Ιts оvеr fоr burgеrs

Thаt fаļļ аínt еvеn řеļаtеd tр khоhоļstаn :marseyxd:

Аnd еvеn íf ít wаs, thоsе соmраníеs соmbínе аrе 6 tímеs ļеss wоrth thаn nvídеа

But thís ís funníеs shít tоdау, Zеļеnskуу сļаímíng thаt thíngs tоdау аínt wоřsе fоř ukřаínе thеn ín 2022 :#marseybrainlet:

Ιn 2025 thеrе nо hорíum thаt wеst саn gívе sоmеthíng thаt hеļрs Ukwаínе wín, thеrе nо rеsеrvеs tо kеер fíghtíng, sаnсtíоns аrе оvеr, nо mоrе Bídеn, соuntwу еxíst just аt gíbs

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Just simply have the Russians burn down Yuropoor MIC factories. What are they even gonna do about it? Nothing.

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ICYMI this has already been happening LOL

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They just want to steal the money, like why do they creating 100's contracts to build factories in Ukraine ? When it all ends Ukrainian men will run away from Ukraine. The country is now around 23 millions of mostly men and old people

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