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  • garlicdoors : F1 cars do more than 1g of acceleration :marseyserioushatfact:

High divers in the 80s were insane

They used to have crazy dangerous high dive competitions in the 80s where dudes in nothing but a speedo would compete to see who could jump from the highest platform. They had three rules:

1. You had to do at least 180 degrees of rotation

2. No protective equipment of any kind allowed

3. You had to leave the pool after the dive without assistance

One year they jumped from 170 feet and every single competitor suffered an injury so the next year they raised it 2 feet higher. Five divers completed it successfully and those records have never been broken. The people that have attempted to break it have failed by not being able to leave the pool without assistance (one guy broke his back lol). The record may never be broken because very few people are r-slurred enough to attempt a dive from 172+ feet in nothing but a speedo.

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:trollfaceball: Homoerotic

:trollfaceball: Feats of strength and fortitude

:trollfaceball: R-slurs hurting themselves

:redlight:This post meets the minimum criteria for moid approval :redlight:

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Love the way he barely mentions that there :marseycheerup: was a women's event.

Nevertheless, that foid who jumped in to save the knocked-out guy was a keeper.

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I loved that they didn't even bother hiring lifeguards for the event lol. A guy knocked himself out and the other competitors had to jump in and save him.

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A lot of sports were better back then. :marseysad:

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What am i looking at here

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Andy Brown, the last goalie in the NHL to play without a helmet or facemask.

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"are you gonna do it or climb down?"

>looks down

"oh no I'm gonna do it"

holy shit the balls

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it's just another case of not wanting to touch an event where there's a high probability of someone getting seriously hurt or dying. F1 tones down it's cars and focuses on safety, NFL makes rules to prevent concussions and injuries, boxing/mma has all kinds of safe guards to prevent them from killing eachother, even the X games is full of safety rules and equipment. Athletics have come a long way in 40 years, some jackass nowadays could easily beat that record if it was allowed and they had any reason to

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Making everything advertiser friendly has destroyed society

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Where's red bull when you need them?

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!besties this needs to come back

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Imagine jumping from that height as some 4' slantlet :marseyscared: you could have half your country stand on top of each other without reaching that height!

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Red Bull does an internation competitive cliff diving tour where they do olympics high dive stuff from a wild height, but its legitimately half the height as those dudes in the 80s.

The injuries from 24 metres are still brutal let alone 40+ those badass boys are jumping from.

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