Or more recently, the “incident” that made me want to write this post happened Last Thursday. My husband and I often watch a movie together on Sunday nights after our daughter goes to bed. But sometimes we change it up to do movie on Friday or Saturday, or skip it once in a while if one of us has something else they need to do.
So he asks me “are we still gonna watch a movie this weekend?” I tell him I don't know (because it's late in the evening, end of the week, and I'm just tired. I wanted to just see what happens and what we feel like). He says “well what day do you want to watch a movie?” Again, I tell him I don't know. He asks me another question “what movie do you want to watch?” (Which is actually a double question of what movie I want to watch and what to have for dinner because we usually make a dinner themed with the movie).
So I snap at him that I don't know, I just want to wait and see what I feel like this weekend, and I'm tired of making all the darn plans. He says “what? Are you kidding me? You are the queen of needing a plan for everything.” So I just said “ok descisions then, I'm tired of making decisions.” He just said “whatever” and that was the end of it (for now).
Do any other women relate? I don't even know exactly what I'm trying to describe. I just hate how even the best of men all seem to be like this.
it's so hard to be a woman why are moids like this
My ex would casually state that x or y needed to be done and expect that I would do it. Finally one day I said "feel free to do it yourself' and he lost his mind.
I can't wrap my head around the entitlement most men have when they have a female partner.
imagine asking your partner to do something. the entitlement of moids truly knows no bounds
For our son's 2nd birthday party I decided to not do anything and see what happened. Nothing happened. People came and there was no food and no plan. I let him scramble and play host. I stayed in the kitchen and pretended to prepare food. When I told my therapist she said, “don't you think you set him up to fail?” No? Because I did what he would have done. Why is it okay if not expected that he does nothing, but if I do nothing, I'm just a sneaky sneaky b-word? I can't imagine what a wonderful world men must live in where the only expectation of them is to just show up.
117 upmarseys btw
Years ago, my STBX and I went on vacation. I made it very clear that I would not be planning any of our excursions. Multiple times. On arrival at our hotel, from the shower, he yells, "So, what's our plan for today?" That was not the only vacation that started with an argument.
so, what do you want to do?
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women stop being indecisive very quickly after they learn that as soon as they say they don't know or don't care or want you to pick that you really will pick
oh you don't know what you want to watch? perfect ive been meaning to watch the turin horse again
cue three hours of the finest potato eating you've ever seen
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if any of you morons have a daughter dont put up with picky eating, thats where they learn this shit. "oh dad will make me something else if i say i dont want something"
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I made my gf watch National Treasure (actually good and I'll die on that hill) a few months ago and now I never have to pick the movie myself again
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I made my foid watch Bullet Train.
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Snowpiercer should be next on the list
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Good date movie
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I went with La Bete
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Even my mother loved Bullet Train. The women I know who saw it enjoyed it far more than their husbands.
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That movie is great and I'd be a little suspicious of anyone who doesn't think so
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I think she liked the general plot but isn't American and doesn't want to ask questions so is also just kind of confused
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Make her watch the american dad parody episode about the history of peanut butter or whatever the frick if you want her to get really confused
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Nick Cage's 637th worst movie is still the greatest movie ever made
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Raising arizona is the greatest nicholas cage film ever made followed by Mandy
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Ok babe, can we watch Triumph of the Will instead?
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I made my first girlfriend watch Koyaanisqatsi when I was just getting to know her, and it was actually a very romantic evening.
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That's a power move lmao
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Pretty obvious she said she would do stuff for the party and that's why the therapist responded that way.
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The obvious point here being that people showed up to the party. Meaning that she initiated the planning and invited everyone.
That's obviously not "what he would have done", if he invited people he would have clearly understood his role in the planning.
If she wanted to prove her point she should have not planned a party at all. Not sent out invitations and then "stayed in the kitchen and pretended to prepare food." because that's not lazy that's directly and obviously malicious to both your husband and child.
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How was the husband supposed to understand that he was supposed to do everything if she pretended to do it lol
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If you can't read her mind you don't deserve her
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it sounds like she planned half a party and then forgot to do more and is now trying to pin it on the husband
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It sounds like she chews him the frick out every time something isn't the way she wants it so he just gave up and let's her plan it. Guarantee this guy has just given up trying to make her happy
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I think it's more she planned the party to happen, then got angry at her husband and decided to 'teach him a lesson' by not doing anything after the invitations were sent out. No forgetting, entirely malicious and using her 2 year old as a pawn.
Also, notice she didn't go and socialise with the other parents or spend time with her kid, she martyred herself in the kitchen pretending to help while doing nothing. She sounds like a joy.
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I'm literally trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here as much as I can, if she actually did this she's a complete POS
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Considering what she said to her therapist and that she stopped seeing them, I'm not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt.
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She didn't mention that she has a job in the post which she would have done if she had a job sooooooooooo
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SAHMs are the laziest mfs. How can you have a washing machine, dishwasher and vacuum and complain about any aspect of homemaking? Your nan did that shit by hand every day.
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Where does it say that? BIPOC
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She literally lied about doing the cooking which is the most important part lol
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Imagine being this smug about ruining your 2-year old child's birthday party to try to make some kind of point to your husband. I guarantee he has no idea what's going on apart from her being a total b-word.
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You gotta start talking about something instead of assuming, r-slur
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even her therapist said she was in the wrong and she STILL thinks shes in the right. Jesus, no wonder therapy is such a meme, its literally just affirmation that they pay for, no money in actually telling someone "maybe this is your fault"
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Kill urself homo regard
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time to switch therapists!
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Moids are allergic to taking responsibility for their own actions
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r-slur hands typed that post
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so true bestie
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Ok incel
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A two-year old's party is for the parents anyway. Who gives a shit.
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I swear to god being a therapist for women would be the easiest fricking job on the planet. Just sit there, listen to them complain about things that happened over the last week, take their side on everything, and collect your $150.
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Mild push back on being a selfish b-word on your kids birthday gets you fired
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You have to agree with them no matter what so they can use it as leverage against other people, what do you think they are paying for?
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then dont push back lol just applaud her actions, collect the check and move on to the next patient. if someone actually wants help then itll be really apparent
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looks like that one didnt get the memo
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You'd deserve the hazard pay though, it would drive you to an early grave.
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I would quit within three sessions
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You couldn't pay me enough to listen to women.
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idk, sounds like a lot of emotional labor and I literally can't even with these hoes
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one more from the comments !!
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Its just weird that every society and culture just all came to conclusion that women are children and should be locked up in the homes independently of each other across the millennia.
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In some countries in medieval Europe the dowry was the wife's personal money when she got married
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Africans still do it
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They know women are a burden
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R-slur alert
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Did Koreans lock up women or something? Only people I've ever heard claim women were "locked" up were historically illiterate feminist freshmen who got their history from SNL skits and legit thought all women in history (after wholesome paleo matriarchy was upsurped) could be burned for witchcraft at ANY TIME when that was mostly a specific time period and it's overhyped
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I dunno about locked up, but they sure did get smacked for giving people cold rice.
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They also thought disease was because there were ghosts in your blood. I think we shouldn't pay heed to r-slurred BIPOCs and almost all of history is populated by r-slurred BIPOCs
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Your bait is so low effort at least go with circumcision or something
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Is it really low effort to think the enlightened aristocrats who ate lead for their tummy aches are as stupid as the BIPOCs that eat lead paint chips
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Ancient heads were right about circumcision too men should be cut
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I owe everyone in this thread an apology.
@wigger especially
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It's anti-dramatic but I like seeing an apology online. It's like spotting a white rhino.
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Downmarseyd for admitting you were wrong. commit to it, kitty
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Sorry daddy. Can I have coins
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too busy playing victim to give a frick about her own son
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She wouldn't have done this to her daughter
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Women don't want you to make a plan they want you to suggest something you want to do so they can tell you what a bad idea that is and that you should do what they want instead
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I dated a professor who told me straight up that just agreeing to everything I suggested would make her too accessible and ruin our relationship
I thought she was being a b-word but I did later date a woman who would just go along with whatever I wanted.. movies, restaurants, concerts, trips. It was actually worse somehow.
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I mean it's worse because if they aren't genuinely interested you pick up on it.
Same in vice versa. So someone's you've gotta mix it up
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"What do you want to do?"
"Whatever you want to do."
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I guarantee in the first scenario if he watched a movie without her she would flip her shit. Dude is in a no win scenario.
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protip: arguing with a normal woman thats pissy is gonna go no where, doubly so for a twoXer. dude shouldve just stopped after the first surly response and done whatever, at least then he can say "Idk you seemed really fricking mad when i asked the first time so i figured id just give you space". ive said that to a couple GFs in the past and it just sucks the fight right out of them.
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That's good. I had to tell my brother that if he asked to do something and his girlfriend said it was fine, and if he sensed a tone and asked again, even suggested he didn't go, and she still said it was fine, then he should do it, guilt-free. If someone says something and doubles down on it, take them at their word.
That can still be twisted against you though, but saying you were giving them space is you 'being considerate'. Much more effective than using their own words against them.
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Or you can just not date childish ladygardens
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TFW I will never find an actual foid who will sit down and watch the entire Lord of the Rings Extended Edition in one go and stay awake.
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my mom does this once a year, i love her so much lol she must have seen them all 15x by now
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Only Fellowship extended is good, the other two have shit pacing
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Cause they suck
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There's probably hundreds of thousands
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Yeah, I know a few. All partnered up, but delighted to do it.
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Shut the frick up r-slur, that is a failure of negotiation on his part. And he wasn't asking, hence bitching out when she indicated she wasn't interested in doing it.
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what a joy it must be to be married to a redditor
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archive.ph (click to archive)
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