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She does care about the job, and she should just drop that scrote who demands her to leave her job, because this is a very bad sign for the future.

He talks a lot about woman in their 30’s statistically having a higher chance of giving birth to children with special needs

Having a rdrama user as a child does sound scary tho.

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She does care about the job, and she should just drop that scrote who demands her to leave her job, because this is a very bad sign for the future.

Oh no, a husband who doesn't want to constantly be separated from his wife for long periods of time, what an evil guy.

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FAs are one of the top professions that have crazy high rates of adultery, cause why wouldn't it? :marseysmug2:

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Look at the type of fricking skank who becomes an attendant.

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HOLY SHIT GOLDEN :goldenshower: SNAPPY :marseyfuckoffcarp: !besties

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It’s too late i saw the ping

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Your fortune: Reply Hazy, Try Again

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die die die :scream:


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:#marseycheckem2: check this


https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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:d::o::space::n::o::t::space::t::e::m::p::t::space::m::e: :marsey:

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:#marsoy: :#marseyluckycat: :#marseygolden2: !slots6400

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:#marseysoypoint2: :#soyjakanimeglasses:


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:soycry: :soyjaktantrum:

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Only read headline and don't really believe any of these stories but if a dude says "leave your job now or I'm leaving" it's time to dip. These stories are always bullshit anyway though.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I'd generally agree but OP's a flight attendant which is probably going to be hard on anyone who actually wants to see their partner.

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Yes, probably. I still think anyone telling you what to do with your life especially at age 25 is a sign to dip. I'm sure there is more to this story, but at face value I'd be less inclined to say it's a red flag if he explained just what you said and persuaded her to possibly look into something else rather than give an ultimatum with threats of leaving. He's fine to find another partner but there are better ways to discuss something like this than "quit or I'm leaving."

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It might just be insecurity too, because I can’t imagine a job that would facilitate cheating more than that.

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tl;dr she doesn’t like working but needed to work, found a job as a flight attendant and agreed to only do it for a chit

Now the bit is up and stopping being out of town for half or more of the week is still a prerequisite of marriage

But it was HARD to become a flight attendant because it took a long time for them to call references :(


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"not like working" is a red flag for everyone. Little kids are frustrating work, and if this story is true then the dude is about to go to work everyday and come home to some chick sitting on her butt. lol

I def don't envy 25 year old anyones who don't know what they want to do for money. That phase of life sucks butt. You know you need to make money but you gotta find something that interests you and that part is frustrating I think.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I really think she's got a pretty sweet job most people will never have. Tons of money, you can travel a lot and it's free. Meanwhile I'm wageslaving for barely 60k per year and can barely save any money. Imagine sacrificing all that for a moid you're gonna hate and kids who are not even gonna be grateful that you raised them. If I was her, I would just save up on a retirement plan and live out my best life.

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chit? what mean

oh nvm that was a spelling error, i thought it was slang i didnt know

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Oh no I was just like 8% awake oops


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So... your boyfriend of one year wants to make you completely dependent on him.

He has insulted your work and worth, and tells you that you have to comply to keep him.

It also sounds like you come from a verbally abusive household (normal families would never tell you that you're not maternal or that working makes you lesser). Which is the background abusers look for in their targets. So it makes it even more likely that your boyfriend is doing this to make you dependent.


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Internet women legit base their decision making on true crime docs.

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Neckbeard women are so much worse than neckbeard men beecause they actually have social sway

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redditors are subhuman

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I hate siding with men on this but he is right?

Flight attendant is not exactly a good career if you are planning on having children.

Its okay for your partner to act up and say that they wont raise the children basically alone. Even tho thats what women do all the time. 50/50 and all that

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>He talks a lot about woman in their 30’s statistically having a higher chance of giving birth to children with special needs, that women in their 30’s have a harder time finding men because men would rather date younger women.

Oh of course, a man talking about the points the sub happens to obsess over, despite it being bullshit no man ever goes a frick about.

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Nah that's definitely something men are aware of when it comes to pregnancy.

One of the big breaking points in the relationship between my father and my sister was him basically telling her to get pregnant already cuz she's getting old (she was like 28 at the time).

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You don't really need to worry until 35 though. So stressing it at almost 30 is r-slurred

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35+ is called a geriatric pregnancy:marseyxd:

Our Dr gave my wife all sorts of shit over it.

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That’s weird :marseywut2:

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The risks into mid 30s is negligible for healthy women, the real thing to worry about is what has kept a woman single up until their 30s. Men telling an early 20s something this is... unlikely.

Unless she's fat.

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They’re fighting Capitalism though

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Get that bag queen :marseykingsmug:

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I agree with your comments saying that if I left my job to be with him (I wouldn’t just quit, I would find something else first) I could resent him knowing that I could have had a job/ career as a FA, broaden my mind, travel, live life etc.

what is with women in their 30s wanting to travel and 'experiences?' these are the same foids that start whining at 40 about how now they are ready to settle down after gobbling peepee on every continent then finding out all those moids are happily married with kids now as she settles into her 1-bedroom apartment with her 4 cats.

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Once you leave your job no one will remember you after a month compared to a family remembering you forever

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For once in a full moon relationship_advice is right, wtf you should become full dependant from a scrote you know from less than one year.

Rdramatard chuds often make redditors smarter in comparison

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