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[The salt mine has spilled over :marseysaltlicking: ] :soysnooseethe: r/worldnews is starting to get unhinged :marseyseizure: over NATO not helping Ukraine fight north korean soldiers :marseyazov:




We are reaching unseen levels of :marseycopeseethedilate:

I'm going to link long fights here to avoid the post becoming too long and only copy smaller arguments :marseyminer:

What's the alternative? Watching Putin take more and more of Europe while we appease him?

Very juicy argument chock full of tears and fearmongering :marseylickinglips: Some actual quotes:

Allow me to school you.

You don't know it but Ukraine gave up their nuke in exchange of protection. Article 5 is a little weaker than you think.

Russia has a rolling army of steel and high explosives and the only thing standing in the way of rolling right over Europe is currently Ukraine.

Everything is a mess, go read it :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

You can go right now if you want to be a hero so badly.

Another good argument about who should fight for Ukraine :marseyraging: Sample:

We need a much wider western response to be effective rather than expecting a few brave moral-driven redditors to goto Ukraine.


"Germany joins Serbia in invading France, allies seek sanctions, but not direct intervention" type vibes. Fricking invade the North Koreans, they are depleted of man power for a defense now. Prey on their weakness, you fricking cowards end their regime and give the North Korean people actual hope. Morons, I'm surrounded by morons. And they run my fricking country. Punish them for this, it is egregious to allow them to join invading a sovereign nation. Kitties. God, you even have de jour reasoning for them joining the Russians. No one can realistically b-word at you.

Should our koreans die for the greater good? This redditor thinks so! :marseypsycho:

So public believes what they are told as one side of the story while refusing to listen to other side of the story? But they are never told how many western intelligence people and ammunition companies are working to destroy the region at the behest of US and UK corporates and their political pimps?- same as they have done in countless other countries over the last 100 years? Isn't it the war because of greed of western corporates to grab resources- of course free of cost?

:ziggerseethe: : The West is evil and destroys the world out of greed!

:soysnoo: : Shut up russian bot!

Out of the loop. How does a Trump win work in favor of Putin?

Bad question to ask on reddit in election week :marseymagarentfree:

Yeah, what if? They won't. Ukrainian invaded Kursk to divert Russian troops from the front line. With NK troops to reclaim the oblast, the regular Russian army can get back to holding their line. Remember, Putin doesn't want all of Ukrainian, that's untenable. He just has to hold Luhansk and Donetsk long enough for the international community to get tired of propping up Ukraine

:marseywords: about Putin's plans for the war

Sir are you aware that it's an American election year tho

What about the EU?

Redditors are starting to defend America being the world police and the actual ruler of the world. Which is a good thing, just surprising that it happens :marseythumbsup:

I find it intriguing that even after all this the conscription age in Ukraine is 25 (just dropped from 27) while it is 18 in SKorea & Israel. It just seem to paint a different sense of urgency when compared to all the press releases/pr statements.

This led to a weird discussion on which country is more threatened by it's neighbours, Ukraine or Israel :marseyflagukraine: :ma!rseyflagisrael:

The new kremlin propaganda on reddit: "Go to fight in Ukraine": these guys are so predictable and boring.

Noo you can't call me out on my useless virtualsignalling! You're just a russian bot! :soymad:

8,000 NK troops at the edge of Europe was a wake up call. I thought it was only 1500 at first

up to 12k with 3 NK generals, seems like they will form their own command.

Wouldn't surprise me if it gets closer to 50,000 in a few months. Or even more.

And as they take casualties I'm sure they will replenish. They could go through 100k in a year and argue it's not an escalation because they only have 10k active at a time.

SK officials say that this is just a trial run. If successful, North Korea can send up to 200k soldiers.

8k 12k 50k 100k 200k north korean soldiers are surrounding Europe on all sides :marseyitsover:

12k sounds like a lot until you realize that these soldiers are probably some of the most poorly trained in the world and I highly doubt russia is giving them anything high-tech.

A bunch of green troops doesn't stay green for long. Call it darwinism or what you will.

The ones who survive the first few days through the bombs, drones, shelling and bullets are the ones who know how to duck and cover and didn't get frozen up and chopped to bits.

The ones who make a through a few weeks are going to smarten up and figure how to fight just was well as their Russian allies.

This is what I've been saying all along (and have been downmodded for quite a few times): this strategy of just providing enough counterforce may be a good thing from the perspective of not causing WWIII (and also not causing Putin to die, which would be another very big uncertainty), but in the long term: we're just training those Russians.

The fearmongering over North Korea of all places continues cheerfully on reddit :hysterical:


Either way, he's likely to ask for more NK troops. He doesn't really have a deterrent not to, as the world has now allowed Ukraine to become a multi-nation-army battleground with entire batallions of other nations showing up. Biden has made some tactical and timing errors in this war, but this was the first time I felt he's made a geostrategic error by not immediately responding with giving Ukraine something new/fresh.

He is prolly avoiding rocking the boat this close before the election in belief that it is best to do anything he can to help the election rather than react immediatly. Of course this is left to be seen since one would assume that if previously mentioned is true then after election is done biden will do at least something about the situation.

Probably. But the rest of the world isn't kittying about with elections. NATO is an alliance. The alliance must act. Decisively things going down hill gents. Best dust your boots off.

NATO being an alliance has nothing to do with anything since Ukraine is not part of NATO

NATO has nothing to do with anything ? Don't talk nonsense we are directly influencing things with arms and intelligence. Don't be naive. What Sort of comment is that. lol

How can the world ignore the pleas of a country that has literally no allies, friends or mutual defence agreements with any other country? NATO wft? :marseywtf2:

We've been too concerned with Russian red lines to draw our own. Part of managing escalation is clear lines, with clear consequences that are followed on. We've pretty much just said, no nukes, and stopped there.

NATO doesn't have red lines because NATO isn't at war. That's why they just said no nukes (and no messing with that ukro nuclear plant), radiation will affect NATO countries in the area and that's where NATO draws the line :marseygas:

Efficiency is not the point. The point is North Korea is an Asian nation attacking a european country from Russian territory.

Are we cool with that? Are we not going to do anything out of fear, because we are now dealing with two crazy dictators? That's what Putin is counting on, he knows the west very well.

While he lets a third nation attack from his country, he knows we won't lift the restrictions we've put on Ukraine.

We should grow some balls, amp up our rethoric, lift restrictions on Ukraine's weapons use and send a few missiles into North Korea to show appreciation for their effort.

Would'a, could'a, should'a...

Crazy dictators exist all over the world, some funded by us. This is Ukraines problem sadly but the rest of the world getting dragged into ww3 is not the way to go. Especially for the only interactions I have with Ukraine is those calling me slurs online.

Doing nothing is the reason why WW2 happened. People like you are the reason why WW3 might happen.

But yeah, let's do nothing until the problem got out of hand!

How can WW3 happen if NATO isn't getting involved? :marseyconfused:

Some said 3k, others said 10k. Doesn't matter, what matters they are there. And yes appropriate actions need to be made, and i don't mean 'sanctions'.

Can we even sanction North Korea any more than we already do? :marseyanorexic:

Putin is betting on Europe being weak. So far, this seems to be right

We have known this for a long time now. It wasn't exactly a secret that European countries spent years and years slashing military budgets despite their NATO obligations. Only now that war has come to Ukraine are they panic investing.

That's overly harsh in that it generalises. The big problem is that for decades now Germany has been the defacto leader of Europe.

Decades of pacifism and dependence on Russian fuel has left their military extremely unprepared and their government infamously slow and stagnant. Any co-ordinated action requires going through Berlin.

That's an EU problem not a NATO problem. Europe has no excuse for how shit it's militaries are :marseyunamused:

I don't see how North Korea invading Ukraine isn't a redline. Really surprised that some European nations have not sent in their own troops.

Like Putin can saber rattle all he wants but he is not going to risk an all out nuclear altercation over an isolated conventional war in Ukraine. With North Korea actively attacking what is going to stop them from moving into another country next ?

This is Poland WW2 all over again and no one is doing anything about it.

Poland included I guess :marseyshrug:

So, trying to avoid escalating war with potential catastrophic nuclear war as a result is… "weak"? People like you are the reason why wars escalate in the first place

People like you are why Hitler never stopped invading more and more countries

Azerbaijan, you're next, prepare yourself :hitlerapproved: :marseyputin:

It really is insane that another nation has just invaded Ukraine without provocation and the entire world just sits by. We're all cowards

To be fair, I think that has applied to most conflicts in history. But I really think we should have stood with Ukraine since they willingly denuked; ain't nobody willing to do that now.

It sets a precedent for future nations to never give them up. So much for a united world.

There is also a precedent that if a nuclear country (Russia) invades its neighbor, then it gets to dictate to a large degree how much help the invaded country can get. "Or else we will start a nuclear war".

That is how you get more invasions of that kind in the future.

I get that helping Ukraine without limits also has risks, but it is not at all obvious that the risks of helping are bigger than the risks of enabling future nuclear blackmail. The more nuclear blackmail attempts there are in the future, the more risks of nuclear war.

Redditors are discovering some uncomfortable truths about the world :marseysmug2:

And this one can have disastrous effects. Some countries are openly supporting Russia against Ukraine in almost every way. Soon world leaders won't have a choice but to aid Ukraine in every way as well - just to make sure that these dictator-ruled countries supporting Russia (and including Russia) don't become too powerful or threat to other countries as well. By then the war will become too large

>Soon world leaders won't have a choice but to aid Ukraine in every way as well

About that... :marseyazov:

Yes. And while we're doing nothing both Russia and North Korea are busy influencing elections in Western nations. They are less than a week away from having their preferred US presidential candidate elected, which they'll then influence to dismantle NATO.

Since when is North Korea influencing election? :marseyhmmm:

That's the thing. They haven't "invaded". By all reports, the NK soldiers are being deployed to the Kursk Oblast. As long as they stay within Russia's borders, they haven't invaded Ukraine and the international community will have plausibelstem deniability to continue hand wringing

Well, then NATO can send ground troops into ukraine since that isn't an escalation, right?

That would be a welcome turn of events. In that case NATO could airstrike all Russian assets in Ukraine and it wouldn't be an escalation.

They can, NATO just doesn't want to :marseyshrug:

what if they push. (0)

Why would we care about that when Zelenskiy tell us things are going great in Kursk? Obviously the poorly trained North Korean soldier can't make a difference when facing NATO trained Ukrainian soldiers right? (10)

ok bro chill (1)

This is an interesting distribution of points considering the rest of the comment section :marseyhmm:

its an american election year every second fricking year.

Superpower Hegemon my butt. the only time anything ever gets done is the first year of a new term, everything else is "But my midterms" "but my re eleciton"

That is rich coming from a Canadian. You do realize that Ukraine is not an obligation for the US right? The US isn't going to go full into nuclear war with a country that has 5,580 nuclear warheads for a country that isn't in an alliance with the US and used to be an enemy of the US.

Ukraine is a promising future ally which is why the US Congress has passed five bills appropriating $175 billion in response to Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. But we aren't commiting suicide over Ukraine.

Wrong, the US is one of the security guarantors of Ukraine's security, the other one ironically was Russia..either you intervene or be an enabler bystander, there is no middle ground. Not defeating Russia in Ukraine would be like risking further conflict spreading all over Europe.

Read the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine didn't receive any security guarantees. In fact they very specifically avoided giving any security guarantees, and made sure that the Ukrainian delegation understood that there was a difference between the English phrases of security assurances and security guarantees.

You are right about that. Ukraine had a bad deal then and now, we will watch her suffer.

That's mainly Ukraine fault for agreeing to give up it's nukes, wtf did they expect? :tayshrug:

Honestly my hope, and this is probably too American centric of a view point, is that if Kamala wins it shows the world that the support from the U.S isn't about to end or be straight up reversed, thus galvanizing other countries to aid Ukraine further.

Totally understand.

That's why it's important to give Ukraine the aid it needs and the permission to fight without one arm tied behind its back so that it can win the war without endangering US and European personnel.

If Ukraine loses, Putin will keep going. Worse yet, it'll embolden China and Iran and NK to start wars of their own.

Put simply, if Ukraine is allowed to lose, then it will be the first of MANY wars that will follow, and the only one that the USA was able to sit out.

All of the threatened countries actually have defence agreements with Murica tho. Burgers will react to protect them way before any war starts :parrotunitedstatesofamerica:

And was the general sentiment before WWII as well. And was also wrong then.

It was right for America. We didn't get dragged into the war until we could flood the planet with M1 Garands, Sherman tanks, and aircraft carriers.

Frick yeah :marseysaluteusa:

How old are you? How many children of draft age do you have?

My only child is draft age.

That's why I pray to God there won't be another world war.

Wanna know the best way to make sure we avoid one?

We need to show strength and resolve to deter more acts of aggression.

Right now, we can do that by providing aid* to Ukraine, allowing them to strike Russian territory, and most importantly by making clear and unambiguous statements about our intent and what OUR red lines are.

If we continue to ignore Putin's aggression and let him feed the perception he's created of a power vacuum, then it will only further destabilise everything.

If Putin wins in Ukraine, there will be more wars to follow in Europe, in the South Pacific, in Taiwan and Korea, and so on, and when those wars happen, we'll be forced to send people, not aid.

If Putin loses, we get peace.

  • Reminder that, despite what Trump would have you believe, the US isn't giving Ukraine money; the US is giving money to American businesses to fund the production of guns and ammo that are being sent to Ukraine. This aid is creating jobs and stimulating the economy.

A very tearful letter :marseybeanpensive:

How does that change anything? Just shows that voters are stupid. Democracies may not be viable in the age of internet.

This is a small argument but everyone is saying the same thing: No weapons to Ukraine? No democracy for you :marseyindignant:

Well you could always enlist in their army and fight for them. Instead of branding everyone cowards for not fighting in a war that isn't for their country.

Fighting for your allies is just as important as fighting for your own country. It essentially IS fighting for your own country. Our wellbeing relies on more than just borders

They weren't our ally until they were invaded. Now are you going to be the first boots on the ground if things pop off? Or are you actively enlisting in the Ukrainian army? Because calling for everyone else to send men to war is awfully brave when you aren't at risk

:marseysoyswitch: : Somebody needs to go die for Ukraine, not me tho, I still have so many Marvel movies to re-watch.

Ukraine Foriegn Legion is hiring anybody at this point, go for it.

I would sign up right now but you can't with a criminal record

It's always excuses for you people. Everyone else is a coward, but you? You obviously have a valid reason!

You actually can, and plenty now have. Ukraine's parliament even passed legislation to allow recruitment of current convicts. So let us know when you're there, unless you find another handy excuse?

Yes you can. So when are you signing up?


Many nations in the world keep invading other nations, that doesn't mean entire world will get involved in every conflict. Some nations who are allies or have strategic interests may get involved but most of the world will sit out. The entire world sat by when US invaded Iraq and many other countries, same principle will be applied for Russia invading Ukraine.

A more ironic name couldn't have been chosen.

Dubyah's "you're either with us or you're against us" diplomacy more or less forced a whole bunch of countries who didn't want to be there into joining the invasion, even though they knew the reasons for it were total BS.

Even fricking Moldova sent a few people as a gesture of goodwill, Western Europe should have shut up and helped if they didn't plan to actually build their armies and stand on their own feet without Murica's help :marseyannoyed:

Yes because the whole world is dying to get involved in a war against 2 nuclear powers for Ukraine

Not for Ukraine. For Europe.

Next it will be Moldova. Then Georgia. Then maybe some "ethnic riots" break out in Lithuania, with "local paramilitaries" forming soon after.

I promise you, it will only stop when we do something about it. There's too much for Russia to gain, when so many in the West share your weak attitude.

Russia already took parts of Moldova and Georgia—Transnistria has been a de facto Russian enclave since the beginning, and the two "breakaway" regions of Georgia sparked an invasion and war in 2008.

Russia seems to have preplanned/rigged this shit during the end of the Soviet time.

Exactly, Europe doesn't care about Moldova and Georgia either :marseyshrug:

That is the exact reason why the world should be getting involved.

95.38% of countries do not have nukes. The entire world should be concerned and take action.

Of the 4.37% that are nuclear armed 33% of them are a threat to their neighbors and/or other countries and are engaging in openly hostile action.

What we're witnessing is that a nuclear armed nation has the power not to launch nukes, but to launch a standard military incursion without repercussions. The nukes just protect their "right" to violent invasion, an umbrella of MAD over their soldiers heads as they march past NATO borders.

What repercussions has the USA been dealt for all their illegal invasions/bombings?

Ah true, it's the USA, so it's okay when we do it.

People, can we please stop acting like Russia is the first nation to go to war with another nation?

When will you be signing your enlistment?

Was more than 30 years ago. Being cowardly is an excuse for not doing the right thing, not a justification.

Go join the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, I'm sure they could use your expertise.

Or, I can voice my opinion to encourage my government to represent my interests.

>95.38% of countries do not have nukes. The entire world should be concerned and take action.

Hear that Togo? You're now involved in this, drag your butt here and fight :marseymad:

Poland won't be next. It will be Moldova and Georgia.

It will be all three. The Russian military industrial base is ramped up fully, they're producing enough weapons to fully arm and maintain the logistics for 600,000 active combatants. It doesn't take a fraction of those forces to march through Moldova or Georgia.

They can barely supply the troops in Ukraine with equipment as is. The only reason they're seeing any gains is because they're literally throwing thousands of combatants at the frontlines and Ukrainian troops either get surrounded or retreat.

Barely supplying 600k is still supplying 600k. Look, I'm not saying they're NATO quality troops but none of the NATO nations in Europe currently have anything near 600k armed and moving troops spun up. It takes time to spin up logistics for that kind of man power, and once it's spun up it doesn't spin down quickly either. If we pretend Ukraine falls tomorrow, those troops aren't going home, they're going to first consolidate Ukraine and secure the new borders, then they're going to re-arm and resupply and build new logistics routes to supply that new front line. Once that's done, it's back to marching because that's what mobilized armies do. It won't take 100k to take Georgia and it won't take 50k to take Moldova. That leaves a cool 450k to walk up to Polands border and say hello.

What else can Putin do? His whole economy has been converted to military jobs. Sanctions won't be lifted, ever, Russia is never going to be an economic partner of EU or NA ever again, that era is over without a Russia capitulation and regime change. Russia is now, and will be for a very long time, a military junta. Best wishes to Poland, but if NATO doesn't spin up a massive army on Poland's border before Ukraine falls, well Russia may not take all of Poland in one day but there's nothing stopping them from simply walking across that border and drawing a new line wherever they please. Nukes don't mean a thing because MAD prevents anything but conventional warfare.


What other Nations would you like to see involved? To what extent?

There should be air strikes by NATO at all locations inside Ukraine and now occupied by Russia

Declare North Korean troops as terrorist and preemptively eliminate them.

Yes because NATO should totally declare WW3 over a country thats not an ally and nobody gave a shit about until Russia invaded

NATO can only strike terrorists, being an enemy combatant is not enough :marseynotes:

Everyone is holding their breath over the outcome of a certain election.

Lol you have to realize that ukraine keep going on with war will start having a bad effect on US soon, therefore the goals no matter who won will be to end the war itself, through whatever means they come up with. No matter what zelensky is a pile of shit that is responsible for deaths of many ukrainians so he can suck on EU dongs.

There is no way the war in Ukraine will have any impact on the US at this stage outside of a positive. It's now very clear Russia is no threat and the next invasion Putin tries will not be tolerated with the same western fear Ukraine's was. The US can now focus almost entirely on other pursuits. After a Harris win, it would be wise for Putin to start sucking EU peepees himself to salvage what is left of Russia's future.

What fear? What is there for the US to help Ukraine anymore when Ukraine is indebted mostly to the EU, so not really any monetary gains here. It helped with creating more reason to sell weapons but the US is stable enough now, don't really make sense to send more to Ukraine. Russia came back from worse spots before, they have the resources, they have the manufacturing, I highly doubt this so called "war" is affecting them much. Ukraine is absolutely fricked though, thanks to idiotic leadership sucking on EU's peepee.

Nobody forced or tricked Ukraine into fighting. Eastern Europe has gone into worse wars for much less, it's the just way things work here. Ukraine would have fought with or without NATO's help but this way we got some fancy military data out this shitfest :marseymerchant:

They have not invaded Ukraine though. They are still in Russia. They are in Kursk and not even Ukraine has suggested they are enganged in combat or in Ukraine.

As it stands its a Russian ally sending troops to Russia.

Remove Kim Jung uns manhood from your mouth

Wow. You must impress all the 10 year olds with comments like that.

This guy is very determined to tell everyone that they suck Kim's peepee throughout the comment section :marseycock:

We need Leaders with authentic principles for that. Our leaders are all scared of nukes atm, and it may end up that using that threat any evil will do what it wants for a long time on this planet. We need to dodge the nukes problem first, or accept its outcome as a necessary evil to overturn an inbalance that we created, otherwise the world is stuck.

>or accept its outcome as a necessary

:soycry: : We must all die in nuclear hellfire or evil will win!

World priorities Isreal and will direct all their resources there now instead of Ukraine

Yeah, Ukraine's situation started to get worse after oct 7 because US has shifted attention to Israel :marseyshrug:

Whole world saw it coming. The US broadcast intelligence for months ahead of time. NATO could have organized a "training mission" in 48 hrs and parked troops in Eastern Ukraine.

Truth is…the west didn't care that much.

This is the gist of it, really. NATO troops getting involved in Ukraine now would be an escalation simply because it happens after two years of war, if they were there from the start there wouldn't be a problem. But Ukraine doesn't has any allies so there was no reason for NATO to join and now that ship has sailed :marseyzelensky:

Would you like to go to Ukraine? You're welcome to

With full NATO air dupport? I will take my chances.

No. You are coward right now. Biggest coward. You based off responses don't need nato air "dupport". Grow some balls and go fight ASAP over there. Let's see how long you last.

All you comments are the same and I bet are bots or worse, true folks who are so stupid that you can't realize you're in as bad propaganda as Russians. Holy smokes. With or without air support do you not realize what you're saying?

Is reddit this far down the potty?

So why the frick do my taxes go towards the military if they can't do their fricking jobs and defend their neighbour from Russian aggression? Why do you expect me to enter into a meatgrinder without equipment, when we have the full might of NATO to crush Putin ditting by idly?

When the politicians who I didn't vote for in my "Alliance" would throw anyone under the bus as long as the war doesn't come for them? Who are reluctant to give basic necessities to fight a war to a country?

What guarantees that when Putin Invades the Baltics NATO won't step down due to muh escalation and muh nukes?

Are seriously asking why your taxes are going towards military which can't start war with another country?

Why won't somebody fight Putin already? :soyjaktantrum:

Oh so you're signing up for the front lines ?

You north Korean oussy

North Korea hasn't invaded shit ! But if your so concerned, then mount up and go help out, instead of name calling

Remove Kim Jung uns weener from your throat and then maybe I can understand you

I remember when that joke was funny…in the 3rd grade

You north Korean kitty

Good to bed jr you've had to much candy tonight

Will you be first in line to volunteer for WW3? I tried to join the US Army but was rejected due to failing the physical. If not I'd be on the front lines.

You kitty north Korean. Your dictator is ungodly obese. And so is your Korean mamma

The whole comment section is full of this :marseynoyou:

The world doesnt deserve Ukraine.


I think they are basically saying that Ukraine is fighting Russia for all of us, and we can't seem to do right by them.

At the very least we need to unleash their use of what we've already given them.

Someone call the Pope and ask him if we can sanctify a whole country :marseypope:

Biden is holding Ukraine hostage. "Don't attack Russia" might effect my presid-e-t-yyyyyyyy

Stupidest thing I've read all year. He's not running for president you moron

Ooof… e-x-a-c-t-lyyyyy

:marseysnappy: or :marseystims: ?

Without provocation? Are you living under a rock? The UN pushed its way into Ukraine after Putin asked them not to. The UN, backed by the current presidential administration did this. Don't believe the lies!

Your two still functioning brain cells tried so hard but failed so miserably. SMH

We've discovered the culprit for Ukraine's invasion! Nuke the UN now! :marseynukegoggles:

Zelenskiy clearly looking in the wrong place for help since every Redditor seems to be an expert

Right!? Stupid Zelenskiy, all he has to do is ask me and I'll have an hour by hour report on how he can win this war by Thursday some up by tomorrow morning. Idiot.


It appears we learned nothing from Hitler

Be George Orwell, grab a rifle.

While I 100% support the international brigades, this requires actual sovereign countries to get involved

Sovereign nations right now :marseytoasty2:

Europe. Europe is letting this happen. Europe needs to step up and eat all of the cost of preventing Ukraine from losing, because losing will cost Europe exponentially more immediately and in the long run and generations to come.

Your average 'who should be responsible for Ukraine' argument :marseynoyou:

Well you can enlist in their army at any time. Or do you want others to die in your stead?

I'm not pasting all of this, it's same argument all over again, and just as angry :marseyraging:

WW3 has already started. It's been the big powers using tiny states to fight their wars (in Africa, Ukraine and the Middle East) for the last 10 years

If the big states are only fighting through proxies then it's not a world war :marseysmirk2:

Like what the frick; it's NORTH KOREAN soldiers and the so called allies are sitting on their hands. Frick you Putin, piece of garbage

Ukraine does not have any allies. There is no agreement between them and anyone else to help them when they are in a pinch. They were content with sitting on the fence and buddying up with Russia until Russia invaded them. If any country wants to remain safe in this world with big dogs like China and Russia now feeling confident to throw around their weight, they need allies.

Is it Ukraine's fault for not being in NATO yet? (yes) :marseyantiwork:

You could always enlist for Ukraine..

Doubt individual citizens can make a change where military super powers are at play.

Well who is in those militaries? Do you think it's just a bunch of darn robots

They are a collective group wired to do a task, most of the time no questions asked.

That task being to fight in war while some redditor sits comfortably at home. Why should others lay down their lives on your behalf?

I wonder how insufferable reddit will be when only robots will fight in the army? :marseyhmm:

The biggest problem for Ukraine is a lack of manpower and no amount of weapons will solve that. (32)

it's not lack of manpower, we have already formed brigades but without equipment https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/09/15/7475205/, because aid that was allocated year ago delivered only 10%. (-7)

Lmao reddit :marseylaugh:

No it's that we overestimated the West's ability to do anything. We really could curbstomp Russia in a conventional war if we tried. But what's all the firepower in the world if we simply refuse to use it?

The point is dissuade direct conflict with ourselves and countries we have a defensive pact with.

The point of that firepower isn't to inflict our will by force but rather to scare others away from us having to use it in the first place.

Well, it doesn't work anymore. It only works if potential aggressor countries are afraid of that firepower being used on them if they attack; and now every country on earth realizes that's not the case.

Complete inability to understand that not only Ukraine isn't in NATO, they aren't allies with anyone in NATO either. Should have considered doing something about it after after Russia nomed Crimea :marseyshrug:

It's an Europe issue. NATO is a defense pact and not to be used as an offensive measure.

You know that countries can act outside of NATO, right?

Yeah, and did they? :marseysmug3:

So you want to invade North Korea and provoke China to step in? You don't think this will only escalate into WW3 if we are not already in the beginning faces of it. I mean things are not as simple as that. NATO should have never got involved in this conflict. You avoid shit because it stinks, not because you are a coward.

NATO has benefitted greatly from this conflict, including roping in countries that have avoided joining despite being invited multiple times :marseyyayyy:

Instead of this gentle BS why doesn't the US just destroy every military target in the theater from the fricking air? Send a message to these dictators that we can and will just end this when we feel like it. They aren't going to nuke anyone unless there's some existential threat to their country.

Well, they did recently bombed Yemen and Syria... :parrotunitedstatesofamerica:

Dog Zelenskyy stole most of what the rest of the world gave to their nation while Ukrainian people fight with scraps. Most people who play war texting on their phones are oblivious. Go talk to actual Ukrainian people living in Ukraine. If they'll be honest with you, you will know how factually incorrect you people are about the majority of what you believe is right

Lay off the pipe and Russian propaganda

I'm literally Ukrainian xd No wonder the world thinks of Reddit as a joke

"I'm Russian living in America and most of my friends that still live there completely gave up on the idea of having a child because they hate Russias government so much"

This you?

Smartest zigger :angryvatnik:

Desperate people do dangerous things

Exactly: putin just brought a terrorist country's troops in Europe.

There are no israeli troops in Europe

Random palicuck reporting for duty :marseypalestineflag:

Ukraine needs nato's help asap. Stop wasting time and send troops or shoot down North Korean troop grouping! Asap!

:marseyflaggermany: : So what are you guys doing today?

:marseyflagfrance: I'm writing another angry letter to Israel, they'll have to write back eventually!

:marseyflagspain: : I'm screaming at EU to not send me help after a deadly flood.

:marseyflaguk: : I'm helping Israel spy on Italy.

:marseyflagitaly: : Fricking what?!

:marseyflaggermany: : Nice!

Why is europe so nonchalant about its border being invaded?

Europe isn't country. And Russia is also in Europe. So try again

All right, I'll stop here because the character count is screaming at me, hope you liked it :marseyfluffy:

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But how will this affect peoples in Black :marcussatisfied: bodies suffering :marseypain: under :marseyhandsup: white :marseymarcuswave: racist :marseyklennychinese: society :marseymisssize:

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Isn't the burger army full of brave black and brown bodies? According to redditors they should die in Ukraine :marseyblm:

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Personally i think :marseyphilosoraptor: the west actively waging full-scale war against russia :marseyspyglow: is based :marseychadretardtrump: as frick

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It would be, especially if we b-word slap Iran too :marseyagreefast:

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US military dosent want that war. And thats only reason why it hasent happened yet.

It got really close of happening in 2005. But iraq insurrection happened and pentagon used it as excuse to shut off any attempts of war with iran until end of W presidency.

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The companies in charge :marseyrentfree: of producting the weapons :marseytf2heavy: would :marseywood: be eager :marseyexcited: to do it though. They just need to fabricate another excuse like it has been done for the past 100 years

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NOW youre getting me excited


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Finish off the Norks while you're at it


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POC soldiers are the only reason America won any war (including the Revolution), but you won't hear about that in Amerikkkan schools.

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