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If you are offended by your wife putting together a “go bag” to escape from her abuser because reddit told her all women should have one, you ARE the butthole :soysnooseethe:




If you're really not an abuser then why do you have a problem with her putting together an abuser escape bag hmm sweaty


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It takes most victims 7 tries to leave. Escaping abuse is incredibly hard.

jfc this is like "it takes most people 7 diet attempts before it takes. dieting is incredibly hard."

Unless you're fricking chained up or something, just leave when he's not around. You'll get a several-hour head start.

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The standard for abuse is so low now that even being mean sometimes is considered abusive. And this isn't to denigrate women who do get hit but like, your man knocks you around a few times, he's not going to fricking chain you up or kill you if you try to leave, he's just a piece of shit with anger issues not a maniac who wants to spend life in prison. You can literally leave when he's right there if you want. Nothing is going to happen.


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Unfortunately 90% of female knowledge comes from watching true crime, so they assume the extremes like homicide and school shootings are the norm.

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True crime did to foids' brains what our parents believed video game would do to ours :marseysociety2:

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True crime is to bio foids what weebshit is to scrotes.

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:marseynerd3: :marseyhmm: :marseyagree:

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Also their porn lmao, have you ever read erotica? Half of it is about being kidnapped, tied up and physically abused/r*ped except its by a hot billionaire so it's sexy.

The obsession with the idea that they'll be trapped and abused/r*ped is just foid pornsickness.

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tbh I can see the logic of not wanting to do it with him around. Like assuming the woman doesn't regularly exercise and the man isn't a literal blob, he can 100% hurt/kill her if he wants to. He overwhelmingly likely won't because there are consequences but he has that power.

But he's going to leave the house at some point. He'll go to work, visit a friend, go to the store, go to a bar, SOMETHING. You can just leave then and there's a literal 0% chance he'll kill you in the act because he's literally not fricking present.

I do agree that the particular stat there is largely a result of dramatically broadening the definition of "abuse" and is almost certainly self-reported ie. full of shit. Just like the "1/4 of all women in college are r*ped" stat people toss around.

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Oh absolutely, ghosting is the right thing to do in that situation just out of sheer pragmatism and you're obviously better safe than sorry. But it's not like you need this secret bag and to slip away only when he's going to be out of the house for 8 hours or you'll LITERALLY DIE like all these true crime r-slurs are convinced will happen.

Any remotely sane household dynamic - which is virtually all of them, physically abusive or otherwise - is going to have you able to leave the house for a real or imagined reason at any time anyway. "I'm gonna go pick up some milk" or whatever it is perfectly expected and if all you need to :quote:escape:quote: is a grand and some tampons, you probably have that in your purse anyway? Which you take everywhere??


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You can just leave then and there's a literal 0% chance he'll kill you in the act because he's literally not fricking present.

>not putting a tracking device on your foid so when she leaves the house without your approval, the shotgun booby-trap at the front door blasts her head apart

Beta cuck

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Nobody reads up on the actual laws, the court system and what a rabbit hole it is. Telling your wife "No, we can't afford to go to Europe this year, stop trying to waste our money, we're saving for a house" constitutes as domestic abuse because it's "financial abuse". Pretty much any argument over money can be construed that way.

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>moids :#marseyreapcrying:ing what they :#marseysow:ed (19th Amendment)


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there are people in the thread calling the fake man in the story abusive because he wants to leave his fake wife lol

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he's just a piece of shit with anger issues

A woman needs to know when to shut up :marseyshy3:

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You forget the fact that redditors have systematically cut all their family out of their lives because they said something mean 10 years ago and all of their friendships are purely online so they have legitimately nowhere to go. Makes sense if you take that into consideration

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Why would you need to worry about having to leave if you have nothing to lose?

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>Leaving then electivly coming back 6 times

>It took 7 attempts to leave him


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They don't get caught or anything. They just start to feel bad and go back to him. :#marseywomanmoment2:

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Unironically this:

Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Are Abusive Relationships Real Hahahaha B-word Just Walk Away Like B-word Put One Foot in Front of Another Haha

It's not women's fault they're more in love with men who beat them :!marseyindignantwoman:

Paleofoid and trans lives matter.

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Also that's a fake unsourced statistic that propagates through one feminist article to another like herpes.

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found the incel

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incredibly naive response

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It's just r-slurred. From another comment:

TBH from someone who was out of the blue, suddenly strangled, kicked out of my home in winter in my underwear and had my phone, tablet, and pushbike entirely detroyed, and not allowed access to my own home.....i will always have a grab bag now.

But if that actually happened... is he really gonna be like "oh yeah you can take this go bag with you tho take care!" Like if he didn't give her the chance to put clothes on and destroyed her phone so we couldn't call anyone, why the frick would he let her take a bag with her?

It makes no fricking sense.

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>out of the blue

She was cheating and he checked her phone while she was in the shower. Explains everything, but she won't tell you that part

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She was fricking someone and he walked in on it before the panties came off lol

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The insidious nature of abusers means that they'll manipulate you to want to stay with them. She doesn't have a choice anymore once he's in her head. Women need to be educated early on this if you want them to even stand a chance

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The bag or lack thereof has nothing at all to do with it. It's "incredibly hard" because women stay with people who abuse them for reasons I just don't understand. I can only attribute it to some irreconciliable psychological difference between the sexes that as a male I am fundamentally incapable of truly grasping.

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and pushbike

Did this happen when they were 8?

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Do women ever actually age more than that?

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If they're actually being abused, they care pretty much not at all as long as they get social victim points. Truly the meme gender

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