Useful DIY manuals. :marseythebuilder:

Practical Action (previously known as the Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development), an online resource devoted to low-technology solutions for developing countries. The site hosts many manuals that can also be of interest for low-tech DIYers in the developed world.

They cover energy, agriculture, food processing, construction and manufacturing, just to name some important categories.

This impressive online library put together by software engineer Alex Weir (RIP 2014. The 900 documents listed here (13 gigabytes in total) are not as well organised and presented as those of Practical Action, but there is a wealth of information that is not found anywhere else.

Other interesting online resources that offer manuals and instructions are Appropedia and Howtopedia. These are all wiki's, so :marseyshrug:

The website of the MOT contains, among other things, some 2,000 simple drawings of hand tools (ordered by shape, and by profession) and a collection of illustrated trade catalogues (up until 1950, in French).

A somewhat related publication is Edward H. Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary (1881): an almost 3,000 page encyclopedia with descriptions and illustrations of tools, instruments, machines, processes and engineering dating from the 19th century.

Knight's book contains not only early electric equipment and steam driven machinery, but also human and animal powered machines. The site is also host to a 1,500 page Western Electric Catalog dating from 1916, describing and picturing electric equipment on sale at the time.


uBlock Origin is one of the first extensions I add to a browser. I think some of the templates are great and went ahead and added them to filter Google and Youtube results.

Does anyone else have suggestions for other repositories or lists for uBlock or general tips? I have never really researched this, I just use the built in Filter-Lists and block things as they annoy me.

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Here's a Eurobeat song about Marsey trolling on the internet

Here's some folk songs about !jinxthinkers


Lots of drama in this thread. With blackmailing over email and threats. Here is some highlights.

Ends with a jannie y'alling the thread

Edit: Since this post is doing so well, have some bonus peepeesword drama of some other AI ethicist also whining:


In order to download the full text of private newsletters you need to provide the cookie name and value of your session. The cookie name is either substack.sid or connect.sid, based on your cookie. To get the cookie value you can use the developer tools of your browser. Once you have the cookie name and value, you can pass them to the downloader using the --cookie_name and --cookie_val flags.





Holy shit this guy's whole blog is based as frick.


Figured I'd share this in case anyone is interested in learning coding or learning a new language.

Someone I know teaches software dev in college and they told me they use these resources/vouched for them.

I skimmed through the JS book and it looks useful. All you do is enter your email and you can download them.

The site has tutorials for different use cases as well.

Here's the list of books/languages:

📚 → C Handbook

📚 → Command Line Handbook

📚 → CSS Handbook

📚 → Express Handbook

📚 → Go Handbook

📚 → HTML Handbook

📚 → JS Handbook

📚 → Laravel Handbook

📚 → Next.js Handbook

📚 → Node.js Handbook

📚 → PHP Handbook

📚 → Python Handbook

📚 → React Handbook

📚 → SQL Handbook

📚 → Svelte Handbook

📚 → Swift Handbook

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  • Aisha : Banned. Push this slut.
:!marseydrawing1: PSA: You can use Adobe's new generative fill feature standalone on their site for free :marseychuddance:

Follow up to the previous post:

Found out on this Github discussion post (quite a :marseylongpost: but basically a web UI for StableDiffusion wants to emulate what Photoshop's able to do) that the generative fill nonsense can be used on their Firefly site:

This weekend someone told me that you do not really need an Adobe Subscription to use Firefly, and the popular Generative Fill can be used from their website (even without an Adobe account)!

After learning about this, I tested that Firefly Generative Fill with some test images used during the development of ControlNet. The performance of that model is super impressive and the technical architecture is more user-friendly than Stable Diffusion toolsets.

Overall, the behaviors of Adobe Firefly Generative Fill are:

1. if users do not provide any prompts, the inpaint does not fail, and the generating is guided by image contents.

2. if users provide prompts, the generating is guided by both prompts and image contents.

3. Given its results, it is likely that the results with or without prompts are generated by a same model pipeline.

They're right about not needing an Adobe subscription to use it but you still need to have an Adobe account so make a throwaway one or something if you're afraid of the glowies :!marseyspyglow:

Just thought it might be interesting if you saw the earlier post but didn't want to install Photoshop from a random Google drive link or something :!marseyspyglow: or you're using a Chromebook like me

The generated images might not be super duper great or anything but it's pretty decent if it's just some simple shenanigans I guess, plus it's free (apart from Adobe collecting your user data :marseyschizowave: )

ChatGPT goes crazy, tries to kill a user :marseyxd: :marseysweating: :marseysnappyenraged2:

Apparently other users were able to replicate this behavior


(Copilot is ChatGPT AFAIK)

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Dall-E is so diversity-aligned that it inserts race into every image if you let it

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  • Snape : windows is as r-slur friendly as it gets, if you're too r-slurred to use it then keep yourself safe r-slur
  • 89wc : majority of mods to #makewindowsgreatagain actually involve reintroducing XP behavior lol
  • SPRINGWRWR : Bing isn't that bad!
Dramatards discuss
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lol. Nice meme.
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