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Rich moid starts asking questions about his fiancee. it doesn't go down well with twox




I (24f) left for a fricking three-week vacation and came home to family, friends, and coworkers suddenly using all this "men's rights" and manosphere slang. I won't repeat it here, but the fricking more I learn, the fricking more frightening it is. My fiancee laughed about my cousin's so-called pretty privilege, then asked me what I "brought to the fricking table" as a fricking partner other than looks and education. :marseygigachad: For the fricking first time in 2.5 years, he asked me in uncomfortable detail about my past partners. :marseyfans: I answered honestly :marseysurejan: and he replied that we'll be splitting every expense from now on [he earns at least 5x what I do]. :marseymoney:

I've reached out to friends and family since then, but no conversation (with the fricking exception of my dad) has gone further than asking how much my fiancee earns. Then awkward silence. Is this fricking gaslamping, or am I just going insane, b-word? :marseyxd:

Context: All he does is fricking play video games while spending two hours a fricking day promoting his family's company online. :marseykneel: Nice that he has time to learn about "men's rights." I, on the fricking other hand, actually work. :marseyseethe:

A bad fiancée makes a fricking worse husband.

you mean wife, and i agree :#marseythumbsup:

I hope it's ok to offer a fricking man's perspective in this thread.

Unless it becomes clear very soon that your fiancé's new behavior is a fricking quickly-passing phase, I urge you to delay any marriage plans and to reassess whether you want to be in this relationship. He is fricking treating you [disrespectfully] as a fricking gold digger and financial burden whom he sees as little more than arm candy. You are fricking young, appear to have a fricking good head on your shoulders, and deserve much more than what this version of your fiancé seems to be offering you.

first of all

I hope it's ok to offer a fricking man's perspective in this thread


second of all

how dare he have standards, b-word? :marseyraging:

He makes 5x what you make and only works 10 hours a fricking week, b-word? Wtf

:#marseypoor: :#marseycountryclub:

Sounds like he has a fricking cushy "job" with the fricking family business.

She said she is fricking educated, so she must be making a fricking minimum of $20/hr = 40k. So, if he makes “at least 5x” = 200k or $385/hr.

It's just weird

Education = a fricking higher wage is not a fricking great assumption, though for OP's sake I really hope that she makes more than $20/hr.

it's not my fault you did gender studies, sweatie :#marseynails:

Sounds like they have all been listening to Andrew Tate. Regardless this is your fricking sign he is not fricking relationship/marriage material and you do not want to ever get pregnant by someone like this and be tied to him for next 18 yrs. If he plays all day then demands to know what you bring to the fricking table then he obviously is a fricking clueless dolt. He probably is fricking knee-deep into the fricking Qanon Hole too. Run from these men they will make your life living heck with emotional and verbal abuse if not turning physical eventually. These young men are so fricking in love with Andrew Tate and his philosophy so let them all date him after they realize no woman wants a fricking loser who forks over donations to Tate's club because they is too fricking ignorant to realize a fricking grifter when they see one.

yeah, before andrew tate no one asked questions like that :#marseywomanmoment2:

This is a fricking dog whistle for the fricking growing movement of white supremacist misogyny in the fricking world. Things are fricking going to get worse and they won't get better unless he realizes that he's on a fricking power trip. Every move you make to defend yourself will be fricking seen as an attack against him.

Every time I say this to people they tell me I'm fear mongering

They have something to gain by silencing you and by telling you you're fear mongering. Patriarchy will try to squash any and all attempts to call it out. bell hooks referred to it as the fricking Capitalist Imperialistic White Supremacist Heteropatriarchy and discusses how the fricking concept will try to hold onto power in literally any way possible.

Definitely recommend her books if you've never delved into them, especially "All About Love" and "The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love"


Gaming culture and misogyny culture go hand in hand. (No offense to anyone who plays)

it's all g*mergate's fault :#marseysociety2:

One has to wonder who paid for her three week vacation :#marseythinkorino:

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bell hooks

isn't this the chick who writes about "men's issues" from the perspective of a woman (that is: with no fricking clue what she's talking about)?

One has to wonder who paid for her three week vacation

Also kinda weird that she went w/out him. Maybe there's some other context here but if I was in love with someone and preparing to marry them, I'd probably not send them off for 3 weeks without me. Either he's desperate to get her out of the house (she's either annoying or he's cheating) or she somehow convinced him to bankroll a "girls trip" or something (which would explain his change in tune upon her return).

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I like bell hooks but she just says everything that men have been saying about feminism sanitized for a female audience and restated in feminist terminology to make women take men's issues seriously. The fact that the left tells men to read a woman to learn how to be men in modern America shows that there terminally r-slurred, she doesn't say anything novel about the male experience and all men already know this, the fact that women find it groundbreaking is more telling of women than bell hooks herself.

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have u read her scripture?

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Yes, here's an interesting excerpt I posted recently

>When I was in my twenties, I would go to couples therapy, and my partner of more than ten years would explain how I asked him to talk about his feelings and when he did, I would freak out. He was right. It was hard for me to face that I did not want to hear about his feelings when they were painful or negative, that I did not want my image of the strong man truly challenged by learning of his weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Here I was, an enlightened feminist woman who did not want to hear my man speak his pain because it revealed his emotional vulnerability. It stands to reason, then, that the masses of women committed to the sexist principle that men who express their feelings are weak really do not want to hear men speak, especially if what they say is that they hurt, that they feel unloved. Many women cannot hear male pain about love because it sounds like an indictment of female failure. Since sexist norms have taught us that loving is our task whether in our role as mothers or lovers or friends, if men say they are not loved, then we are at fault; we are to blame.

T. bell hooks

This is common sense to scrotes but to many foids this is literally revolutionary. Her main thesis is that feminists, especially RadFems have developed assumptions and tendencies in academia which don't connect with normal people especially men and that theory needs to be reinterpreted to how it applies in the hood rather than how it exists in PHD thesis.

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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The absolute state of men that some scrote actually put up with this nonsense

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some scrote

Basically all scrotes do, lol.

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Since sexist :marseyhandmaid: norms have taught us that loving :marseylove: is our task whether in our role as mothers or lovers or friends, if men say they are not loved, then we are at fault; we are to blame.

This sounds incredibly based.

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I looked at some of her posts and it seems like she was traveling around with her family and was just constantly complaining about them on the internet.

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>complains about family

>complains about friends

>conplains about fiancee

>"wtf why doesn't anyone like me?!" :soycry:

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Yeah what a strange question for him to ask a person who can't seem to get along with anyone.

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Do what you love and you'll never :marseyitsover: work a day.

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Strongest and most independent foid.

In fairness, a 400 mile trip is a long time to leave a foid unsupervised/unattended.

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i wonder what made it misogynistic and toxic

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Raw facts and pure logic


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She sounds like a child :marseygiftboxmarsey:

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Probably went out with his friends for the first time in ages and realized life is better without some hanger on foid

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if I was in love with someone and preparing to marry :marseycupid: them, I'd probably not send them off for 3 weeks :marseysal2: without me.

Every man I know that let his woman :marseysuffragette: go on long trips :marseycheckem2: without him, heck even short :marseymanlet: ones, is no longer married :marseybride: or in the process of divorcing.

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