia with descriptions and illustrations of tools, instruments, machines, processes and engineering dating from the 19th century.

Knight's book contains not only early electric equipment and steam driven machinery, but also human and animal powered machines. The site is also host to a 1,500 page Western Electric Catalog dating from 1916, describing and picturing electric equipment on sale at the time.

Would you be interested in a weekly SICP exercises thread?

I've been trying to get /h/lit to read SICP for their book club, but they've rigged the vote by removing it from the ballot, even though it was the most popular submission.

I figure we could have something like the book club thread, but for programming. That said, nobody here will actually read books, so I figure it'd be more exiting as a challenge.

Here's the idea: I'll pick ~5 exercises from successive chapters of SICP, then post them here. SICP is written using scheme, but you can solve them in whatever language you'd like. That said, languages with inexpressive static types or without garbage collectors will make this pretty difficult. Sussman describes sceme as a "libertarian" :marseygasden: language, meaning you can do things many languages wouldn't let you get away with. I'm very familiar with scheme and can help people if need be. You can ask questions, post solutions, and bully others for asking stupid questions and posting stupid solutions.

Would you be interested in something like this?





The developer finally grew a spine and realized he didn't want to do it for free. So he added some code to his library (SponsorLink) that runs in your IDE, reads your .gitconfig, checks if your email address is registered as a sponsor, and possibly slows down your build if it's not.

Reddit reactions:

I wonder if anyone at Microsoft uses this internally 😂 Hope they get their emails harvested

The Github issue and Reddit threads on this are pretty calm. Maybe there will be more drama in the coming days/weeks, when companies forbid their employees from using this library, and code monkeys have to rewrite all their unit tests. Redditards are trying to reportmaxx SponsorLink but nothing has happened yet.


However, that data was being shared with data brokers LexisNexis Risk Solutions and Verisk, who'd then sell it to the insurance industry. Earlier this month, the NY Times reported that an owner of a Cadillac XT6 in Florida sued GM after he saw his insurance rates double due to data collected about his driving.


His parents are destroying his life. At 13 I was very different person than when I was 18. They should better spend money fixing his nose than a game nobody really needs

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