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Frick you @A and @transb-word I was literally posting these spongebob raps the other day.

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ur not trans tho

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If I :marseytrain2: out will you start regularly pinning my posts?

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>Pinning the trans-weasel


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Also pinging @CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM because he hates negro rap.

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Frick blacks

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What rapper molested you to make you hate gangster shit so much?


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To flip the question :marseybeanconfused: around: What is appealing about a genre of music :marseysing: "written" by low-lifes who sell drugs, kill people, and abuse :marseyjacksparrow: women? It certainly doesn't sound :marseyhearnoevil: good. It's probably the biggest insult to actual music :marseydaftpunk: since country, but at least county has instruments.

Idc how reddit :marseydownvotemad: that opinion is, rap is garbage :marseyraccoonregular: and the world :marseyww1american2: would :marseymid: be a better :marseygenetakovic: place :marseychtorrr: if every gangster :marseymobster2: dropped :marseyautismcap: dead

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To flip the question :marseybeanconfused: around: What is appealing about a genre of music :marseysing: "written" by low-lifes who sell drugs, kill people, and abuse :marseyjacksparrow: women? It certainly doesn't sound :marseyhearnoevil: good. It's probably the biggest insult to actual music :marseydaftpunk: since country, but at least county has instruments.

You sound like you grew up in a super strict evangelistic hosuehold and your mommy was too scared to let you watch mtv because a black person could show up.

Also rap as a genre is so varied you can't really say its all criminals. Kanye West, Insane clown posse, and zillakami all are rap and are nothing alike. But to defend what you actually put forward about gangster rap and rap with violent lyrics, they serve as a raw and unfiltered expression of the realities and struggles faced by real people. Most good music tells a good story in some way and the lyrics of gangster rap reflect the actual lived experiences of gang members and people who grew up in marginalized neighborhoods with violence and gang activity. It's artistic expression. I know you're going to say that just any negro can get on the mic and rap about how he kills neighbors but that's just because you aren't listening to good rap music. If hearing about drug sales and people dying in your music unironically makes you :carppearlclutch: maybe you just have overly sensitive feelings.

Also editing to say that ultimately consumers of music have the agency to choose what they listen to and how they interpret its messages. People want to pin rap on causing gang crimes and making little kids sell dope. To some extent I could agree, as you can see how diss tracks will fuel active gang feuds, but it really is like saying that playing Dungeons in Dragons will turn someone into a satanist child murderer or whatever. Instead of blaming rap music for societal problems, focusing on addressing the root causes of violence (lack in access to education, lack in access to jobs, etc.) But rap is just the easy scape goat for that.

Also pinging !BIPOCs since this is a negro problem.

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Tl;dr it's not the fault of rap BIPOCs that they have no stories about building things or helping people

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@CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM I'm sorry, I should have jewified this guy

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IDGAF :marseybadnews: b-word :marseyarthoe8: I hope you get r*ped

trans lives matter

also frick jewish chads :marseyshutitdown:

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The "harsh realities" of selling :marseyburgers: drugs :marseyschizotripping: and killing :marseymegalodon: people seem to be something worth bragging about. Every gang member should :marseynorm: be shot in the head. Maybe libertarians need a genre of music :marseyvibe: where :marseydrama: they talk about how they got diddled and how good child :marseyhermione: kitty feels :marseyvapecrying: :#marseythumbsup:

And people always talk about how rap is so diverse and deep but whenever someone 1 know plays a rap song it's some dude bragging about fricking :marseytom: some b-word :marseyarthoe3: at the club or something

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And people always talk about how rap is so diverse and deep but whenever someone 1 know plays a rap song it's some dude bragging about fricking :marseytom: some b-word :marseyarthoe3: at the club or something

I'm really cherry picking here but how do these sound similar to you? All rap.

listen just like 30 seconds each.

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Yeah there's plenty of varied rap songs but the 90% of them that get listened to by everyone :marseynorm: sound :marseyhearnoevil: like shit :#marseythumbsup:

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rap is the highest form of music. you're just a mayo monkey :marseyindignant:

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It's in the same category as slam poetry lmfao you're just low IQ

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there are multiple peer reviewed studies that prove that hip hop heads have a higher IQ on average

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:#marseyxd: this is epic

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I'd rather have a reddit :marseysoyseethe: opinion than a low IQ, knuckle-dragger monkey :marseysunwukong: opinion :#marseyfuckyou2:

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What kind of music do you listen to, then?

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1 don't listen :marseyhearnoevil: to much music :marseymilesdavis: but anything :marseycoleporter: piano or instrumental, classical (some), and videogame :marseydimitri: music :marseyjamming: (:chad:)

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Of course you're the type of guy who goes on about how hip hop isn't real music but also thinks "Errrm, yes, videogames are art 🤓☝"

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Videogames :marseykong2: aren't art lol they're for strags. Just so happens that old-school video :marseyprincesszeldabotw: game music :marseyjackson: happened to be written by chad neurodivergents

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The only thing he likes more than gangsta rap is parentheses :#marseywholesome:

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Glorb rocks. Best rap of 2023 and it's not even close.

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More kino brainrot content:

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This goes hard :headb#ang2:


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giga cringe :marseyluthersoy:

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>trans b word posts

>capy: yea thats a pin from me

:#marseyitsallsotiresome: :#marseyeyeroll:

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Upmarseyed btw

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"let this choppa blow his back"


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Still hetero tho

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u really are a zoomer :marseyeyeroll:

dude bussy lmao

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know the sponge like money

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