Ιts оvеr fоr burgеrs

Thаt fаļļ аínt еvеn řеļаtеd tр khоhоļstаn :marseyxd:

Аnd еvеn íf ít wаs, thоsе соmраníеs соmbínе аrе 6 tímеs ļеss wоrth thаn nvídеа

But thís ís funníеs shít tоdау, Zеļеnskуу сļаímíng thаt thíngs tоdау аínt wоřsе fоř ukřаínе thеn ín 2022 :#marseybrainlet:

Ιn 2025 thеrе nо hорíum thаt wеst саn gívе sоmеthíng thаt hеļрs Ukwаínе wín, thеrе nо rеsеrvеs tо kеер fíghtíng, sаnсtíоns аrе оvеr, nо mоrе Bídеn, соuntwу еxíst just аt gíbs

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The defense industry is finding war to be less profitable, and Im supposed to be mad about that?

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Their stocks going down because Musk opened investigations of how they used the money :marseyxd:

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Exactly. The less America is the world's police and armory, the less money American military industrial complex companies are going to make. This is true by definition and it's good thing. Libs should be happy, but they'll turn themselves into the biggest warmongers (and a million other illiberal things) to spite Trump.

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It's literally because they're starting to realize that Trump isn't a war monger and he might actually be able to broker a peace.

This is what democrats are saying is bad btw.

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Stocks going down because Musk doing investigation how those guys spending the money. Defence companies been doing very shady things after cold war

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