Or more recently, the “incident” that made me want to write this post happened Last Thursday. My husband and I often watch a movie together on Sunday nights after our daughter goes to bed. But sometimes we change it up to do movie on Friday or Saturday, or skip it once in a while if one of us has something else they need to do.
So he asks me “are we still gonna watch a movie this weekend?” I tell him I don't know (because it's late in the evening, end of the week, and I'm just tired. I wanted to just see what happens and what we feel like). He says “well what day do you want to watch a movie?” Again, I tell him I don't know. He asks me another question “what movie do you want to watch?” (Which is actually a double question of what movie I want to watch and what to have for dinner because we usually make a dinner themed with the movie).
So I snap at him that I don't know, I just want to wait and see what I feel like this weekend, and I'm tired of making all the darn plans. He says “what? Are you kidding me? You are the queen of needing a plan for everything.” So I just said “ok descisions then, I'm tired of making decisions.” He just said “whatever” and that was the end of it (for now).
Do any other women relate? I don't even know exactly what I'm trying to describe. I just hate how even the best of men all seem to be like this.
it's so hard to be a woman why are moids like this
My ex would casually state that x or y needed to be done and expect that I would do it. Finally one day I said "feel free to do it yourself' and he lost his mind.
I can't wrap my head around the entitlement most men have when they have a female partner.
imagine asking your partner to do something. the entitlement of moids truly knows no bounds
For our son's 2nd birthday party I decided to not do anything and see what happened. Nothing happened. People came and there was no food and no plan. I let him scramble and play host. I stayed in the kitchen and pretended to prepare food. When I told my therapist she said, “don't you think you set him up to fail?” No? Because I did what he would have done. Why is it okay if not expected that he does nothing, but if I do nothing, I'm just a sneaky sneaky b-word? I can't imagine what a wonderful world men must live in where the only expectation of them is to just show up.
117 upmarseys btw
Years ago, my STBX and I went on vacation. I made it very clear that I would not be planning any of our excursions. Multiple times. On arrival at our hotel, from the shower, he yells, "So, what's our plan for today?" That was not the only vacation that started with an argument.
so, what do you want to do?
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