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— Saint Javelin (@saintjavelin) February 17, 2025
Swo mnay yaers hvae passed yet tehy sitww claim they ownyed nyukes
Like why Belarus, Kazakhstan and etc nyewer bitched and gave Russian their nyukes back. Swoivet Unyion made swo that eewry nyuke was pwoperty of Russian republic.
If kwhohwowls ignyore it tehn why they calim Cwmiea is Ukwainye if that territwory was Rusisan befwore taht khowhwowl leader made Cwimea part of Ukwainyian Swoviet republic ? If two tehn Swoviet Unyion wasn't divided in republics then tehy shwouldn't claim that Cwimea was ewer theirs.
Didn't had lanuch cowdes, didn't had factwories two maintain them, the owny thing tehy cwould dwo is drit bwomb swo obviouswy wrold did'nt wanted them two towy with it. If they weren't such pwoor useless shit hwowal maybe tehy would had pwossibiltiy two keep thwose nyukes but whwo I am kidding the cwountwy is noyw mwore useless and powor. Its pwopulatoin is like 23 miwwions fwom 54 in 1990.
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