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Women get themselves all hot and bothered as they spend 1000 comments furiously imagining men saying things that no one has ever said to them




The top choices of lies that men tell women that infuriates women are:

1. Once he has a child, he'll be forced to grow up.

2. "The relationship will work if you just try harder!" from Long TDS sufferer /u/kittykowalski

3. "Women don't get along."

4. “I want a submissive gf/wife” he says when he can't even lead his own darn life || this one is from fauxmoi poster /u/ditovontease who has accumulated half a million karma in a few years by posting to subs like /r/30plusskincare and /r/AdvancedAstrology

5. “You'll want children one day” by /u/rosegoldfern who just posted a thread 30 minutes ago seething about age gaps, in between posts about Monster High dolls and children's television shows.

6. An actually valid one at #6 with “You don't like this sexual act because you haven't tried it with me yet." although this is invariably correct when it's said.

7. Whenever they try to tell me I'll end up living alone with only my cats for company like that's a bad thing 😂 B-word, that's what I aspire for my life || Basic literacy indicates that this is a true statement, as she literally says it is, so????

8. “I don't know how to use a washing machine you have to show me” which seems to be a constant refrain in TwoX threads to the point where I'm actually starting to believe that there are scrotes who say this? !fellas is this true?

9. Man with blue balls: “You have to help, it hurts!” || Also not a lie? Do the women misunderstand their own thread or am I out of touch and missing some slang here or

10. This is actually nowhere near as interesting or funny as I thought it would be and I realized that very quickly. But I need dramashekels for vaccines so I'd appreciate it a lot if you pretended this was a really good thread and upmarseyd it anyway please.


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9. Man with blue balls: “You have to help, it hurts!” || Also not a lie? Do the women misunderstand their own thread or am I out of touch and missing some slang here or

If your blue balls hurt, either masturbate or r*pe someone, don't whine about it like a little b-word.

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Or you could take a cold shower, pray and then read the bible.



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I want to r*pe myself but I always consent :marseysad:

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Theyre blue because of testicular torsion, go to the hospital before you end up a nullo

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Are they even real?

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for a subreddit about women they sure do spend a lot of time talking about men :marsey57:

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Does 2x pass the Bechdel test?

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2x couldn't even pass an IQ test

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Couldn't even pass a 2x test :marseysmug3:

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:#marseypass: looks fine to me :marseysmug2:

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I just love the fact that these man-hating women are sharing the same spaces with misogynistic trains

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they couldn't even pass a blood test

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>saying this on rdrama


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“I don't know how to use a washing machine you have to show me” which seems to be a constant refrain in TwoX threads to the point where I'm actually starting to believe that there are scrotes who say this? !fellas is this true?

In mild defense of scrotes, (sigh) every washing machine manufacturer puts 20 fricking stupid buttons and inscrutable little pictograms on there. It's worse than microwaves, these companies are so desperate to differentiate their shitty suds-tub from every other shitty suds-tub on the market.

Just because you've used a dozen washing machines in your life before is no guarantee you know how to work mine: set it to "quick wash", push the button with an arrow to the right, then set the temperature, and only then can you press "start". If you get too eager and just put soap in and hit "start" it will beep at you, but that's the bad beep, and it will do absolutely nothing until you come back hours later, confused and enraged.

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How do you all have such r-slurred washing machines? I swear every one I've used has been far more straightforward. Even the fancy ones with a bunch of knobs are still pretty clear when they've started or not.

Microwaves are mostly r-slurred because none of the manufacturers can agree on basic functionality, like setting a timer. On mine you need to press "timer" then type the time in then press "timer" again (you CANNOT press "start" to start the timer). Why they couldn't make it so EITHER button starts it is beyond me, but I assume they're paying some shitty indian devs for the software and so they get shit software.

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This can even extend to stoves. Every stove in my life up until college turned completely off (timer and oven) when you pressed cancel. My one in college? Cancel only cancelled the timer, then you had to press and hold 'bake' again to turn off the stove. :marseybangfast:

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That is criminal jfc

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I've never had an electronic stove actually, always manual. Your just turn the knob to the temperature you want. When you're done, you turn it off.

It does mean you can't leave it unattended I guess (no timer) but then again I wouldn't want to leave my house while the oven literally has fire in it.

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why would you have to press a special button to do a timer?

that's the ONLY thing a microwave does lmao

I've always just typed the number and pressed strt????

all the other buttons are just for show :marseyrandom:

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For when I want a timer only, not heating anything up

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oh heck nah


just use a phone??

now I'm even angrier


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I generally don't carry my phone around with me while I'm home. Why would I?

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Perfect :marseychefkiss: comparison. Refusing to learn :marseymoreyouknow: the chicken :marseyblackcock: and pop corn buttons is the same as refusing to learn :marseymoreyouknow: the double no wrinkle delicate light :marseysignaling: wash button.

Both absolutely stupid.

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I always set an ultrafast 30 degrees (90 for you burgers) wash. If shit comes out dirty, I do it again. :gigachad2:

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This is an r-slured woman take.

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if your washer has buttons instead of knobs and makes noises at you instead of doing its DARN JOB then that's your problem

idk I don't have much experience with washers from this new millenium :marseyshrug:

I turn the knob and pull, it does what it's supposed to do. everything's written out in plaintext.

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A real man would read the owner's manual.

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'You look prettier without make-up.'

Huh yeah I don't believe you. When I don't wear make up I look 'tired'. :marseyreapangry:

I wonder why a scrote would think you look tired when you suddenly look pale and clammy compared to usual :marseygoodnight:

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Foids are r-slurred. They don't realize a healthy face is actually supposed to look good without makeup.

You aren't making yourself prettier with makeup, you are hiding the symptoms of a sickly face warning you to fix your diet.

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We have to ban makeup

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“I don't know how to use a washing machine you have to show me”

What's wrong with that one? I mean we can argue about "a" vs "the", but I only know how my (and my parents') washing machine works. If I would use another one I would ask the owner.

I mean my parents have a complicated/shitty one. If you finished washing something at 90°C and then want to wash something else at 30°C you need to shut the washing machine off, put the control knob into neutral, then turn it on and then select the new program. You cannot turn it on and go from the 90°C program to the 30° one. Nothing will happen. Good luck figuring that one out.

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but I only know how my (and my parents') washing machine works. If I would use another one I would ask the owner.

Holy frick you're r-slurred.

Absolutely the dumbest person on this site if you need to ask someone how to use the washing machine. Absolutely r-slurred.

!r-slurs this guy is one of yours.

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Excuse me, how r-slurred do you have to be for your tears to not comprehend the laws of gravity?

Is this how anti gravity engines work in UFO's.

Just 20 r-slurs of the alien race chained together whipped into crying 24/7?

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The numbers on the dial are different settings depending on the machine so how the heck would one know which to use without having the manual or having someone tell you (and don't reply with "read the menu on the machine" because most don't have that label)


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Washing mashines were designed for women. If u can't figure it out ur literally !r-slurs ed

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!r-slurs I kneel. A new king has risen :marseykneel:

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The first one is true- men are way worse drivers. The second one is absolutely and completely wrong. Men are definitely stronger than women. I weigh 200lbs and am 6'1. Even when I was doing crossfit, a 5'4 man who was thin as a rail could out wrestle me and out lift me.

Lmao okay. Men are worst drivers insofar as they are risk taking r-slurs in their 20's but the average moid absolutely is a better driver than the average foid when it comes to things like spatial awareness and reaction times.

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This isnt the apocalypse or a drag race. Being risk averse on the interstate does make you a better driver. Rolling down your window and yelling at r-slurs does not make you a better driver. Flipping vehicles but totally saving it, doesnt make you a better driver.

Sure is cool though.


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I'll keep whirring down on the highway with 220 kmh in my 10 year old german shitbox:marseyzoomer::marseymariokart:

(as long as Waze tells me it's okay, god bless the people who came up with that app)

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Yeah sure lol and I'm a better driver when I'm bonged out of my mind than a NASCAR driver because I'm risk averse and drive the speed limit

Do you understand how stupid you sound?

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Autism isnt cool and you should take better care of your skin.

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My skin is flawless

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is this the part where you promise that getting high and/or drunk totally doesn't negatively impact your reaction time, because you're super special?

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Of course it does. But my reaction times when I'm high/drunk are still faster than any woman's.

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Being a good driver outside of races is about reducing your risk of crashing for r-slurred reasons.

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men are way worse drivers


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200lbs doesn't sound like a good weight even for a 6'1 woman unless she's literally all muscle

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Moids are better drivers they just take more risks while driving?

I know you are r-slurred bb but that comes out as being a worse driver.

If you gave me two cars to ride in with two different drivers, I would pick the one less likely to kill me because they are obviously the better driver at the end of the day even if its not because of some visual distance ability by itself.

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I suppose they're banking on the difference between "I didn't see you" and "I thought I could get through before you" lol

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Yes. Exactly.

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>risk taking r-slurs in their 20's

Me in my 30s passing you at 120mph.

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As far as I remember men stats are worse because there's more moid drivers, per capita :marseynerd2: foids come out looking worse.

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Not per capita you fricking r-slur, per mile driven

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you fricking r-slur

Thank you.

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You do be frickin

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11. I'm bimothy hello :marseywave2:

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Being on Reddit, I see a lot of age gap relationships between a full grown adult, and a teenager who is freshly 18-19. It's becoming more normal to “talk” to someone under age till they're legally old enough to date with no “Romeo and Juliet” law in play.

Myself when I was as young as 14, was approached by men more than twice my age. They always compliment your maturity and shit talk women their age. Due to age, believed it all. And was taken advantage of and turned against my own parents. Thinking I knew better.

I'm in my mid twenties now, and have been in therapy but I remember how low my self esteem use to be. How that made me vulnerable.

These men are becoming smarter at spotting vulnerable girls, and smarter at avoiding legal ramifications. What can we do to help youth realize that these men have nothing to relate to them to. The only things these men value in them is their naïveté and their age. It's sad.

Huh, when I was younder I hooked up with an older woman and it was cool. I also wasn't an r-slur and assumed everyone online was a pervert.

I would kill an adult man if he tried to talk to my daughter, though. :marseywoodchipper2:

Anyway, her situation has nothing to do with Leo dating a model. They're both fricking adults. She's conflating every relationship as grooming, when that's a small section of fricking perverts.

“I see a lot of relationships between adults that make me sad because they don't revolve around me” Is what I read here

I think my favorite response about this age gap shit was some Soy posting in /r/France and asking how they felt about Macron's age gaparino with his silver fox wife.

The top comment and all the others were “He's a grown man, we don't give a frick.”

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I would kill an adult man if he tried to talk to my daughter, though.

How old is your daughter ?

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Careful bro

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No like I am legit asking if they are a child or an adult?

I should have worded it better but ya know (dramanaut autism)

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Also does she have nice tits?

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Ummm creepy incel moment??? And you wonder why no one dates you

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I don't wonder why no one dates me.

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But I need dramashekels for vaccines

Sent, king.

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Ur gonna have a lot of work to do when you inevitably flips sides on the last few days

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/u/Lady_Spork b-word do you really live like this?


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Trap house :marseykiwivampire: carpet

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Man with blue balls: “You have to help, it hurts!”

:marseyxd: You've actually convinced women that blue balls hurt? High-five, guys.

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Always was confused by this

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this is why you dont date women who use reddit


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Good thread!

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>“I don't know how to use a washing machine :marseymini: you have to show me”

Translation: He knows how to run a load of assorted laundry but refuses to learn :marseyreading: to use the delicates spin cycle. :#marseycrying:

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3 and 5 are incredibly true

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I'm Gen X and watching TV shows from the 80s turns my stomach. You can really tell when women starting being included in the writing staff,

Yeah, me too :chudsmug:

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I remember saying all these things

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'It is very easy for men to be successful, so their failure is often a projection of their character.

Successful men tend to be far better/loyal partners'

Reddit moment

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Keyed as frick. Poor people are like that because of their own life choices.

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Whenever they try to tell me I'll end up living alone with only my cats for company like that's a bad thing 😂 B-word, that's what I aspire for my life

They get really agitated when boys decide to do the same thing.

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“You'll want children one day”

When they say "men" they mean their father.

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6. An actually valid one at #6 with “You don't like this sexual act because you haven't tried it with me yet."

I'm convinced this type of thing is a gay plot to make heterosexuals into spiritual homosexuals.

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