A lotta dudes are aware by now that there's way more women going to college than men (!incels how many of you are uneducatedcels?) but dudes seek to be lacking an explanation. I've got it. Do you know what sucks? Being a Ms. Mr. and Mrs. are pretty cool, but Ms. just makes you seem like a bitter, lonely spinstress. Women aren't getting married anymore because men are trash and/or the Jews have deceived them so they're getting stuck with the title Ms. To avoid this terrible fate, they go into academia in order to get a doctorate so they can be Dr. instead of Ms. I think this is entirely relatable and understandable; when I die alone and have my corpse eaten by my various cats, I'd rather have my obituary say Dr. than Ms.
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No It's because it's a fake email job lol
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#lazygirljob ftw
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