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For Women :marseywomanmoment: With Money Issues :marseystinky:, an A.D.H.D. Diagnosis :marseymeds::marseymeds: Can Be Revelatory :marseywomanmoment2:


I had to c*m across this rag piece today so you do too. I was deeply divided on whether to post it here or in peakpoors but I'm feeling a little misogynist today :marseychud: Where do I even start? I guess at the top:

Seven years ago, I wrote an essay about what life would feel like if I didn't struggle with saving money [...] writing that essay and having it go viral failed to change the struggle I had with my own bank account.

Classic L

A lack of impulse control, she said, leads to impulse spending, and difficulty with executive functioning and planning make budgeting a struggle.

I don't have a mental disorder (I am flawless) but I think I'm right to speak that this is an insult to spoonies who have figured out how to manage their life, with or without a diagnosis.

“I have found such a clear correlation with my impulsivity and my cycles,” she said. Estrogen dips on premenstrual days, she explained, and because estrogen and dopamine typically work together, low estrogen means low dopamine, causing her to be more impulsive. “I cross-correlated it with my credit card statements, and there's a $600 bump in those days,” she said.

:#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh:

She used sticker charts, colored progress trackers, and bullet journaling to “hack the system” of her brain. She also automated her savings and debt payments.

Emphasis mine. Who doesn't do this? :marseybruh2:

Ms. Fulmore started therapy to deal with the shame she had accumulated from a world that reflected a message that her struggles were her fault.

It _is_ your fault. That's okay to accept, though. But instead of doing that...

She also started the stimulant medication Vyvanse, which helped her focus and reduce her spending. Aside from her student loans, she's now free of debt.

:!#stoningpills: :#marseychonkerfoid: :#stoningpills:

“I'm in a number of support groups, and hearing so many other women share the same stories of struggling with money or struggling with impulsivity or self-control, it was just validating to feel like, OK, well, I'm not the only one,” she said. “So maybe I'm not as bad a person as I thought I was.”


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