:marseyflagsaudiarabia: :marseycopeseethedilate: after :marseyturkroach: refuse to play their cup final in Riyadh


The Turkish supercup was supposed to be tonight but :marseyflagsaudiarabia: wouldn't let the :marseyturkroach: come out with Atatürk banners for their centenary. Both clubs then refused to play the game and Saudi police stormed the dressing rooms to confiscate the banners and the game has now been cancelled.







!bharatiya catching strays


















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Saudis are so bad at pretending to be a normal nation, they chimp out at the most minor hurdles

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One dude from Denmark draws Mohammed and they all throw their butter into the trash to own the Danes.

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I think it was 12 but Westergaard got all the hate cuz he got a bomb

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I mean... do they even pretend?

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Saudis realize they will RETVRN TO MONKE :marseymonke: when the oil dries up, so they're desperately trying to recruit foreign talent to build an actual economy. Unfortunately for them, they keep scaring the metaphorical hoes with their medieval society

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They're building Neom which is like a Diamond Age-like city with special laws more like the real world. Still no booze, though.

They're also apparently trying to recruit useful people from around the world, Americans of different varieties, Euros, Asians, etc. and granting visas and even citizenship


I was checking Reddit to see if there was any more info—no, nothing useful, but a thousand comments like this:

Is it morally right to finance a sustainable city of tomorrow through an economy 75% based on petroleum and another 10% based on plastics



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The only thing I know about Saudis is that they get scammed and phished constantly by Algerians.

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Please GOD let this happen in my lifetime so I can live comment in Deuxchat

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Iran and Saudi Arabia going back to being America's bottom b-word when oil runs out will be nice. All the rich ones will flee their countries to real economies and the CIA will take over their govs again

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>Iran and Saudi Arabia going back to being AmeriKKKa's bottom b-word when oil runs out

Saudi Arabia already is america bottom b-word only Iran is left

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when will the oil run out tho?

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in two weeks

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they try to buy legitimacy with these sideshows


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Everything bad that happens to the Saudis I support because of 9/11

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Saudi Arabia didn't do 9/11

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