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So how did Ukraine cope yesterday when Zelenskyy didn't got his show in senate and the money ?

Yesterday was clearly bad day for Ukraine, when Zelenskyy realised burgers don't want him in Congress he has send Yermak and the gang


So what did burgers did ? Let them speak in senate ? Nope the forced then to speak to burgers anti corruption glowies :marseyemojirofl:

So they got no money and no limelight and accusation of corruption by burgers :marseythumbsup:

And then this frick Putin had epic warm welcome in sandshit hole countries

So they needed to kill those news in khohol media sphere so what they did ? They killed some ex Ukrainian politician in Russia who run from Ukraine in march 2022 and admitted it was them and showing it as epic win they won the war :marseyclapping: They showed they don't tolerate traitors and that's when the ex defence minister after he resigned he lives in UK he just were stealing so much that burgers couldn't shut up and asking to fire him since mid 2022 :marseyxd:


But you know what a guy that stole couple of billions from army is not a traitor in Ukraine :marseythumbsup:

So it's hilarious seeing how delusional khohols are

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