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Women get themselves all hot and bothered as they spend 1000 comments furiously imagining men saying things that no one has ever said to them




The top choices of lies that men tell women that infuriates women are:

1. Once he has a child, he'll be forced to grow up.

2. "The relationship will work if you just try harder!" from Long TDS sufferer /u/kittykowalski

3. "Women don't get along."

4. “I want a submissive gf/wife” he says when he can't even lead his own darn life || this one is from fauxmoi poster /u/ditovontease who has accumulated half a million karma in a few years by posting to subs like /r/30plusskincare and /r/AdvancedAstrology

5. “You'll want children one day” by /u/rosegoldfern who just posted a thread 30 minutes ago seething about age gaps, in between posts about Monster High dolls and children's television shows.

6. An actually valid one at #6 with “You don't like this sexual act because you haven't tried it with me yet." although this is invariably correct when it's said.

7. Whenever they try to tell me I'll end up living alone with only my cats for company like that's a bad thing 😂 B-word, that's what I aspire for my life || Basic literacy indicates that this is a true statement, as she literally says it is, so????

8. “I don't know how to use a washing machine you have to show me” which seems to be a constant refrain in TwoX threads to the point where I'm actually starting to believe that there are scrotes who say this? !fellas is this true?

9. Man with blue balls: “You have to help, it hurts!” || Also not a lie? Do the women misunderstand their own thread or am I out of touch and missing some slang here or

10. This is actually nowhere near as interesting or funny as I thought it would be and I realized that very quickly. But I need dramashekels for vaccines so I'd appreciate it a lot if you pretended this was a really good thread and upmarseyd it anyway please.


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The first one is true- men are way worse drivers. The second one is absolutely and completely wrong. Men are definitely stronger than women. I weigh 200lbs and am 6'1. Even when I was doing crossfit, a 5'4 man who was thin as a rail could out wrestle me and out lift me.

Lmao okay. Men are worst drivers insofar as they are risk taking r-slurs in their 20's but the average moid absolutely is a better driver than the average foid when it comes to things like spatial awareness and reaction times.

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As far as I remember men stats are worse because there's more moid drivers, per capita :marseynerd2: foids come out looking worse.

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Not per capita you fricking r-slur, per mile driven

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you fricking r-slur

Thank you.

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You do be frickin

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This isnt the apocalypse or a drag race. Being risk averse on the interstate does make you a better driver. Rolling down your window and yelling at r-slurs does not make you a better driver. Flipping vehicles but totally saving it, doesnt make you a better driver.

Sure is cool though.


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I'll keep whirring down on the highway with 220 kmh in my 10 year old german shitbox:marseyzoomer::marseymariokart:

(as long as Waze tells me it's okay, god bless the people who came up with that app)

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Yeah sure lol and I'm a better driver when I'm bonged out of my mind than a NASCAR driver because I'm risk averse and drive the speed limit

Do you understand how stupid you sound?

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Autism isnt cool and you should take better care of your skin.

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My skin is flawless

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is this the part where you promise that getting high and/or drunk totally doesn't negatively impact your reaction time, because you're super special?

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Of course it does. But my reaction times when I'm high/drunk are still faster than any woman's.

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Being a good driver outside of races is about reducing your risk of crashing for r-slurred reasons.

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men are way worse drivers


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200lbs doesn't sound like a good weight even for a 6'1 woman unless she's literally all muscle

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Moids are better drivers they just take more risks while driving?

I know you are r-slurred bb but that comes out as being a worse driver.

If you gave me two cars to ride in with two different drivers, I would pick the one less likely to kill me because they are obviously the better driver at the end of the day even if its not because of some visual distance ability by itself.

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I suppose they're banking on the difference between "I didn't see you" and "I thought I could get through before you" lol

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Yes. Exactly.

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>risk taking r-slurs in their 20's

Me in my 30s passing you at 120mph.

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