:marseywall: Women take another L; Most (92%) want kids (avg 2.4) but are allowing men to change their opinion on the matter. :marseyl:



:marseyseethe: I'm "child-free" because I want to save the environment and

:taylorlorenzcrying: I can't imagine bringing a child into a world like this

:dixiekongsad: and I just want to drink wine and go to night clubs and eat pizza. :marseysulk:

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At this point I'm pretty sure there are polls saying every variation of every belief in the world enjoys majority support in both directions for every demographic and when I see phrases like polls show X Y it just mentally drains me to the point where even typing this explanation of it is exhaustinf

The media loved to jerk themselves off with the term “post-truth age/era” during the Trump administration but they were completely right about it, just for all the wrong reasons.


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The replication crisis is going to cause science to fracture into separate sects, they'll each have their own canon and compete for the mantle of science.

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We even have a science pope :#marseyvaxmaxx: :marseyfauci:

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Science pope would be a good idea.

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Bill Nye, black science man, and Fauci as the college of cardinals

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Good thing medical science isn't rife with plagiarism and fraud either :marseywholesome:

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This already has happened. I am a scientist, specifically I study cancer immunology specializing in metabolism, and there is extremely conflicting literature to the point that major thought leaders basically just have things they believe to be true in the field and amass reviews/literature that support their paradigm. Only thing that is meaningful at all at this point is clinical viability. As one of my general examiners said, "you might be able to sneak that past the nature reviewers but you won't be able to sneak it past the human body."

Cannot imagine what it is like in softer sciences.

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BRING BACK AETHER WAVE THEORY :#marseyadeptusmechanicus:

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People don't have kids for economic reasons. That perfectly explains why rich countries have the lowest birthrate.

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Poor countries = let kids run around on the street all day long like normal people, maybe once they're 14 or so put them to work

Rich countries = oh no my precious baby might have something go wrong if I let them go any further than 20 feet away from the house without NSA-tier surveillance on what they are doing every single second, both parents should be stable career professionals making six figures before even considering having a child.

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both parents should be stable career professionals making six figures before even considering having a child.


They should lock every teenager in a chastity belt that only unlocks once they've completed their masters degree.

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This!!!! Puberty blockers for all children until they can prove that they can't earn enough to support a child

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Poorcels are already poor. If they have a kid they become a small fraction more poor. Everyone else around is poor too, so it isn't embarrassing to have a flock of poorcel kids. The middle classcel however looks down on the poorcel. If middle classcels have a kid they could potentially become poor. There's nothing more scary to middle classcels than turning themselves or their potential children into poorcels (VALID!).

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Poorcels need some kids to bring in that cheddar :marseycracka: :marseywhirlyhat: :!marseykingkrazy:

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"Rich countries" = expensive countries. So, yes.

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Economics = main cause of childlessness, even for childsceptic women

I think it boils down to that, maybe some of it is unreasonable (sometimes when I talk to people it seems like they wouldn't want children unless living an upper-middle class lifestyle), but housing really is fricked for younger generations and the job market is too, with AI playing a bigger factor we will see how it impacts white-collar jobs, not necessarly SWE, but things like accounting, non-high finance, marketing or just general non-specialized excel/word/pp jokey jobs.

I'm really worried we will see another industrial revolution where wages stagnated for a century, but this time with a fricked housing market, because boomers and +40 year old people will be holding onto those houses for another 2 generations. Sort of what SK and Japan speedran.

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sometimes when I talk to people it seems like they wouldn't want children unless living an upper-middle class lifestyle

I think this is largely true, and largely because there's an unwritten social expectation these days that parents will spend a metric FRICKTON on daycare/childcare/etc. Letting kids play outside is... LE DANGEROUS and and if you're not giving your kids the absolute best (as in paying private school tuition for daycare) you don't really care about them

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Letting kids play outside in poor neighborhoods IS dangerous you deranged contrarian peepee pepper, and not sending your kids to private schools will increase the chances that your grandchildren will be poor too. Those are valid concerns

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I'm talking about dropping $20 grand a year so that your kid can go to Professor McPretentious' Development Center for Super Extra Gifted Children (Ages 0-4) instead of something run by a church that's practically free, not sending them to private schools once they're actually school-aged

Are you agreeing that the reason people aren't having kids is because they're expected to spend money on them that they don't have?

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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The issue is that when faced with a $100k lifestyle or kids, people choose the $100k lifestyle. People prefer money and optionality, with the justification that they can always (date/marry/have kids) later

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Meanwhile, while you were writing this post:

:#marseyblackgenocide: :#marseypenny: :marseyblack: :marseyetika: :marseymarfan: :marseyastronautblack:

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>polls show X Y

Schizo sees his own name everywhere :marseyrofl:

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Um no the one I like is the truth clearly

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Trust the science chud.

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There :marseycheerup: is a Library of Babel of polls asking every conceivable question :marseyconfused2: and answering every possible way.

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Well duh. Thinking some crazy broads on a Reddit sub is the popular opinion is the true moid L. You guys need a study for this?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Women just don't know how to act anymore


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!biofoids, is this true? Do you yearn to broodmaxx?


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I want to have my fiancé's babies, yes. Just waiting for the wedding day and then it's on.

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Start tracking your ovulation cycle now, you only have a 24-48 hour window to trap his sperm.

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Lol the biofoids here are either lesbian or their eggs are long expired

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too many men who want to be children rather than have them :marseywomanmoment2:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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what do you mean clean? I play Vidya from5pm-11pm and then go to my 50k/year job to earn 👏 a 👏 living 👏 which means you should have to clean

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Tbh, not really. I always assumed my hormones would kick in and make me want kids, but so far nothing. :marseyshrug:

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Maybe you should transition?

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Either way, I need more hormones :marseyagree:

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I refuse to find a source, but it's been reported most women have fewer children than they desire

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One report was by income and >90% of all families thought they had just the right amount of kids or too few. Going to just the top quartile of incomes, it was roughly 100%. The split between too many and just enough was about 50/50, but this looked at families. It's known women want kids more than men so your claim without a source makes sense.

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Men want kids, well at least one son to carry on the family name.

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Polls about what people desire are useless, people just say what makes them sound good

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This but unironically, if anyone reading this is bored Google "stated and revealed preferences"

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How come I've never heard of this? :marseyquestion:

I could solve this problem singlehandedly, just give me enough time

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if ur not rich youll prolly end up with a wagie as a child when they grow up n who wants that :marseyindignant:

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Wow 92% is way higher than id expect

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People who say they want children but can't because of KKKapitalism don't really want children. It's a dead giveaway that they're just fantasizing, since poor people the world over have more children than rich people.

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There's actually a name for this, it's called revealed preferences

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Lowkey the issue with the dating market right now is that most women are undatable (or at least un-marry-able)

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And most men are marry-able?

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Men have never been marry-able. That is an issue with dating at large

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:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

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>92% of Gen Z women want kids

>Gen Z


This is like the least capable and self-sufficient demographic in the history of mankind. They can't even take care of themselves, what makes anyone think they have the discipline and comittment required to raise a child? :marseyxd:

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Wanting 4+ too. Big lol.

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yeah I'd like 4 as long as the nanny does all the rearing

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Yes this is me the famous pooner DestoryerCarbine. How can I help?

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Involuntary DINK

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They're DILDOs now: dual income, little dog owner

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It's over for infertilecels :marseyitsnuts:

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Infertilecels can adopt

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>More women want 4+ kids than none at all

Seriously don't have 4 kids. Some people just keep having kids until they have one more than they can handle / properly raise, and some keep going after that.

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Inchilds who feel entitled to decent child-rearing life circumstances need to educate themselves. Society does not owe you good child-raising conditions, chudettes.

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