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Entire nation states are going to depopulate before the end of the century.

Greece and Japan shows us the future of nation states that do not succeed. As a "Developed" economy fails and begins to decline, the only way for the people within the nation state to have their quality of life go up is for either:

1. PPP GDP growth to remain steady and high. ( Japan) which is only possible for very advanced developed economies.

2. People immigrating out of the nation state and the remainder being able to hold on to larger chunks of the resources lying about. ( Greece )

Most of the world is not the Japanese style of competent and would actually fall into the second category. Which means continual decline of populations in Eastern Europe and South America over time.

As of now North America, South America, and Asia have a population growth rate of 0.6%. Europe is the only continent with a negative population growth rate. It is a strong possibility that the population growth rates of both North America and South America are kept artificially up via immigration policy. In which case we can expect the population of North America and South America to keep growing at 0.5-0.6% for decades to come.

Europe does not have this luxury as there is a strong anti-immigrant sentiment on the continent. Europe's only choice is to grow horizontally.

We must also account for the fact that the species is expected to become a type 1 civilization by the end of the century, a civilization capable of controlling the climate on its own planet and have access to the entire planet's resources and energy. As a type 1 civilization with only 7-8 billion humans on the planet, everybody would be able to live a life of luxury with ease.

Do demographics matter for a type 1 civilization? Not really no. The primary advantage of demographics is in providing for ever increasing R&D input. Once a species is a type 1 civilization all the capabilities of a type 2 civilization are so far out there that humanity cannot little steps its way to it unless its willing to take a billion little steps that add nothing in the present or the near future or the far future. It is more likely that we would simply get stuck being a type 1 civilization and the way of life that comes with. Most of our wars are already cultural rather than physical. Even economic warfare is going down globally as there is more advantage to continuing business. Cultural warfare being the only means of conducting warfare means that global homogenization of values and lifestyles is what the future holds for the planet.

Globalization is where the future lies. What globalization tells us is that labor, food, transport, research, and specializations move wherever they provide the most benefits on the supply chain.

The system benefits most from having people living close to one another and aggregating together. Which means a species that reaches 100% urbanization rates.

Globalized trade means the best trade products winning out at the cheapest prices all over the planet. Which means everybody eating the same kind of food across the world.

Globalization means things costing the same across the planet. Which means global prices stabilizing across the world, which is only possible if everybody has the same incomes to be able to buy the same products. Which means global economic equilibrium is reached in the future across the world.

For a global supply chain that stable and large would require the end of wars which would only be possible through the formation of continental unions. So we are definitely getting continental unions.

Global supply chains are best maintained by giant corporate entities so we are going to end up with corporations with more power than any nation state as the corporation is an entity spread across the world and supplying the entire planet. Corporations will overtake governments and that is the next phase of civilization evolution.

By 2100 we can expect the entire planet to be a corporatocracy built off of the laws already in place across the world. Just as Samsung practically owns South Korea, we are going to see other developed economies owned by their biggest companies as well, as it is the only way to maintain GDP growth over time.

Ukraine is expected to be the first nation state that empties out, as their population is already too old to rebuild after a war, and their fertility rate and immigration rate was already abysmal before the war. Another example of population disappearance in the current era is the decline of populations on Island nations such as cook Island where the population is now below 1960 levels.

The population for most tiny nation states has already peaked and is now set for long term decline. After the extinction of villages and small towns, the smallest nation states follow as they no longer guarantee a good quality of life compared to the more advanced economies out there. For Example, Cuba's population is going down year on year right now at rates similar to some of the faster shrinking European populations.

In the future we can expect the shrinking of nation state populations to be the norm rather than the exception. With the smallest independent territories depopulating completely by the end of the century.

Currently the majority of the planet has a negative net migration rate, which means once population growth rates near zero, most nation states of the world will begin to fall into perpetual decline.

The majority of the planet is also growing its GDP at a slower rate than global inflation, which again implies that most of the world is going to have its quality of life go down over time and the only way to survive is to leave for better pastures.


Smaller nation states are going to disappear altogether. As globalization continues to further open up borders, the only way for nation states to keep their populations rising is to guarantee continual growth, failing which the people disappear over time. There are hard limits to how far most nation states can grow. For most of the planet there is a stronger incentive to immigrate than there is to remain in place.

The US remains the future.

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We must also account for the fact that the species is expected to become a type 1 civilization by the end of the century

Let's maybe go easy on putting planetary civilizations into categories when we just know the one. We ain't Starfleet yet. :marseyspock:

Globalization is where the future lies. What globalization tells us is that labor, food, transport, research, and specializations move wherever they provide the most benefits on the supply chain.

Wow, great insight, genius. :marseyjerkofffrown: This was well known back in 1909. Didn't stop everyone from just saying "frick it" and blowing up the whole world a couple times. There's nothing in human nature that compels people to try to level up our planet or whatever your agenda is.

The system benefits most from having people living close to one another and aggregating together. Which means a species that reaches 100% urbanization rates.


The only problem is humans really hate to be densely packed together. Wanting to have a lot of land in a beautiful, prosperous place that is held in your family through generations isn't some cultural thing. That's a human instinct. A lot of the social problems we have now are the result of forcing humans to live in cities.

By 2100 we can expect the entire planet to be a corporatocracy built off of the laws already in place across the world. Just as Samsung practically owns South Korea

You could have said that about China a decade or two ago. You notice what happened when the richest guy in China got in a disagreement with the new emperor? He got all his shit taken away overnight and had to be grateful he wasn't killed. Same with Samsung. They know that South Koreans could just snap their fingers and seize all their stuff in an instant. You really think they're all powerful but they go to prison just for fun?

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Didn't stop everyone from just saying "frick it" and blowing up the whole world

Whiteys kill a 1% of one another.

The whole wooorrrrrld Cleetus! We almost destroyed the whoooollleeee worrrrrlldd.

There's nothing in human nature that compels people to try to level up our planet or whatever your agenda is.

Exploration of new locations. Getting away from your parents.

The only problem is humans really hate to be densely packed together.

Humans have always done things according to what they like doing. That's why the urbanization rate that's been rising year on year is going to collapse any day now.

You notice what happened when the richest guy in China got in a disagreement with the new emperor? He got all his shit taken away overnight and had to be grateful he wasn't killed. Same with Samsung.

All bugmen are the same Ezekiel. The country's are made up.

They know that South Koreans could just snap their fingers and seize all their stuff in an instant.

South Koreans could snap their fingers and destroy 75% of new revenue generated year on year Bubba, all because they got offended.

You really think they're all powerful but they go to prison just for fun?



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Exploration of new locations. Getting away from your parents.

In a 100% urbanized world. Curious. :marseyhmm:

Humans have always done things according to what they like doing.

Really? Well that's news to me because most of my life wasn't spent doing what I like. There's even this thing called "work" that most humans do 1/3 of the day which is specifically devoted to doing something they don't want to do.

[Chinese are different, I'm gonna be racist at the moment to dodge an argument]


South Koreans could snap their fingers and destroy 75% of new revenue generated year on year Bubba, all because they got offended.

You ever heard of something called the Korean War, dumbfrick? The way the country works is a heck of lot more complicated than you understand with a delicate balance between the chaebols and the perpetually butthurt labor movement. If Samsung ever did anything really nuts that enraged most of the population, they've always got the nuclear option: Let the North Koreans take over. And yes, that is still a shadow hanging over South Korean politics today. (Of course that would never happen because the army would take over first.)

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In a 100% urbanized world. Curious.

You said there is nothing in human nature. I countered that statement.


It was sarcasm saying your statement was incorrect.


You ever heard of something called the Korean War, dumbfrick? The way the country works is a heck of lot more complicated than you understand with a delicate balance between the chaebols and the perpetually butthurt labor movement. If Samsung ever did anything really nuts that enraged most of the population, they've always got the nuclear option: Let the North Koreans take over. And yes, that is still a shadow hanging over South Korean politics today. (Of course that would never happen because the army would take over first.)

Can you summon the history ping group to let them argue with you over this because that would be entertaining. Thank you.

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I was up all night and I'm just surviving on caffeine and butthurt right now. Don't want to argue too seriously. :marseydoomer:

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Ah okay cool. Take care of yourself buddyroo. Your health and well being matters.

I wish I didn't have to write,

Extra words without purpose,

Wasting everybody's time,

Making this world hollower,

Day by day,

Feeling it with nothing,

A nothing that grows,

The deeper you dig the hole,

The more dirt you move,

The deeper your feet take root,

Far beneath the Earth.


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You really think they're all powerful but they go to prison just for fun?

You absolute fricking r-slur. :marseyfacepalm: That wasn't like Pablo Escobar's prison palace. No matter how comfortable it was, it was a prison that he had to stay in. Nobody who is all-powerful would ever submit to that for a day.

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He got to leave. Punishments don't stick for the Cheabols because the country is too dependent on them.

I have to write more words,

For no reason other than a curse,

the curse of being a foid,

so now I must speak without mind,

I must now words words words,

things that will never be heard.


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Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : Give source any of this actually happened to our guy

Oh God, is this one of these things where I have to explain the kind of temporal dynamics that chimpanzees innately understand? This is like the kind of story problem they would give kids around 2nd grade in my day to find out which ones were literally r-slurred.

Imagine I strip you naked, tell you to bend over and cough while I look up your butthole to see if there's hidden drugs, spray you down with a hose, and give you an orange jumpsuit to put on. I lead you to a cell, making sure you do not deviate in any way from taking a straight line, and I lock you in. I come back in the morning and open the door and tell you that you're free now.

Did last night occur?

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  • Fresh_Start : But he got out. My point was South Koreans cannot survive without the Cheabols and need them.

@Fresh_Start If nothing else, even if it was a gilded cage, the guy had his freedom of movement deprived. If you don't understand why that's unpleasant, I can't help.

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