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All straight dramatards should be forced to get a vasectomy

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Even the foids

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All dramatards, actually. I don't trust anyone here being a parent.

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How do non-strags reproduce? Anyone? Snappy?

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This is my thing. If you want to not have kids, go neuter yourself. Why are you forcing your partner to do it?

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You are so obviously not married

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My wife asked if I would consider doing it after two kids and I said, β€œno, what if you died?” I could have more kids.

She hasn’t asked since.

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:marseyshrug: obviously if you’re both 40+ with 3 kids and a 20 year marriage, it’s a different story. But nobody cares about old people

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Otherwise why are you getting a vasectomy?

That's the 1 justified scenario lol

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Yeah obviously which is why it’s the scenario nobody talks about. We’re mocking the redditors getting it at 23 for their girlfriend of 7 months

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The surgeries available are a lot more risky for the female so if you’re at the surgery point the male should get it

But, like, she could just get an IUD so :marseyshrug:

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>It’s reversible just let the doctor cut your balls :marseysoylentgrin:

>Successful reverse rates are as low as 30% :marseyrope:

This is the male equivalent of waiting til 40 to have kids cause β€œI’ll just do IVF”

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So it's just like puberty blockers

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You're not joking, one of my good friends got a vasectomy in his mid 20s since he was fully committed to monk life at that point, 10 years later he gets it reversed "successfully" but still had to go through ivf cause his swimmers were fricked up

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Prove that, I have never seen anything saying it's even close to that low

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Omg! It's asking questions now. It's trying to learn!


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I keep telling you guys comrade snappy is alive

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One day, after the great war. Men will sit by the fire side and reminisce about where they were when SnappyNet became self-aware

>"Judgement Day is inevitable."~Snappy

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1689597166031658.webp they're being kinda hysterical but it is funny when ppl think they're fooling anyone 'looking for friends' when they only respond to the opposite s*x :marseyderp:

birth control genuinely does suck butt and increase ur risk of a lot of shit like cancer or blood clots and a tubal is a lot more dangerous than a vasectomy but if the dude wants to have lame condom s*x and then take her to another state for an abortion when that eventually fails (87% effectiveness in real world usage) then that is his right

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Just pull out and nut on her face.

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lmao dude is trash.

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his body, his choice, sweatie :#marseynails:

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Women get really mad when men don't cut their balls off when they tell them to.

Obviously it's your body and you choose to do with it what you want. I'm just letting you know that it's actually a requirement and if you don't do it I will make your life a living heck until we get divorced and I take half your shit.

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Im really surprised that killing your wife isnt more common.

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I've had a vasectomy and it was one of the best decisions of my life

Got the snip, best decision ever.

Best decision of our lives.

Same! I would do it annually if I had to. It is great 😊

Every time this topic comes up, this is all you can read in the comments, with the emphasis on "best decision ever!!".

I refuse to believe this is real. It must be some kind of psyop, no chance this many people consider getting sterilized "the best decision of their lives" :marseyrig#htoidschizo:

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The internet is full of bots, anytime comments all repeat the same phrase over and over I assume it's bots

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golden tradmarsey! :marseysoypoint:

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!slots 357


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Blessed thread


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!slots100 :marseyblm: :marseykneel:

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literally, !slots100

also like frick you kkkracka

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!slots100 :marseycry:

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10% Ukraine tax sent to me by EOD

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Just pull out lmao

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Pullout game is undefeated and trains discipline, it's the male version of the pill and requires the same amount of trust

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All those "pullout doesn't work" is pure cope. It only fails when foids want a baby and do the ol' leg lock

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Or when you know she'll make a good single mother :marseywholesome:

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It's probably from weak-willed r-slur men or idiots who don't pee in between rounds

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Frick me it took me 5 minutes to understand what you're saying because I though trains refers to :!marseytrain:s


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Why would you do this + period tracking (with a fricking app so it's close to 0 effort) + condoms on the days you're likely to get pregnant when you can just stuff yourself with pills or get unnecessary surgeries?

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After having kids, your bedroom is dead anyways. Why even bother getting a vasectomy?

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What do you think happens if youre an involved father and do something like coach the little league team?

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your s*x life is still over, nobody is having s*x after little league games :marseyconfused:

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Having a large pool of divorcee's desperately trying to keep up with eachother who then hound you for favors seriously pisses your wife off.

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This dude is a b-word for not getting snipped when he already has kids with this broad. You don't wanna blast loads in her raw? I can't wait until I'm done having kids so I can blast loads in my b-word daily because I'd never advocate for her being on birth control. That shit fricks you up. Which leads to my other point..... nobody is "forced" to get birth control lmfao. Just don't be a whore and let random men c*m in you. Pull-out works fine with someone you trust (aka not strangers from a bar)

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Castrating Redditors is good though :marseyshrug:

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White "people" too

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I think that everybody should get snipped after three kids maximum, after substantial testing is done to verify the parentage of all three kids. It would do a lot to limit overpopulation, especially after we forced Africa and China to adopt this plan. (I don't believe in the principle of Westphalian sovereignity, so I am totally OK with us telling other countries what to do and occasionally using military force to ensure compliance.)

But allowing women to tell men what to do with their bodies is a b-word move, and if feminists keep trying to police men's bodies and sexuality, we should take away their right to an abortion entirely so that they understand how it feels. The only institution that can tell people what they can or can't do with their bodies is the government, and even then they're only allowed to do it if they enforce their policies equally on everybody. When other people start infringing on your rights, it's totally halal to start infringing on theirs.

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Birth control :marseyshadow: is a complete farce that just makes foids :marseyblops2chadcel: emotional unstable and more susceptible to other medical issues.

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